Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

I don’t think it’s “negative”; it just “what happened” haha. Some of your plants hermed. That happened. What’re you supposed to do, not post that information because a few assholes are gonna get butt-hurt about it?

It seems to me that people have become so obsessed with “likes” and followers and shit that anything written about anything that isn’t just totally GLOWING is perceived as “negativity.” Which leads me to my next point:

It’s because they spend all of their time online, staring at their phones, bouncing between various grow sites and IG, plus “regular” social media, so they carry that energy with them from site to site. I noticed myself doing that, too, where I’d wake up in the morning and read political shit on Twitter, get irritated and then log on here and be a dick, which is why OG is the only social media thing I’m involved with at all anymore.

It’s not healthy. And the weed stuff is supposed to be my refuge haha, so I’m fine giving up all of the other shit and just talking weed with you guys all day instead haha, if it means I don’t start my day being pissed off about the bullshit I read everywhere else.


Yeah, I guess my point was that it’s been clear to me for a while a lot of people in the general threads aren’t here to share info and experiences. I post all my bad experience in my threads and anyone serious enough will find the info with a search. Occasionally I do in the general threads as well but it seems obvious to me a lot of people go there to feel good about the investment they made sitting in their “seed vaults”. It just feels like a waste of effort more than anything to me. If the topic comes up and appears to be in good faith I think it can be helpful to post that stuff.

I don’t really care either way at this point. I used to do a lot more digging when it came to the seeds I’m going to pop, but it doesn’t really matter though. I’m less likely to be swayed by anything I read at this point and pretty much have my mind made up as far as what I want to germinate. If I can’t decide I can just make a poll or something like that and take the thinking out of the equation. A few glowing or damning reviews aren’t going to hold much water though.

Ya, I’m with you on most of that for sure. I kind of liked how ICMag was before they brought in likes / thumbs up. Don’t think it serves much useful purpose here other than feedback that the post was actually read, not necessarily that the post was agreed with.

The positivity only cult-like echo chamber environment is nauseating to me about as much as perpetual negativity. Good thing there are user threads where we can get more into the details of the grows that look at the pros and the cons.


Haha, for sure. I have the seeds, they’re gonna get grown either way, no grow report is gonna convince me to not grow them. I do still tend to research the parent plants, though, before I pop the seeds, just to refresh my memory. But it was definitely a lot more “fun” when you could read a few finished grow reports and know that those seeds were still available a year later haha and you could buy them if you liked what the grower had to say.

That’s a good way to put it. I never know what it is exactly that rubs me the wrong way whenever I see that shit, but that’s it.

At the same time, though, I do kind of wanna know, like,”Is anybody reading this? Or even looking at the pictures? Am I just posting this stuff into the void?” haha. That’s not the only reason I moved from thcfarmer to OG (before the farm banned me haha), but it did get annoying being like,”Okayyyyy, I just posted a full-on grow report and only two people ‘liked’ it, so… What am I doing here?” haha. “Why am I writing 20,000 words about these plants if nobody’s gonna chime in?” haha!

I mean, most of y’all seem to know other growers in real life and shit; I don’t. I barely know anybody who even smokes weed at all and they certainly can’t discuss the finer points and differences between strains haha. This is my only outlet to talk about this thing that I love doing. If I did know other growers, I’d probably barely ever post shit online.

Or I dunno, maybe I would. I’m just glad to be here haha!


Ya that’s what I meant - it’s nice feedback in that sense. Other than people responding that’s the main way to know people are at least reading the nonsense we’re submitting.

I’ve known a handful of growers - some have stopped though. Currently only a couple and it’s certainly nothing in depth like what goes on here as far as genetics go. I gave my one friend who gifted me Sensi star and a few other cuttings when I started growing my Trip Sun A, but I labeled it : Triangle Kush x [bubbashine x appalachia] because I knew he was going to spread it around (and he did). It’s that topic we discussed in my other thread last year about renaming to obscure origin. To this date he calls it Triangle Kush and every-time I correct him the explanation goes over his head. I even mentioned that I’m going to be giving him an actual Triangle Kush cutting and it just goes in one ear and out the other.

So ya I feel like I’m in the same boat as well on that front.


I know a few growers personally but none of them really know or care about any of the particulars. No local weed-nerds here :joy: They’re just looking for decent herb. So this and the other place+discord are all I have to bounce ideas and theories off of.


I joined the OG discord and was disappointed to see it’s mostly inactive other than memes. Don’t think anyone even discusses Cannabis there from what I can tell.


Ah yeah, I’m on the OG discord but usually forget about it :sweat_smile:
I think most aren’t comfortable enough on there to do so :thinking: I have a personal one with some non-local grow friends but even that’s not too active these days. Headiegardens discord is fairly active tho


Looking forward to the next round of pictures.

The FLCx NL5H/SS #4 looks like something special.
Pho wat #3 has my eye too.

Unfamiliar with Doc D gear, I need to read up. I have a pack of Metal haze x Dragon Energy. I looked for anything similar but wasn’t lucky to find anyone that grew out this exact cross.


Why, though? Does that not seem really weird to you? It seems weird to me. I mean, like whoever that was that was asking about Double Diesel the other day on the Bodhi thread, I knew the genetics of it just because ONE time I bought a batch, in like 2010 and was curious and researched it, even though I wasn’t growing or anything.

I want to know… Why doesn’t everybody? Haha!

Don’t answer.

I’m taking them tomorrow, day 39. Ten-day intervals seem good to me, I don’t see any point in taking daily pics. I like the ten-day splits.

Probably won’t post them until tomorrow night or maybe Friday morning, though. I’ve gotta get my shit together haha and drive around trying to make that sweet, sweet Uber Eats money tomorrow. And then I have to donate plasma at 3 :joy::weary::joy::weary::joy::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary: haha.


Gawd, I love that song…

Flower day 39 (and yes, I see the withering pistils on most of these plants; no, I don’t think anything got seeded, pretty sure it’s just the normal thing when we get to week five/six-ish)(famous last words haha…).

Triple Goddess #2:

I really, really love the way she’s growing and am super-glad I couldn’t figure out how to sell seeds on strainly haha. Even if this particular plant doesn’t smoke all that great, I know there’s something good in this line, totally gonna plant some more of these seeds at some point, hermaphroditic tendencies be damned.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #2, flower day 39:

Everything’s starting to get that "glistening’ look, with the exception of that #2 Cheese/Haze, but that’s alright; I don’t put too, too much stock into “resin production” or whatever. I will say that she actually did smell pretty cheesy when I took her out of the tent to water this morning.

That’s exciting haha.

Also, I got a pretty decent amount of acceptable pics today, so, you know, just be prepared.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #3, flower day 39:

And the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4, flower day 39:

Both of the tall, stretchy FLC etc plants remind me soooooo much of my favorite C. Gold x Dragon Energy from Doc that I grew a couple years back, @HolyAngel, but especially that #4 plant. Smells-wise, colors-wise, flower formation-wise… Everything. I’m stoked.

Here’s the Wat Pho #2, flower day 39:

And the Wat Pho #3, flower day 39:

I like those two Wat Phos a lot, but I just don’t have much to say about them right now, other than I can’t wait for them to be done so I can smoke them.

Soooooo, yeah… Flower day 39 for those plants.

Whole tent shots:

Because of the big-time stretch on those two FLC x NL5Haze/SS plants, I’m kind of doing something a little different this round, just so I can keep everything organized. The two FLC etc plants are staying in the front left-hand side of the tent and just getting rotated 90 degrees every time I water and the other plants are kind of snaking around on the buckets, getting moved and rotated 90 degrees every-other-day.

I mean, I dunno… That seemed the best course of action, anyway.

And here are the four Banana Soap (Ethiopian Banana x A5Thai) seedlings, veg day 15:

Does anybody know if Bodhi named the Ethiopian Banana that because of how pale-yellow the seedlings are? Haha. Just kidding, but yeah, I dunno what’s going on with those. They’re very vigorous; every morning when I wake up they’re noticeably larger than the night before, but man… Something’s going on with them, I think. Or maybe not.

A few days ago, I watered and foliared them with some Neptune’s fish and kelp. I don’t remember when exactly I bought that, but luckily I had the foresight to write the date on the side of the bottle, which (according to what I wrote) said “02/23/2021.” I saw that and thought,“Fuck, that shit is almost two years old…” applied it to the plants anyway and then realized like an hour later,“Wait. It’s 2024. That shit is almost three years old.”

I haven’t seen any “improvement,” those seedlings still look pretty yellow, so maybe the Neptunes is too old haha. In any event, I top-dressed them with a quarter-teaspoon of fish meal and a little bit of malted barley powder today, hopefully that’ll help them out.

Or maybe they’re just really pale plants haha. I’ve grown a few of those before and they turned out great, so I’m not too worried about it, but it is kind of interesting.

So… Yeah. Only have about three months left to go for the smoke reports!!! haha.


Might be related to what you’re seeing or maybe not, but I’ve observed that my Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy is a nitrogen whore and won’t stay green green but that pale green. I remember someone else saying they noticed it too in a EB cross.

Your tent looks great! Awesome work in there :green_heart::upside_down_face:


The Wat Pho #3 is an eye catcher! It makes me think of the two A5HT crosses I grew(Midnight Buzzsaw and Chocolate Blitz), in that you have one plant that is more chunky or dome shaped buds(#2), and one that is definitely more spear shaped (#3). Of those plants I preferred the more spear shaped. EDIT: That’s not to say I didn’t like the dome shaped plants, I really did, but they were both a lot more stoney. The dome shaped CB was damn near stupefying.
Also, I love the lean on the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4 haha.


Looking fantastic! :drooling_face:
My money is on the LCH #3. Flowers look very much like my favorite one from the group I grew out a few years back. That #4 looks really damn good too tho. Makes me wanna get back into those beans. #2 definitely the cheese leaner with the full flowers like that. Gonna be a nice yield for damn sure :grin:

Interesting on the c gold/de note! ^^


Oh, really? Okay, thanks, good to know. One of the Mountain Temples I grew was really pale green for the first, like, six weeks or so, maybe even longer, but she eventually darkened up. I didn’t do anything to “fix” that paleness other than transplant her into a seven-gallon pot haha, so maybe the Banana Soap seedlings just need more soil or something, I dunno. I feel like the two C. Gold x Dragon Energy plants were also a little pale, even though they were wildly different from one another.

I’m definitely gonna mix a little bit of fish meal into the pots, in addition to topdressing with that BAS craft blend when I transplant, though, which should be in just a couple weeks.

Yeah, that’s how the Chocolate Blitzes I grew were, too, although there were much bigger differences in the growth patterns/traits/whatever with those than there are with these Wat Phos. I still haven’t smoked any, not one bong rip, of the shorter Chocolate Blitz from last round, though haha, and I’m not sure I ever will.

Haha, yeah, I need to stake and tie her pretty soon.

She’s the tallest for sure, even taking into account the lean of the #4 haha. But there’s something about that #4 plant that’s just been speaking to me for pretty much the duration of this grow. I’m sure they’ll both be good, though.

Maybe it’s just the “spears,” I dunno, the way the flowers are forming, but she does remind me a lot of that gigantic C. Gold hybrid from a couple years ago.


The #4 reminds me of the beast of a plant I ran that same run

The two of them were the best of the bunch I grew out then imo, but I still preferred the foxtailed one myself ^^


Those look a little leafier than either of the two tall ones that I’m growing, but the actual flowers do look a little similar. I just went into the room to compare and contrast and both of them look like they’re gonna be a very easy trim, once they fill out in eight weeks or so haha.

It’s so early right now, you know? But I’m stoked about them, got nothing but time on my hands anyway… I’m not in any rush haha.


Yeah the extra leafy is likely me, pics are back in my calmag days wit the extra N and whatnot. Not gypsum like have been for the last year or two. The flowers for sure tho was what I was referencing but you got that :wink:

Definitely looking forward to how they progress and what you end up thinking of them, good or bad :slightly_smiling_face:

Trying to NOT go into my fridge and pop some :joy:


Just do it, dude. Why not? Especially since you killed everything a couple days ago haha.

Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, I’m just sayin’…


Ethiopian Flame V1

I grew the Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy “Ethiopian Flame” Version 1, Some other pics on Docs thread if your interested.They were pale also, still vigorous and healthy the whole way. I top dressed with Craft Blend, worm castings, a decent compost and regular waterings with kelp tea trying to get them to green up. I didn’t get a banana pheno. My favorite plant had a solvent like sweet lacquer fumes gas and tropical fruit type aroma. I wish I had kept a cut from that one. They were really good. Ended up getting a couple more packs from Doc. I think you will like those!


I still have the two tree of life’s, mountain temple, mendo sunshine, chocolate Thai, and 3 c5bx2’s vegging out and clones to uppot. Have enough plants to fill up at least half the flower tent right now. Just need to make sure they’re bug free. Plus it’s cold and it’s always harder to get seeds going in the cold.

Wife has also been begging for more mothers milk so I need to get those f3s started before anything else. Maybe one day this year tho :slightly_smiling_face: