BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Yes the most common one is often “everyone is an asshole except me.”


I don’t think what you guys are suggesting is something you should be advertising. Just my 2 cents.


Yea, even though he pulled some ghetto shit, doxxing someone is a sort of a rat move. He may have kids, wife and people that have nothing to do with this around him and people do some dumb shit over low amounts of money sometimes. Reality is scamming people 1500 bucks and whatever else he managed to snake is a bitch move but doxxing someone to the mob to get retribution for the community is something i would want nothing to do with.


wore glasses since grade 4 ass whooped many times for broken frames acetone is your friend here


Doxxing an individual as retribution will result in a ban. Don’t do it.


I’ll take some responsibility for gearing towards that - felt I was pushing it with that photo - I’ve taken it down. My bad.

Point is dude had friends - and I felt I was one of them. As we can all see, he’s burnt the bridges. He can blame no one but himself. Even if some of us didn’t get the short end of the stick as bad as others. Damn shame - dude is intelligent - just using it in the wrong way - he had a good rep and people liked him. But he turned that around on himself taking advantage of many… just a reflection of the world we live in.


It’s never worth throwing good money after bad.


You sunk my battle costs!


calm the fk down everyone no one said dox him or anything remotely close to it. i said hes lucky no one did something with that info while hes claiming hes a victim. when u fuck ppl over for thousands not everyone will act rational.


Bullshit. That was a reminder.

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you have no clue wtf im thinking. quick to respond in here but not when i @ you for a legit question eh.

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Based on earlier posts, sounds like there were probably 50+ people who have sent him stuff over the years (me included). And it sounds like all of those people are exercising restraint despite having that information (or so I hope)

“Sunken costs” is right. Time and effort best spent on other things; many cool projects still going


And, you’ll not be receiving an answer.

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I’ve sent him just about everything I made in the last year short of my newest project.


well no way! its only been like 10 days lol. pretty sure i figured that one out. have a nice weekend. weather is nice out


Great, enjoy yourself.

Still a nice act, in theory, despite the end result maybe not being ideal! Hope it doesn’t slow you down


Ok let’s get this shit done with so we can close this thread.

Sick of all the drama I’m getting for just trying to get stuff back to people.


Glad I went to my happy place this weekend. Bitterness will eat you from the inside


Your effort is greatly appreciated, @Wizdom.


i honestly dont think he intended to be a scammer at first prob came for a start at some free seeds like most of us

but then ppl just kept giving him shit for free like a train it was quite nice to see but so baffling at same time like he had a spell on ppl. if it all went to someone who needed it the story would have been pretty special.