Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

But you’re shutting down for summer??! :grin:


Some of you may have seen that post I wrote in response to greenhighlander having an episode on the Bodhi thread a few days ago, that one where I wrote about my three best friends in high school and the one who went to Harvard who doesn’t do anything but rant about the Illuminati and how she’s the reincarnation of Joan of Arc and other people etc etc on Facebook now. Insanity, basically.

Anyway, I just found out like an hour ago that she killed herself a couple days ago, I’m super-bummed about it, just got off of the phone with one of the other chicks from our little “old high school friends” group. I’m heartbroken. And I think it’s really, really weird that I was just writing about her on some bullshit weed-growing website.

So, yes… Thank you @iggypuffs for that information. And you, too, @HolyAngel. I’m not really in a position to absorb and respond to y’all’s posts right now, but I will later.


Sorry to hear this @minitiger It’s always hard to lose someone you were close to once.


You know as well as I do that winter just started :joy: still got 6 or so months to go before summer :joy:

Oh damn :hushed: :cry: I’m sorry to hear that too! Probably wasn’t coincidence you thought of her when you did… :confused: :heart:


Sorry for your loss.

Synchronicity can be baffling at times. Definitely a reminder about how serious mental health issues can be and how compassion is a good path to take rather than alienation or mocking, which seems to be the common approach in our culture.


I feel for you. I’ve had friends do the same, all had very good reasons. Doesn’t make it any easier on us to lose someone… but then it does.


Okay, I’m back! Haha.

Sorry for the late responses, I’ve been on the phone for like two days straight talking about that shit and I can only do so much of that before I’m like,”I just need to sit and be quiet.” That includes responding to posts on weed-growing threads, too haha.

Thank you.

I think it’s really strange, but I do that all the time. I’ll call someone who I haven’t spoken to in three years and they’ll be like,”OMG, I was just sewing up a tear in that shirt you gave me,” or,”I was just reading that book you gave me,” or whatever.

I agree, but also, just for your OWN mental health, sometimes you have to be like,”Okay, I can’t deal with you anymore.” Especially when it’s somebody who’s just soooooo fucking out of their mind and you’ve been having the same conversation over and over and over again for years and it becomes obvious that they really just wanna be insane and aren’t listening to you at all.

I remembered that line in A River Runs Through It Friday night when I was thinking about my friend, where Brad Pitt says,”Well… Maybe what he likes is somebody trying to help him.” I did that. I tried. I tried even when her own sister and mother were like,”Dude, yes, we know she’s crazy, we’ve had her committed multiple times, we can’t do anything else.” And neither could I, really, except listen to her. I guess? I mean, I’m not a fucking licensed doctor or therapist or whatever haha!

Yeah, I said the same thing to one of the chicks from our little high school group yesterday, just, like,”But aren’t you sorta relieved? In a way?”

We can only do so much. You can’t help somebody who doesn’t wanna help themselves. You can’t force somebody to get sane.

Anyway… BACK TO WEED haha.


Just to get this even more back on track, here’s the tent today (three minutes ago haha):

Those are the two Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star on the front-left and the Triple Goddess #3 on the bucket to the right of them.

Triple Goddess closeups:

And one of the Cheese/Hazes:


Plants look good haha! + I really like the look of that Trip Goddess, reminds me of one of my Goji OG F1s a bit (no surprise there, both og x sl).


I know, man, the longer she grows, the more I’m liking her (sacs notwithstanding). Just a great structure and I love the way her flowers are forming (is that what “stacking” is? I’ve never known what that means). I feel like they’re gonna end up super-chunky.

Like I said, I’m glad I couldn’t figure out how to sell those seeds on strainly, definitely gonna plant some more at some point.


That lemon cheese haze there has been stacking :wink:


Man, I came across those beans this morning getting stuff for some other people today :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Have somewhere in the 20-40 bean range left of those.


Just plant a few. What’s it gonna hurt? Haha. Plant like three or four and see what happens. Also,

I still don’t know what “stacking” means, that didn’t help at all haha.


I just might lol

lol real “stacking” to me, when it comes to growing, is the plant building those baseball-bat long cola’s. And/or the way the flowers start small and then start building calyx’s upon calyx’s, or bracht’s upon bracht’s, depending on your terminology :yum: like the dense but foxtail-y one’s, “stacking” the flowers, or “stacking” the entire stem with flowers.


Ah, okay, so, like, kinda what I was thinking it meant, the way the flowers form etc. But you can only say,”They’re starting to STACK!” and mean it if they’re growing baseball bats or otherwise blowing up.

I get it now… haha.

That’s what I thought it meant, not sure why I brought it up. I think it’s because I was reading somebody’s log recently and they were like,”Plants are starting to stack!” and I looked at the pictures and was like,”I don’t think that’s what ‘stacking’ looks like…” haha. So then I got confused, all,”Have I been wrong about my understanding of what stacking means this whole time…?” haha!


Man, why you got to call me out? They WERE stacking!! Don’t care what you think! :flushed::crazy_face::crazy_face::rofl:


Just a quick note here: I opened the tent this morning and the Triple Goddess got FROSTY overnight, noticed it immediately, even though she’s in the back middle right now between two other plants and despite my horrible eyesight. I don’t even usually really look at the plants on non-watering days; I usually just open the tent, glance at everything, fill the humidifiers and get the fuck outta the room for the remainder of the day haha, but I felt compelled to lean into the tent a little bit and take a closer look at that plant this morning. She looks good!

Note for myself (and everybody else, too haha): today’s flower day 46, so maybe that’s about how long it takes for the Triple Goddess to start stacking resin.

“Stacking resin”? Is that the proper usage? Do trichomes stack? Haha…


:face_with_monocle: I’ll accept it… :joy_cat:

Now to drool over what I can imagine day 46 of your plants look like


I think I’m gonna take pictures tomorrow when I water, even though that’ll get me off of my “every ten days” thing. Sunday’ll be day 49, but I don’t think I’m gonna have time to take pics then, probably just water as soon as the lights turn on and then get out on the road. Sunday morning is a very good Uber Eats time, don’t wanna miss out on that! You can almost maybe make $70!!! :joy::weary::joy::weary: haha.


Okay, flower day 47 for all of these plants.

Triple Goddess #2:

The weather here was perfect (for growing weed indoors, anyway haha) the last like, week. It was pretty overcast and drizzly, good humidity levels in the room, but then yesterday the Santa Anas started blowing and just driiiiiiied everything out. Pretty annoying, but I’ll take it, even if the plants don’t like it. I don’t wanna speak too soon, but I’m thinking the weather people were wrong when they were saying that this winter is gonna be even worse than last winter. The last couple days have been gorgeous.

All of that is to say that the Triple Goddess looked fucking AMAZING yesterday morning after a good week of ideal humidity levels, but now she just looks okay.

Just kidding, I really do love the way she’s growing and stacking haha, really awesome-looking plant.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #2:

This one is probably the least frosty of all of the plants right now; despite that, she’s VERY sticky. She’s also really, actually cheesy-smelling. Like, actual cheese, which I think is fucking cool as shit. I haven’t pegged exactly which cheese it is that she smells like yet haha, but I’ll try and figure it out at some point. I’m excited about her.

Here’s the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #3:

And the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4:

Sorry, I guess I got a decent amount of semi-acceptable pics of that #4 FLC etc plant haha. I do really love the way the flowers are forming on her, though. I have a good feeling about that plant. And everything else, too.

Wat Pho #2:

And the Wat Pho #3:

During lights-on, I leave the tent open and don’t run the carbon filter/outtake fan. Between the Wat Phos and the FLC etc plants, our house fucking REEKS of tropical goodness, doesn’t even smell like weed at all. But it does smell like something haha. I actually wasn’t sure if it was my imagination or not, so I asked my girl the other day, while we were sitting in the living room,“Is the smell from the grow room kind of noticeable in here?” and she was like,“Are you being serious right now? YES! The whole house smells!”

So that’s cool haha. Pretty stinky plants for sure.

Ummm… What else? I dunno, that’s all I can think of right now, so… Yeah. Flower day 47.