BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

But then again… like when San needed help… it was totally legit… and a warm wonderful thing to be a part of…

So not always is it a red flag… but we DO need to find a way and FAST to quickly be able to discern the scams from the truly needy


The only thing I can say about TST is that along with the sun :sun_with_face: there has got to be some rain :cloud_with_rain:! I bit on his BS as well, but my hit was minor compared to some. I will not lose faith in my fellow OG members as we have to many fabulous members that are very generous. I would never give up on this community. Way to go mods for doing the best you can to keep us all informed about matters like this! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Drawing attention to these particular situations faster would be key I’d think…
Maybe some record of what’s being sent and or received etc…
The more open in front of everyone the harder to scam


I also sent him ~$45 to help cover shipping these BOO. As I’ve said before, this reproduction was the reason I found OG; someone on some other forum mentioned this specific thread when I was trying to track down BOO.

I also sent him a pack of black triangle seeds that he said he was going to F2, send a bunch back, and of course share with the community. This was after this BOO project was seemingly about to wrap up. I started seeing red flags when instead of starting that BT F2, he was posting all these other seeds he was starting.

I’m also a little disappointed how some people tried to come in here and speak for him and shut the conversation down, when a few of us were politely expressing our concerns here and attempting to ask him in his own thread what was up.


:smoking: :vulcan_salute:
lets pass the doobie around


I’ll second that, I’m truly sorry to all who were taken advantage of, and honestly we need to let this be an eye opener… is this topic pinned?


Wow I sent him a pack of Black Triangle also, BOO donation, and Jenny Kush donation.

Oh well


Sent $30 to help with postage. Reckon I’ll have to get my vitamin C from an actual :tangerine:! But I ain’t mad. Karma never gets taken, always settles things up. Doesn’t sour me on the happenings here, not a bit. For the occasional folks lost to whatever this guy is lost to, there’s a hundred stand up and generous folks like NDNCHILD or Johnny Potseed ‘round here. Love OG!


Yeah, I’m pretty certain I had something somewhat similar happen, pretty sure it was TST involved… this was going back awhile now but he’d been posting about how he wished he’d gotten in on a BX drop and I happened to have an earlier BX I’d gotten as a prize on another forum, so I sent it to him. For how much talk there’d been about his desire to grow it… struck me as weird that he seemingly never did.

It can be hard to tell sometimes, when people are expressing that they’ve been dealing with MH issues, whether it’s genuine or a song-and-dance.

I did throw something in for this run, but I don’t think it was more than I was willing to lose.


Only thing I’d sent him was some bud when he was low on smoke. Not a big issue just thought I’d mention it.
Edit thinking back I did send orange goji and possibly shiskaberry seed way back also.


i bowed out of his threads a year ago . Said what i thought back then , no one cared . In fact i got hate mail over it , lol
Here we are a year later , 100 more members scammed .

His mouthpiece here also needs the boot . Guess a year or so from now the mods will figure this one out :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

i hate a liar thief and scammer . Dont GARA about supposed mental issues

Lets call it (him) what it is , NOT give the mental health get out of jail card


I am not allowing this to impact future decisions to be helpful or generous to someone that seems to be doing much more than I. And nor should you.


He said something similar too me when I got screwed over by another member that took off… That was right after he sent me a long list things he wanted 3d printed. Needless to say, I didn’t print them.


Discussed this moments ago. Are you planning to battle with the moderation team?


He got me too. Was supposed to reproduce my Bubba Kush. I sent him over 140 total. This was well over a year ago. He gave one excuse after another then just quit responding to me.


Not the first time @Jetdro’s bullshit meter went off earlier than others. On opengrow was something similar years ago iirc.


Topshelf was the first person to make my ignore list. I “won” a pack of JOTI God’s Pink in a server fund auction from him and when I asked him when he wanted my deets, he said after the weekend because he was taking his wife on vacation somewhere. The following Monday, I hit him up and all I heard were “crickets.”

I didn’t care about the beans at all. He’s untrustworthy.

The sad part is no one dares to say anything because he’s held in such high regard around here. He always latches onto the new people to see what he can get from them. When I started to follow his posts, the pattern was glaring.


Nope , i’m not exactly stupid. I know how that ends.


Would appreciate your direct experience with TTS, some of us are aware of what had occurred but not everyone.


if you’re talking to me, I got nothing for you, Bubba.

I made my stance real clear over a year ago and it’s been that long since I’ve thought of his sorry ass until this all popped up.

he is just a shit stain on an old pair of underwear. I threw away a long time ago.