Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

You can post the pics here if you want, if you don’t feel like starting a whole thread. I just wanna get a look at those. All of those sorta “weird” (to me) crosses always sound interesting. They really upset my sense of order haha.

Two great offenses versus two run-of-the-mill defenses. 38-34, but I’m not sure who it’s gonna be that scores 38.

And I’m looking forward to seeing AD flatten Goff haha.


Thought you both would like this pic!


I have not seen those comparison stats at all yet, but that’s fucking crazy. The difference, though, is that Stafford can “make every throw,” whereas Goff is pretty limited. He can’t play out of structure, either, and Matt can. And neither of them can scramble haha, they’re slow as fuck.

That’s still a super-interesting stat comparison, though. In a bubble, it’d seem that they’re the same QB, but, uh… They’re not haha.


While that very well might happen, the Lions do have one of the best offensive lines in the NFL for both run and pass protection. Remember, they drew the primetime slot, where the Lions are undefeated over the last 2 seasons by any team not wearing black & white stripes. :grin:

Regardless who wins it looks like they’ll have a rematch next year during the regular season. IIRC that one will be in LA.

The Lions seem to be coming around on defense at the right time though, especially last week with CJGJ back in the rotation at safety. And being able to hold Dallas to 20 points at home was something no other team could do this year.


Even if he makes it right into the defender’s hands. :rofl:


The middle of y’all’s defense is vulnerable. I could see us just gashing that on run plays right up the gut and on pass plays over the middle.

I didn’t realize he was back, that’ll be a big boost for the secondary. Love that dude, as I do all former Gators haha.

That’s why I put “make every throw” in quotes haha. I’d still take Stafford over Goff, though.

In any event, I think it’ll be a great game, probably the best of the first-round. Honestly, this whole Rams season has been shocking. Started it with low expectations, then I was like,”Hmm…” and now I’m like,”Shit, we look really good, maybe we can win it all…” haha. I’m pretty sure, though, that it’s just another “get yer hopes up” LA team, like the Lakers last season and the Dodgers pretty much every fucking season haha!


You’re starting to sound like a Dallas fan…“It’s our year” every year…but get knocked out in the wild card round.

Meanwhile Detroit fans have been like “next year’s our year” since 1957–and it’s finally “next year”.

My prediction for this weekend includes the following:


So I spoke too soon, @syzygy and @Oozle, found like seven fungus gnats on the sticky traps in one of the pots this morning when I watered. That’s up from the one I saw on the trap two days ago, so we’re obviously on the verge of an infestation. I saw a few fly out of one of the pots that doesn’t have sticky traps in it this morning, too (added a couple traps to that pot after I saw those gnats).

I was planning on starting a compost tea tomorrow so I could give a few tablespoons to each of the Banana Soap seedlings on Sunday and get them “kick-started,” figured I’d just use the rest on the flowering plants. What do you guys think about adding Gnatrol to the tea? Like, after it’s brewed and right before I water with it. I don’t wanna add it to the tea when I start brewing, just because I don’t want an explosion of bacillus thuringiensus, kinda prefer to try and keep it well-balanced. But maybe adding the Gnatrol right before I water with the compost tea might be okay? Or should I just water with it completely separately, like two days after the compost tea?


I would add it at the end and not brew it too long with the gnatrol in it. Either way I don’t think it will cause any issues unless it brews too long and can cause a too low ph


Yeah, I’m definitely not gonna add it to the tea until after I’ve unplugged the air pump and am getting ready to water with it. But you think it’ll be okay to stir it into the tea after it’s brewed? Kind of a compost tea/Gnatrol combo?


absolutely. That’s the way I would do it.

I mentioned this to my friend who does a lot of teas/microbe brewing and he said it shouldn’t cause any problems adding it the tea after it’s brewed.

*Edit for clarity


Okay, then that’s what I’m gonna do. Let’s see what happens! Haha.


I think the earlier you start “treating” the better. I would also add to tea just before watering rather than attempting to brew it. I don’t know enough about BTi to know if it would actually “culture” in the tea, or if the endotoxic proteins would degrade or break down. Adding prior to watering sounds like a good course of action though.

I posted this in another thread and still think it’s pretty interesting & relatively DIY friendly :

I’d like to do it some day just to have a constant source of fresh entomopathogenic nematodes. Gnats are always an issue here. I already see some flying around in my tent as well.


Would prolly be fine to add to the tea right before your water the plants… I wouldn’t brew it though. I’ve left some gnatrol sitting in water for a few days and it turns funky… I don’t know if it actually goes bad, but I would assume if it’s smelling funky and gunky, then it’s not gonna work as intended.

Looks cool, not too hard to do. I don’t have a microscope, though, I’ve often thought of picking on up for things like this.


I don’t know, either, but that’s my concern. Anyway, yeah, I’ll just add it to the compost tea once it’s done brewing.

That seems like a lot of work, though haha. That Gnatrol is pretty dang effective, I think I’d rather just use that than “farm” nematodes. But that is pretty cool.

You did? Why? Haha.

In any event, I think just letting it sit in water for a few days would be different than putting some in a compost tea with the air pump and the water thrashing around and all that, but, like I said, fuck all that haha.


I think I used half of it, got high, and forgot about the rest, or something silly like that. Or, I may have been in the middle of using it, and was interrupted with “real” work and never got back to it… regardless, it wasn’t intentional. a couple days later, I found it had all gummed up and didn’t smell great… I mean, I still dumped it on the plants, haha! But I don’t know if it worked or not. I have started using Gnatrol during transplant and then following up a few days later with another dose and seems to keep the gnats to a minimum… the sticky traps handle the rest.


Every time I leave gnatrol in a watering can or jug it always ends up smelling really bad after a day or so as well. Sometimes mosquito dunk water can get like that also but nowhere near as fast, think it takes weeks or more with the dunks to get funky. Usually it’s a result of making more than I need and then leaving the gnatrol-water for next watering.


I mean, it smells pretty bad right off the bat haha, don’t really wanna think about how it’d smell after sitting in a bucket of water for a couple days. Anyway, I started brewing the compost tea this morning, I’ll add the Gnatrol to that right before I water with it tomorrow afternoon.


Good game, @SmackyMcSmackers. I really did think the Rams might go on a little run this postseason, but if somebody had to beat them, at least it was the Lions. Better them than, like, the fucking Cowboys or somebody haha…