BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

There can be only one! @anon60559124 lol


Greenhighland. Greenhighlander. Greenhighlandest.



Lolol, amazing


I’d be happy to share the texts publicly but I’m not allowed. Do I have to prove myself to everyone? Who are you to accuse me and assume. Your happy if no one tried to recover what was taken or lost to TST? And come at the person who tried… You make the community such a great place with your actions, good job :clap: :+1: :ok_hand:


so in the end there are NO seeds of this re-production - confussed

Reading this thread will answer all the questions. Pretty self explanatory - people coming out of the woodwork making strange assumptions without reading… use the scroll feature and do some due diligence - is it time to get the popcorn? Lol what is going on here.


Thanks, you are right - I didn’t read the whole topic - I should not have made that assumption. you know that they say when one assumes it make a ass out of the assumer (or something like that)

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There are seeds and are being sent to those who lost money and supplies first
Then to those who followed and posted in the BOO thread before April 9 , and then to the remaining folks dependant on supply. Hope that helps!


Don’t have to scroll too far either (this thread is long and drawn out) - seeds are in good hands and prob won’t be too long before you start seeing happy folks posting them land.


im pretty sure he still reads here like some narcissistic little bitch. so might wanna not let him know your not giving those to him. instead send him a box of your human turd try and spell tst if u can :smiley:


SO questioning something is bullshit ? Ok gotcha.
I am also glad that the incredibly weak excuse of " he needs something from me " holds weight with you and other folks.
Weird how it, not holding weight with others , including those who were scammed by this POS, seems to be a point of contention and referred to as bullshit by you and others.
Has the POS known as TST personally told you he is doing this because he has this need that only this person can fill? Or are you all just coming up with the best reasoning?

I am truly just curious about how asking very legitimate questions , is being seen as me being an asshole? You know , outside of me not being in the cool kids club here


If you care you deserve to know. Just read the thread.


I think your misconception is that you believe it’s a “peace deal”, when it’s not. Would require much more from TST.

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What excuse? Joe, the Mods, the coop group and multiple other people in a DM, before this whole shit show went public, have seen the texts and have known I’ve been trying to recover what I’m able. Why do you feel special enough to be proved this point and cant take the word of those shown? As like it’s been said before, TST wants clones replaced and that’s the only reason he’s talking to me, because Im the one who would have to organize that for him. He’s only giving something he doesn’t want, for something he does. Read the thread, its all explained. I’m not his friend, I’ve only known him since returning to OG, and I’m not doing this for him. I was able to get things from him, and I’m returning them to the community, where they should go. I was scammed as well. Get off your high horse as your not privy to what has happened over the last month. Your assumption that I’m his friend or doing this for his benefit is idiotic, read the thread. I’ve crossed his name of the stickers and cards, why would I do that? Cause I’m his friend? Your ignorance is blatant


All that you are doing is being disruptive. What is your involvement with TST? Anything? Or are you simply trying to start further arguments and accusations?


I think what he’s trying to say is why is everyone so sure these are what they are claimed to be? I haven’t said anything because I’m not involved. I don’t see the dms I’m not a part of. Is there some level of assurance these are the seeds they’re supposed to be? It’s what fuel brought up.

Also what he seems to be asking is why are you giving him more stuff? Like the two cuts he doesn’t have. To get this stuff back? From someone with almost zero involvement in this, I hate how hard it is to tell what’s going on. I hope I’m being dramatic and it’s all for nothing though. It’s a shitty way to explain things, if nothing else


Please do go fuck off. Wizdom is trying to help people get their shit back and you’re half baked argument that he isn’t a ‘friend’ due to these actions is fucked. Go be miserable somewhere else.


There is no assurance.


lots of assuming not enough reading from some lol. makes for good popcorn time though