Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Or male flowers dropping pollen


It’s 96 degrees here right now. And I mean right now, at 10pm. When a breeze blows, it’s hot wind, hotter than if no breeze had blown at all, which is pretty bizarre. Forecasts vary, but it’s supposed to be between 108 and 117 in Woodland Hills (it was 117 there today), which is the area we’ve been delivering to the last couple weeks. It’s typically about twenty degrees hotter in the back of the van than it is outside and that’s where I spend a good chunk of my time, so… What? 135 degrees in there?

I’m legitimately worried about my health tomorrow. Even when it’s only like 94, I’m drenched in sweat after two or three deliveries. The first piss I take when I get home is always fucking brown because I’m so dehydrated, even though I pound water all day. I don’t even know what delivering in 117 degree weather’s gonna be like.

All of this is just to say that if y’all don’t hear from me again, it’s because I died from heat stroke or dehydration or something. I’m not even joking. I’m legit fucking scared to go to work tomorrow.


How is doing Franco’s strain?


There’s a whole grow report and smoke reports here on this very thread. I realize that English isn’t your first language (or I hope it’s not, anyway), but yeah, all the info you need is right here.

Just scroll through until you start seeing pictures and read those posts. You can ignore pretty much everything else.


Never mind. I just sent them an “I quit” text. I was sitting outside in shorts and flip-flops, no shirt, under the pergola (so, you know, in shade), sweating my balls off at 10am even though I wasn’t even moving and was thinking,”Fuck this. I’m not gonna risk dying for fucking Amazon…” I still got up and shaved (totally unnecessary for that job, but I do it for some reason), put on my work gear and just realized,”No. I’m not doing this.”

So we’re all good now! haha. I’m actually a little stressed; it was nice having some sort of income (even IF it was only five-hundred bucks a week), but yeah, man, fuck that. I’m not going out there to wonder if I might die today in service of Jeff Bezos. Or anybody else, either.

Let’s go swimming! haha…


Ever thought about a kilt? Not sure I’ll ever wear pants/shorts in the summer again if I can help it.
The Scott’s were onto something there :joy:

Cheers to not dying from heatstroke tho! Swimming sounds real nice instead!


It would have to be an Amazon-branded kilt and I don’t think they make those haha.

Seriously, though, they’re very, very adamant about, like,”No hats other than Amazon hats. No shorts besides Amazon-branded shorts. Nothing but Amazon gear.” I would totally wear an Amazon kilt, though haha. Anything to lower the temps even just a degree or two…

I know I’m gonna regret this in a couple days, but I’m reeeeeallllyyyy glad I just quit. It was a totally fucking miserable job, even when temps were in the mid-80’s. It made my least-favorite jobs look like fucking Dream Jobs, straight-up thinking,”I wonder if La Scala or Katsuya is hiring again…” haha.

Plus, like, I’d come home and log on to OG and see people’s posts who I really like. I wanted to comment on them, I wanted to continue these conversations, but instead I was just like,”Fuck it. I don’t even have the energy to post on OG.”

I’m thinking about writing an article about what it’s like to work for Amazon (or an Amazon Delivery Service Partner, not even officially Amazon) and submitting it to certain publications. I dunno.

I gotta do something now, right? Haha…


Totally. I’m glad they split them into two albums instead of a double album or something (or never released them…) , they’re two sides of the same coin. I listened to them both last weekend. Every time I listen to Kid A I think “why do I not listen to this album more?”. It’s so good.

Hey good news… Haha let’s see how the Mountain Temple #1 smokes after a day at the pool! As much as job hunting sucks, working at a miserable job is way shittier. Good luck on the next one.

Good to know! I have Strawberry Temple and I already had it penciled in for next Spring. I’ll remember that if I get any second thoughts 6 months from now haha.


Yeah, I actually am curious about that, too. Or, I mean, not after a day spent in my pool, but just how it smokes when I’m not totally exhausted and dirty from work and dreading going back again the next day. That job really fucked with my head. I’ve had crappy jobs before, but there was always at least one thing I could point to and say,”Hey, at least the money’s good,” or,””At least I like the people I work with,” or,”At least I’m done at three and have the whole rest of the day to do the stuff I actually wanna do.”

There was literally not one positive thing I could latch on to with that job.

But yeah, I’m curious to start getting back into that #1 Mountain Temple haha, glad I haven’t written that smoke report yet.

Oh, that should be cool. Temple female instead of the Temple male… Tag me if you log it.


You sure you’re not delivering in Antelope Valley? Sounds like you delivering in Lancaster.

You reach a point where water doesn’t work due to salt lose. I pack Pedialyte or those LMNT packs ($20 variety packs to try out) into water bottles when from July to end of August since its typically the hottest months with 90F+ with 90% humidity.

If you’re constantly sweating, you need salt to retain the water otherwise you just feel like shit. (probably something you already know)


Haha, yeah, I’m sure.

My best friend lives in Lancaster, just talked to her yesterday. Oddly, it’s actually been cooler there the past few days than it has been here. And by “cooler,” I mean it’s only like 105 there, as opposed to 118 where we were delivering.

Every time I walked outside yesterday, I was like,”Hollllyyyyy SHIT…” It was just suffocating heat. I couldn’t breathe. I know some people worked in that shit yesterday, but I was just not willing to do it.

Occasionally when I would be dragging two-hundred pounds of bullshit up three flights of stairs in an un-air-conditioned apartment building I’d think,”If this is how I die, I’m gonna be fucking PISSED. I am NOT going to die alone on the stairs of some shithole apartment building in Canoga Park wearing an Amazon uniform.” You know what I mean? There were people who worked there who were twenty years younger than me who would look over when we were getting our trucks and say,”This was supposed to be a temporary job, man! This job is gonna fucking kill me!”

Yeah, that was kind of part of the issue. Usually I’d make a big-ass thing of pasta salad the night before my first shift of the week, salt the fuck out of it and eat that every day for my lunch break. For whatever reason, though, I quit doing that the last two weeks. I didn’t eat anything at all. I’d just sit there and smoke during my thirty-minute unpaid lunch break and wonder,”What the fuck am I doing here? Where the fuck did it all go wrong?” haha.

Doesn’t matter anyway. I quit. I’ll probably be doing the same job again in a couple weeks haha, but for now… You know…


I hear that, no loyalty in any job anymore. No sense of killing yourself for a job they have zero retention due to all those factors. Turn em and burn em type mentality, If you lasted for a long period of time. They were usually a shell of what they once were. (fedx experience)

I weed whacked dog shit on myself yesterday, a big fucking chunk of shit on my neck, face. Luckly I was wearing sunglasses. I was livid, having the same thoughts. Pretty shitty day .

At least you were poolside yesterday and hopefully mentally and physically recharging. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Right. Exactly. It’s pretty fucked-up.

For real. One of the guys I did a ride-along when I did my two days of training was 56 and he had a pretty good attitude. And I thought,”Well, this guy’s older than me; he can do it and he seems pretty happy, so…” But then they changed our routes and the delivery area. A week after that happened, he looked all grey and ashen and sallow and sunken.

I haven’t seen him since haha…

Do you make decent money at least? Your backyard looks pretty sweet haha.

I’m totally willing to do shitty (no pun intended) jobs if I make decent money, but when I’m out there wondering if I’m gonna die on the stairs of some gawdawful apartment building and all I’m making is five-hundred bucks a week? Yeah, no.

I was not. It was too hot, dude! I’m not kidding, you couldn’t even breathe out there. I really, truly do not know how anybody where I worked did their job yesterday.

If they’re still alive, I commend them haha…


We are creatures of habit. Hope that dude fell on his feet somewhere else.

Eh not really, I probably will move onto something else next year if this winter sucks again.

Imagine the Roofers, Asphalt layers, and solar roofing crews out there in that. I couldnt imagine doing that in that heat your describing.


I couldn’t imagine it, either. I mean, I did imagine it every single time I went outside to smoke a cigarette and all I could think was,”Yes. I made the correct decision.”

It’s a young man’s game… haha.

Just one other thing that I forgot to expound on about this (because I know my thoughts are so fucking fascinating haha), but it’s not a “mentality.” It’s the business model. Hire people, work them to death and then hire more. This is late-stage capitalism. This is Capitalism in general. That’s how it works. And it doesn’t fucking work.


We are back having lords and serfs. New names, Same tricks.
30-50 Lords vs 310 million serfs.

Its called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!


How much do you think George Carlin got paid for that performance? Haha…

Just kidding. I love him. Artists should get paid, just because they actually enrich our lives. Still, though… He’s preaching to the choir. The people who need to hear that shit never heard it. And the ones in charge don’t give a shit, anyway.


“One of the major mistakes people make is that they think manners are only the expression of happy ideas. There’s a whole range of behavior that can be expressed in a mannerly way. That’s what civilization is all about — doing it in a mannerly and not an antagonistic way. One of the places we went wrong was the naturalistic, Rousseauean movement of the Sixties in which people said, ”Why can’t you just say what’s on your mind?” In civilization there have to be some restraints. If we followed every impulse, we’d be killing one another.”
― Judith Martin

Just figured I’d post this here for no particular reason whatsoever. And also because Brett Easton Ellis thought this was a good thing to quote at the beginning of American Psycho.


I don’t even know what these things are supposed to be:

I have no idea why these plants are growing the way they are. I mean, really, what the fuck is this?

Or this:

The faded leaves aren’t what’s bothering me, that’s normal for around thirty days in those little pots. What does bother me is that there’s just, like, a mass of leaves all clumped together at the end of a meristem on some of these plants. The Mullum/Oaxacan x Dream Lotus seem to be the ones where that’s most prevalent, but others are growing that way, too.

And then there’s this:

And this:

And this:

Etc etc etc… I should be getting ready to fucking transplant into the half-gallons and instead I’m just dealing with a bunch of shit plants that I don’t even know what to do with. My concern is that it’s my soil mix. Nothing really looks all that great. Even the most vigorous one is doing this:

Corkscrew meristem, anybody ever seen that before? I haven’t.

Anyway, yeah, my enthusiasm for growing is at an all-time low right now. I’m thinking and hoping that once I get them into bigger pots, maybe they’ll start to look normal and do something. At the same time, though, I’m sitting here wondering if I even wanna put in the effort.


To quote a famous doctor, Watson, “no shit Sherlock.” Looks like my old days in mud, and why I went to salts. I know you’re not going to do that, and I love to see if I can fix stuff, so I’d wash as much off as I could, and repot in something new and simple, in maybe full solos. Feed with some mild teas. They all look as if they’d like to live. Might take a little while, but could be satisfying given the genetics :slight_smile:
Anyway, good luck.