šŸ•‰ Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

What app are you using???


The plants are growing and looking beautiful!!!
Soon, their guardians will become small next to themā€¦
I continue following here

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Itā€™s the app that goes with my PAR meter:

Model: FH-100

Easy find on Amazoon. :+1:


Thatā€™s a decent fix for the problem.
I wish I had option here.
Its basically 70-80% year round in UK, was up to 84% couple weeks ago.
Iā€™m lucky if I get it down to mid 60s% in my tent



Really what Iā€™m doing is forcing climate controlled air inside from the hallway into my non climate controlled apartment.

80% is a rough place to be.


Tell me about it! Itā€™s bad for me, never mind the plants :smile:

I find that having a lot of air exchange and air flow in the tent negates any problems that would usually arise from high humidity though



80% and high temp can create massive vigor for sure and super compact growth I noticed. The only problem I found is mold will start growing over like 75% on the walls for me. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to flower that high but Iā€™ve flowered at 65-70 with great results. Lots of factors involved though.


Oh yeh for sure, itā€™s perfect for veg. Flowering is a bit if a battle though, but not like I have a choice lol
Itā€™s usually around 65-75% during flower, with the occasional swing upwards dependingon weather. I just have to keep on top of removing fan leaves that could block air flow, and making sure buds donā€™t touch, or lean against the tent walls.



here for it :raised_hands:t3:

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Daily Update!

Theyā€™re gonna get their 1st ā€œbig feedā€ tomorrow :smiley:


Gonna blow up when you give them that go juice. They are looking so good


thanks @Mrgreenthumb this is my hope too! :grin:


Looking awesome over here bro! Keep it up, nice


Hey folks get ready for a fuck load of text! :rofl:

Everything was nice and dry enough today to soak them all down with the foods-magic!

My mix used, and in mixing order:

Grotek Gro-Silic - (A concentrated liquid silicon supplement suitable for soilless and hydroponic systems. This plant-available form of silicon (monosilicic acid) helps improve plant growth and quality, in part by hardening cell walls. Plants with improved cell wall structure are better able to endure periods of abiotic stress such as high temperatures and drought.)

Copper Grow - (Biostimulant: stimulates existing enzymes in plants that enhance the availability of iron, calcium, manganese, and other essential nutrients crucial in the production of chlorophyll + Organic Biocide. The active ingredients in Copper Gro serve as a natural defence against the chief stressors on plants: pests, fungi and bacteria. For the biocide function it is best applied as a foiar spray.)

CALiMAGic 1-0-0 - (A concentrated blend of readily available calcium and magnesium. I prefer this brand as most seem to be 2-0-0 and I like not having the added Nitrogen to account for.)

Trip Tonic Grow A (2.9-0-2.3) (Formula is slightly weighted towards giving more readily available nitrogen to assist with rapid, lush vegetative growth.)

Trip Tonic Grow B (0.4-2.3-3.0) (Formula is slightly weighted towards giving more readily available nitrogen to assist with rapid, lush vegetative growth.)

Trip Tonic Fulvik - (Natural bio stimulant and chelator improving plant health and uptake of nutrients.)

Trip Tonic Terpz - (Increases essential oils and improves flavour and quality)

Trip Tonic Nzimes - (Breaks down dead root mass and builds healthier stronger roots.)

Advanced Nutrients B-52 - (B-Vitamin complex, kelp, and an essential nutrient blend. Vitamin B1 plays a key role in creating optimal conditions and supporting photosynthesis and respiration, while fending off potential damage from abiotic environmental stressors. Kelp strengthens the root zone and fortifies plants from abiotic stress for uninterrupted growth)

CANNA RHIZOTONIC XP - (A powerful nutrient supplement that encourages further root development, supports the plantā€™s resistance to disease and stress and promotes its inner and outer strength. RHIZOTONIC XP augments a plantā€™s natural growth processes, encouraging the plant to generate key proteins and carbohydrates that aid in protection against environmental extremes, such as temperature and drought stresses.)

EZ-Gro Yucca - (Yucca is a rich source of steroidal saponins, whose extract acts as a natural surfactant or wetting agent. Surfactants work to reduce surface tension between water particles, which facilitates spreading. It also enables water to spread evenly through soil, reducing the presence of dry spots and water channels.)

Iā€™ve sprayed the plants down once with Safers End All because Iā€™ve been migrating my tropical plants indoors for winter and regardless of spraying them down before they come in Iā€™d be stupid to assume there are no hidden hitchhikers. So an ounce of prevention = a pound of cure. :ok_hand:

In a few days time Iā€™ll spraying them down with their 1st application of @BudBusterPro ! I plan on over-feeding these plants from this point on-wards so lets give them the stem-pack they deserve!

Additionally of the heat mats have not arrived yet but their controllers did!

Cheers folks and have a great night!

:v: :grin: :+1:


Power to the Pigeon :relaxed: :ok_hand: :parrot:

(Sorry, a parrot was all I got !)


Have you thought about using fresh Aloe Vera mixed in with your water? It is a superfood packed with nutrients, it has Auxins a growth hormone, Gibberellins that regulate stem elongation, seed production, and flowering.

I add a little Kelp powder with the Aloe Vera. Watch when using it and dont splash it on the stems and leaves. I did and I had mildew and something else start growing on those spots on the stem of my 9lb Hammer. Never had that happen before this year.



This is super interesting @SEMOActivist and I know many OGerā€™s swear by the stuff and Iā€™ve seen amazing seed sprouting methods using Aloe Vera.

Reading up on this now Iā€™m thinking of making up a tea using Ā¼ cup to Ā½ cup of fresh aloe vera per gallon of water total. Iā€™ll blend up the aloe (skin + gel) into a slurry and then mix with the appropriate volume of filtered water and then will use it in under 20min so itā€™s at itā€™s peak with no degradation.

Thanks for the suggestion/reminder of how awesome aloe vera is @SEMOActivist !


Very good informative read


Great breakdown of your process @Pigeonman !! Plants are coming along really well (as to be expected from one such as yourself :smirk:). I was out in CA a couple weeks ago and saw something that immediately made me think of you. Iā€™ll be dropping it in the mail tomorrow so be on the lookout probably sometime next next. Itā€™s nothing big, but something I thought would bring good vibes to your grow :ok_hand:t2:



Thanks in advance for the surprise @ix3u !



Funny I got heat mats but no controllersā€¦