Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

That’s not a real Haze! That’s not a real Haze!

Just fucking with you haha. I do remember one time I mentioned how NL5Haze had never affected me the way I’d read it affecting other people, with the “teeth gnashing” and the sorta “tweaker” high. It always made me feel pretty laid-back. Still very high, but it never made me feel tense or rushy or anything. And you agreed with me haha.

Anyway, yeah, I’m not going into this grow with any preconceived notions, but I wouldn’t mind it at all if those Franco’s Lemon Cheese hybrids turned out like the NL5Hazes that I’ve blazed in the past. I always found that Super Lemon Haze to smoke a little heavier than I was hoping for, so hopefully there won’t be too much influence from that portion of the hybrid haha. It doesn’t look like there will be, just judging from the plant/flower structure.


Lol yeah not that one. She still had a decent amount of the skunk and cheese coming through despite the big haze frame, but it’s in that area. The real haze plant I got out of the few I ran back then was the really dreadlock/foxtail plant that was half the size of the big one.

She was the most NLD of the bunch.


I just got done watering and the two tall FLC etc crosses are STINKY already. I thought it was coming from the Wat Phos when I opened the tent, just because it’s a very overly-ripe/rotting tropical fruit smell, reminds me a lot of the way Bodhi’s Apollo 11 f4’s smelled, actually, minus the “Cheetos” part that the A11’s had going on (which is weird, since there’s a little bit of Cheese in your cross haha). But yeah, man, they don’t even smell like weed haha, although they do smell very, very intriguing and very loud, too.

The one remaining Triple Goddess smells very good, too, got that sorta “burnt rubber/hot asphalt” thing happening, along with some other stuff. Didn’t see any nanners on her today, so I’m crossing my fingers and hoping she’ll pull through okay.

Some of the flowers on some of the plants do look like they got pollinated, like I mentioned a few days ago, but I also think it’s very possible that the sorta withered pistils are the result of leaves rubbing up against them. It’s total chaos in the tent right now haha, getting difficult to get all the plants situated advantageously because of the major height differences between them. I put everything but the two tall FLC x NL5/SS on buckets this morning, but now those plants are too close to the lights haha, even though I raised them some.

I’m gonna raise the lights again in two days, next time I water, and hopefully that’ll be the end of it haha…


Flower day 29 for everything here.

The last remaining Triple Goddess, the #2 plant:

I’m still not seeing any more intersex shit going on, hopefully that’ll last. I’m also sitting here thinking,“Gawddamn, man, maybe I shouldn’t have gotten rid of those other two so quickly…” haha. I think I did the right thing, though; there were a LOT more sacs on the two that I got rid of than I ever saw on the #2 plant. And the combination of nanners and sacs I saw on the other two plants really weirded me out a lot, as well, haven’t seen any nanners on the #2.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #2 (the short possibly-Cheese leaner):

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #3:

It was really difficult for me to get any decent closeups of the tops, just because she’s totally towering above me when I set her on the table to water. I got a few closeups of the lowers, but they turned out shitty, so… Also, I tied her down a few days ago, y’all saw that in that pic I posted, but I tied her back up two days ago haha. So she’s tied both down and up.

It’s kind of weird, because her branches are actually really pliable, but when I wanted to do a tiny bit of “super-cropping” on her a few weeks back, at the same time I “super-cropped” the one Wat Pho, her stems felt very stiff and woody, to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable fucking with them at all. I guess the stretch made the stems easier to deal with, I dunno. Too late to do any pinching now, though, I think. I’m not gonna try, anyway.

Here’s the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4:

I really like that #4 plant. I mean, I love them all haha, but there’s something about her that’s just speaking to me. My eye is drawn to her whenever I open the tent. Unless she’s in the back where I can’t see her haha.

Here’s the Wat Pho #2:

And the Wat Pho #3:

So I was both right and wrong when I said the other day that I thought that super-tropical fruit smell was coming from the Cheese/Haze cross. Those do smell very, very “rotting tropical fruit-ish,” but the Wat Phos do, too. Or they do now, anyway, maybe they didn’t a couple days ago when I posted that, but yeah, the Wat Phos smell very, very good, albeit similar. I’m sure everything’ll change by the time all of these plants are dried and cured, though.

Whole tent shots:

Those are the two tall Cheese/Haze crosses in the front, not on buckets haha and the #3 Wat Pho plant on the bucket to the right of them. Not sure where the other plants are in the tent today.

And here are the four Banana Soap (Ethiopian Banana x A5Thai) seedlings at veg day 5 (today):

Three of the four were above soil within 36 hours, which is impressive. The other one took 60 hours, which is still real good. I haven’t numbered them yet, so we’ll never know which one it was that took longer :cry:… haha.


Those Cheese Haze loooong nugs are making me :joy:

Don’t second guess yourself in killing off those Triple Goddess’, you saved yourself a ton of headache!


They’re making me :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:
Both definitely catch my eye. Unsure if I like the #3 or #4 better from here :face_with_monocle:


This post reminds me I should attempt to mulch my pots and set up some sticky traps soon.

Your plants look good too…


Why are they making you cry-laugh? Haha. They make me stoked as fuck.

Oh yeah, dude, for sure. I’m not second-guessing myself at all. Those two plants looked like big-time trouble, glad they’re gone.

I love them both, but there’s just something about the #4 plant that’s really speaking to me. You can’t see it in the pics, but the flowers on her are kind of “glowing” haha. And it’s not because they’re super-frosty or anything, they’re just… They’re just… glowing haha. It’s like there’s a spotlight on her or something, no matter where she is in the tent. Very cool.

I actually saw two fungus gnats on two consecutive days (maybe it was the same fungus gnat haha) like six weeks ago, so I watered with the minimum dose of Gnatrol once and put a sticky trap in just a few of the pots, not even all of them, and I haven’t seen a gnat since. There’s none on the traps, none flying around, nothing. First time in a loooooooong time that that’s happened.

It’s kind of made me a little nervous, actually, like maybe my soil mix is so shitty that even the fungus gnats don’t wanna have anything to do with it haha.


tent looks great!

thanks for the reminder haha. I have to water some in soon too. And those sticky traps like mentioned above.

I agree with everyone, it’s better you culled your problems. Give more resources to the winners.


I mean, if you’re not seeing any gnats, I’d skip the Gnatrol. Like I said, the only reason I watered even once with it was because I saw one two days in a row, but I wonder now if the Gnatrol was even necessary.

Or maybe it wasn’t a fungus gnat at all… haha.


right on, will do. I got the traps on the way and that’s a good way to see how many there are.


Stoked to see the Ethiopian sounds great excited to try some of docs a5/Thai selections thinking I wanna do a longer flowering run as I’ve been drawn to that stuff more lately with velvet buzzsaw and franks little haze(franks little beauties x a5/Thai sometime this year


I’m definitely stoked on the nugs, too! If you ever see a cry-laugh emojis from me, it means “I’m stoned, I’m laughing at random stuff”…:joy:

Just found it comical how long those nugs are. You know how people describe spear-like nugs? You literally have actual spears :joy:


Is that the Frank’s Little Beauties x A5Thai? I saw that pack in my fridge when I was looking for the Banana Soap seeds and allllllmost changed my mind haha, but I’d talked so much about planting the Banana Soap that I figured I really kind of HAD to plant those next haha.

I do wanna grow one of those Frank’s crosses soon, though. I’ve got a couple packs of the SHADYNASTY (Frank’s x Chem) that I wanna plant, as well. Higherthought’s review of that one made it sound so good…

Which one’s that again? I remember seeing somebody’s pics of that on the Doc D thread a couple years ago, but I can’t remember the genetics right now. I do remember that they said they chopped on day 95, so that might be a good one to plant on your end since you’re looking for longer-flowering stuff haha.

Haha, okay.

Yeah, if they fill out like I think they’re gonna fill out… I dunno. That’ll be good haha. I like the way they look, too. Even if they don’t get all “fat” or whatever, I always like that look. One of Doc’s C. Gold x Dragon Energy grew the same way, with the big ol’ spears, really cool-looking flowers. And it turned out to be some of my favorite weed ever, so… Maybe “spears” are a good sign haha.

We’ll see. I think those two Cheese/Haze plants have at least 60 days to go. And I’m fine with that.


Yes that’s the one from what I’ve seen from Tahoe og x thunder gun express so far I think the thunder gun lines are some nice stuff im sure the flb lines will be just as nice.the Tahoe x tge is the most smelly in the tent and a week behind the others :rofl: but I’m guessing going to have a wide range of phenos with the franks little haze between 10-16 weeks

The velvet buzzsaw is Topdawg White haze(the white x o.haze)x a5/Thai
From what I’ve read there’s some of the line is shorter 80ish days shorter structure but doc said his favorite are in the 90-100 days about as long as I wanna run indoors if I find a nice 80-90 day pheno I’ll be stoked


Ah, okay, I thought that’s what it was. I have a pack of that one, too, but for some reason I just wrote “White Haze” on the side of the bag that those seeds are in.

So many seeds… So. Many. Fucking. Seeds haha. This is why I kind of like talking about what it is I’m gonna plant next, just because if I don’t, I’ll have an idea in my head and then totally switch it once I start looking through everything. There were like eighteen things I was tempted by when I was looking for those Banana Soap seeds; if I hadn’t talked about those, I’m certain I would’ve planted one of the other things instead haha.

Yeah, I like those pics you’ve been posting. I’m stoked for you.


I’d love to see that one too. I have it in the fridge and was thinking about popping it this spring, but I will probably end up going the CBH x A5/Thai bx.

I grew 3 of the Ethiopian flames out. good smoke. Im excited to see some of the differences in with a different male.


FWIW I just popped a half pack of Black Bobo x Franks Little Beauties that came as a freebie. Black Bobo is Black Triangle x Bandaid Haze F2. I suspect there may be some fun stuff hidden in those seeds.


Is that from Doc? That does sound interesting. There’s a little Black Triangle in the Frank’s, too, isn’t there?

I got a weird freebie from him with one of my last orders, Golden Tiger (ACE seeds thing, Malawi x Thai, which I’ve actually read a lot about) x a Black Triangle Remix male. I guess? Haha. That’s what it said on the pack, anyway. I really did not enjoy the straight Black Triangles I grew, but I may plant some of those seeds eventually. Maybe using the male will be a different thing than using a BT female.

Are you posting that grow? I’ll follow along if you are.

Also, :notes: it’s happeniiiiiiiiing:notes: @SmackyMcSmackers! Rams at Lions. Can’t wait! Haha.

And I was wrong about what I had there, Desert. I looked at my list last night and it’s the same White x Haze mom, but crossed to the Dragon Energy male, not the A5Thai. I guess Doc never named that one, which would explain why it says “White Haze” on the side of the bag I put them in haha. I got that one as a freebie, too, but I’ll plant some eventually, sounds intriguing to me.


Yep it’s from Doc. I checked back on my old Doc D emails and found it was a freebie with purchase of Shadynasty.

Edit: not sure if I’ll post the grow here because I’m lazy & forgetful. I’ll try to at least post some pics when they get interesting though. If I post a full grow journal it’ll probably be in a different space.

And yeah, FLB sorta has Black Triangle in it too, but it’s a grandparent on the Thunder Gun Express side which uses the Black Triangle remix. The remix used the “Deadly G” male rather than what most think of as Black Triangle.

Seriously. Should be a great game. Looking forward to seeing Stafford on his back with Hutchinson grinning down at him.