BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

No wiki yet.


We are all STILL stoned and impatient.


ya , i was really looking forward to these but stayed on the sideline not wanting to bug anyone.
Saw a comment about a couple hundred stamps being donated so I didn’t bother sending my measly 10 pack LOL
oh well if there’s a list somewhere and I’m on it, great… if not that’s no big thing either :wink:


That’s how I was kinda thinking as well, very interested in running these, but didnt want to bother anybody.


I’ve followed this thread more or less from the beginning. In fact, it was this thread that brought me to OG. I was looking for orange terps, and found high praise for usefuls BOO, and a random thread on rollitup mentioning this repro brought me here.

There’s no wiki yet. It did seem like back in Jan/Feb that things were beginning to come together. I have been a little surprised to see no movement in months.



For some reason I am picturing seeds in a little mesh bag


A super cool logo/sticker was designed with the aid of AI. :brain:

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I think it was no males and the reversal was to tough.


I periodically check in here to see what’s happening. For a while now I’ve felt a vague concern that personal difficulties or sadness may be dominating. I hope not and wish you well, @TopShelfTrees1.


I don’t have a lot but if any further help is needed for shipping or whatever I’m happy to chip in a bit too. I’d love to get in on this if it’s still a thing.

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I think homie has a lot of stuff going on. As I mentioned earlier he was feeling very pressured. I’ll check in about the status in a few days because I know he is taking time to decompress and catch up on much needed work. He also has a family and wife to take care of.

I donated the stamps so I will help make sure stuff goes smoothly. Just please give it time as life has been tough for a lot of people lately. If anything changes I’ll try and update you guys if I can.


Yeah, we might want the seeds now but for most of us it’ll be months or longer before we’d be popping them anyway.


He also only got the stamps 5 weeks ago. This is a passion project and sometimes life and other needs demand attention. Thanks guys :heart:


I don’t think anyone here is angry or upset, just curious.

I don’t understand why you would or should take it upon yourself to be the point man on this. He visits the site regularly; this is his thread.

I understand we all have other lives and stress and whatnot. And I don’t get the impression there is any negative energy here. I sent him some funds back in January, and thought this would be wrapped up by now. Again, not upset, just curious.


When you have dozens of people asking you what is going on, and others asking for favors, that is a lot of pressure and stress on one person.

He did not choose me, I chose myself because it’s clear to me that someone needed to step in and help him out. People were overstepping and messaging him directly, constantly. From what I understand he is still getting a lot of messages.

This isn’t about negativity or blame assignment. It is about me being able to explain that this is too much pressure for one person, and to please try and not contribute to that ongoing pressure.

Thank you for understanding.


To be even more clear, the reason I have to post these things is because he is being harassed. He doesn’t want to visit or update when he is being harassed.

I’m sure nobody intends to harass him as an individual but I’ve made it clear that the net effect has been extremely negative. That’s why I stepped in.


Ugh. Very sad to read that. What’s wrong with people? Sending positive vibes, take as much time for yourself as needed and then add another week per shitty message you get, TopShelfTrees1. If it is more than you are willing to take, call it off. It’s not your obligation to endure harassment over seeds. WTF??? :seedling:


If that’s the case why are you offering his seeds to people?


First, I offered that as a last resort to someone who was looking for these seeds.

Second, this is the 2nd time in a few hours you’ve said something that could be taken as rude to me. I’m not sure what your problem is.


I gotcha dude, I’m totally patient just wanted to get my name on the thread :blush:. Been waiting for almost a decade to do the project I want to do, a little more time isn’t going to hurt me.

Thanks man!


I don’t think you need to be speaking for him and offering up his seeds while also saying he’s being harrassed for the same seeds. He needs some time, he will back when he’s back. If some people have a hard time understanding that, it’s on them