BOG jr. Seeds Sour Grape: A new Beginning

Note to self: PodRacer for @Pawsfodocaws
@PeaceCoast no wiki, you signed up by responding in the grow. :+1:
@CanuckistanPete Thank you. :alien:
@dna917 added to list :slightly_smiling_face:
@Upstate Thank you, outdoor will be Matanuska ThunderFuck, lambs bread by exotic alchemy, tombstone by @Rhai88 and Cookies and Chem S1 by @ChefDGreen all natural organic, plants will have tops pinched at 8th node to make’m bushier.
@hawkman :crossed_fingers: I hope you win too.

@buckaroobonsai Thank you, amending the list.
@ix3u yeah! Phuck that Guy!

It’s gonna be GrapeTacular!
@Cyr_grow Whaaaaaaa??? Definitely not welcome in FLA market or any other. :rage:
@buckaroobonsai ok so just eliminate Camaroseedbank? :metal:
@Uprangewilly I sure hope you win some, you’re added to the list.
@blowdout2269 It’s so frustrating to see people take advantage of those the community has lost, when @ix3u dedicated poster to @Subcool and it’s dedicated to @DJSF… priceless!

@LedZeppelin Thank you, It’s good to see you. Mrs. Helios and I hope you’re doing well. You have been added to the list.
@splinter7 you are added to list
@darkillusion Will do and will send you AMGxBOGJr SourGrape Seeds.

When I open the cab door this morning, I was greeted by the first seed to break out of Calyx, was just about to fall.

From this BOG jr Sour Grape.

The Tricannatop BOG Jr Sour Grape, absolutely stunning.

Kristi Kush pollinated with BOGJrSourGrape

Coastal Blueberry Pollinated with BOGJrSourGrape

@MonsterDrank I agree, fire up the ban cannon! You’re added to the list to win seeds.
@Tuned Your on the list, Thank you.
@Smoklahoma Thank you, you’re on the VIP list.
Have a great week. :sunglasses:


#64 @cartercreekslim is also the scammer account @Heliosphear , toss him off the list too if you would please. Thanks buddy :pray:, that first seed is beautiful!:sunglasses:


The Tombstone x BamBam? Are you going to start more seeds outdoors?


Is there a sour grape list to sign up for?


You gotta say ‘Overgrow the world with love’, and then @Heliosphear puts you on the list :wink:

Overgrow the world with love!!!

Good day heli :slight_smile:


Some interesting “hybrids” of BOG genetics !!! Sure hope I win some of them there genetics !!!


I think I did that already so should be good. Thanks


Shout out to @Mr.T making seeds.

@buckaroobonsai removed
@Rhai88 yes Tombstone x BamBam, going to do germination for outdoor in the cab when the current grow gets chopped. Only 7 days left… muwhahahaha
@ShiskaberrySavior added to list :smiley:
@Cartwright :grinning: you rock!

@hawkman the hybrid, AMGxBOGjrSB, Kristi KushxBOGjrSB and CBxBOGjrSB will be given away here:

Along with 40 3x3 and 15 limited edition 4x4 hologram stickers.

Seeds are starting to fall. Only fully formed seeds will be sent out to winners.


@Heliosphear looking good nice stripes! Also do you make all these pictures?


@Heliosphear thanks for you support.

I bought a pack of Sour Grape too. They will be in a fridge, until november or december. I will make another batch of sour grape seeds, I have to keep these seeds too, and have for many years. As with the Sour Bubble.


@Hotrods_and_hounds I use midjourney AI to make pictures and then edit them to be exactly what I want to see. They got crazy stripes. :sunglasses:

@Mr.T my BOGjrSourGrape seeds got the same germination rate as your sour bubble, they had bacteria problems and got 9 to go forward and ended up with 4 females into flower. You’re added to the list to possible win a pack fresh SourGrape seeds. :sunglasses: Your grow thread is an awesome read and excellent pictures to look at.

The Next sticker has been ordered:

This picture was painted and enhanced by @Shadey


thanks for added to list.

The pictures are taken movil, and anothers with the Macro Tamron90d :slight_smile:

They’re not bad, but they’re not something to get excited about either. I had little time to take good photos.

I dont konw if i was a bacteria, only 2 seeds died in the germination. Totally 3 females and 8 males. Luckily i keep all females and 3 males, if i was a bx i have it.


Got the first 60 sour grapes of wrath seeds ready, selecting 12 to germinate for a F2 run.

The Kristi Kush is ready, smells incredible and looks gorgeous!


Oh yay I’m in!!

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Looking good amigo!

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Thank you @RadioWaves
@Kasper0909 good to see you made it.

Sour Grape F2’s drying.

KistiKush drying

Coastal blueberry drying

AMG - Amnesia Mac Ganja cut today heading for drying

Thank you for the last PMD S1’s @Vesti

Thank you for the AMGxSourBubble pollen @darkillusion

Thank you for your last PMD S1’s @Pawsfodocaws

PMD S1 from @Vesti September 2021

4:20pm central time June 21, 2023, 6 people will win 10 sour grape seeds plus a surprise in each package.
Have a great day. :sunglasses:


Looks good dude and that’s a legit pouch of pollen!


No problem man. My pleasure.


Likewise - I had an inkling you still had some around, @Pawsfodocaws, I’m glad @Heliosphear will have a bunch to work with. Excited to see how these turn out!


Yep, I was popping them one by one mothering them. And taking cuts for a while. I got one plant that produced some really neat purple on the inside leaching out from the middle of the plant to the outer. It was some good smoke. I just didn’t journal it much. I think I sent 5. I hope him well with the repro. It’s a great strain,. @Heliosphear what exactly are you planning for the pmd breeding?

Here was a cut from my last mom of purple Moby dick
