BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Who knows with TST though. Haha


Then I stand corrected, I had that backwards and didn’t realize they only came as fems. I thought the 10 pack was regs. Thanks for the correction bud, I would hate to spread wrong info. :v:


No worries at all. This thread and project were a mess. Easy to make a mistake in here.


I need to get some glasses, lol, it says Feminized right in the pic. Thanks again for setting me straight, I really do appreciate it. :pray:


The regular dessicant is as well. I run them through the dehydrator


I got to have one for my collection even if its empty! :joy::joy::joy: :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:

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Sorry what does this do ? I know it has to do with moister? But how do you use it ?

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I dont disagree, I just use these things. Certainly many ways to get the moisture out. Countless folks have used dessicant packs with great success for decades.

It’s the same as dessicant packs. It is a Dehumidifier so it removes moisture from the air to lower the RH.


I know this might be considered a stupid question but in you experience with this strain how strong would you say the orange flavours are ?

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They’re strong. I think if you played around with harvest times and some beans to hunt through you could find a good orange strain. I think I let mine ripen up too much. They smelled better a week or two before I chopped them. They ended up with that sour citrus or kumquat rind type smell/taste and the high wasn’t as strong as I’d like.


I’m a mechanic, I get lots of desiccant made for ac systems, I store mine in a 5 gallon mylar bag with the desiccant. Very valid concern though. For everyones knowledge, All desiccant is rechargeable, you just have to cook the moisture out in the oven. Reusable forever!


Cryotubes ftw!



Love that Wall of a Hedge… what a job!!!
Thanks for these @Wizdom

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Yup, it’s the same thing I am using. The ones I use just plug into the wall to cook out the moisture. It’s still just a desiccant.


Mr. @blowdout2269 could you please send me some details on that seed kit you just posted… I have to make the move… and really, that looks Perfect !

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Search ScAmazon for “cryotubes” or “centrifuge vials”.

The ones that I use are about 7×7×2" or 8×8×2.5" containers with either 81 or 100 1.5-2ml vials.


how anyone in this thread can trust a single seed that is coming from this is beyond me.
What also blows my mind is that everyone seems to miss the fact that this site can be viewed and read without logging in. So topshelf has just been reading along and without a shadow of a doubt has read every comment made. Do you really think the guy is going to not fuck around with the seeds? LOL

One final word to @Wizdom , I’m washing my hands of this whole thing man. Maybe I was wrong to be expecting you to make me whole… but maybe I am not. In my old school way of dealing with and treating others, I do expect to be made whole. I know that is never going to happen here so it’s just best I move on. I won’t be apologizing or discussing the matter any further .

ya’all have fun with your tainted beans from topshelf. The guy has probably been reading along laughing at you all while he mixes everything up to spite everyone. I hear he is playing victim and everyone has turned on him LOL
fuck you topshelftrees… karma will get you


@BudWhisperer thank you kindly. Engineering the prompt using AI wasn’t too difficult - I have to give the credit to the AI I used - I am fairly proficient in Photoshop for the labeling and have a background in graphic design but the AI thing is a game changer.

Again my services to help anyone in this community with labels are free to use and I’ take pride in my work as well as a fuzzy feeling seeing people enjoy it. As many who receive my beans will vouch - no strings attached.

@SHSC-1 Hmm watching you say? I wasn’t going to be a negative Nelly - I’ll give a little blast - I did reach out to him to get his side - obviously ghosted. Speaks volumes. Funny thing is I found his account using the same handle with some number added. (cannabis enthusiast on Reddit from Ontario)


I’m pretty sure he’s TopshelfTender in THC Farmer too. He’s very worried how this is going to effect his future. And it should, he’s a cunt.


It’s a gamble many are willing to take. People like orange weed. I do.

And every fraudster has diff. levels of ethics. It’s possible that tst wouldn’t risk using phony beans.

I gotta think tst has moved on to the next site to keep the scam going. I kinda doubt he cares enough to read this or any other OG thread.
But if he is reading this, yes he may have sent us shitty hemp beans.

Time will tell. Hopefully someone will do a 12/12 from seed with these “BOO” to know in a few months if the beans are legit.