Boss Hoss Genetics

Fully seeded with the currently unnamed RIL D hybrid. She went from not needing much N at all to yellowing on me quick in week 4. Got her slowed down and swelling still.


shes looking killer brother, got the guava girl going good and hope shes like that one.

very nice …


Flipped about 3 days now.I was going to wait a coupleweeks to toss the Male Hieme in there but time constraints were ticking and i needed the space and i decided to just do them all at once.I was going for more beans but i got a couple thousand off the last bean run so Im not going to sweat it too much im sure with me flipping and dumping him all over them like i did the BOG and Tonys Backpack from Boneyard seeds.Male was getting up there and reeking out the whole garage


Had to give them a shiny scrub down and a ozone treatment in that tent for them The one Heime Female was a tad bit sensitive to the light and them shiny walls they seem to rock it at 28 percent She greened right back up without even so much as a feed.


Looking good. Corey Stardawg is light sensitive but around week 3 or 4 her N needs shoot up fast and I’d bet you could run higher ppfd from that point. Watch for the week 3 yellowing. @CapnCannabis can’t wait to see what the dude does. It’ll be my first time seeing a male Stardawg offspring.


He is very special i dug him right away he has a nose on him that could stop bird shit in mid air.Going to try and harvest pollen off him.I wanted to save us up some packs if i could you might want to take a look at this guy if you can.Well see what he can do in the mean time.Really liking thr way he throws out those side struts hes more interested in throwing out flowering sites that making wood i dig that has good strong branches but im watching how hes tossing those sites out.


Another thing too with him being taken to multiple different Cultivars we get to see what he imparts on his part a little more clearly i think. we should be able to count up all the little things he passes and be able to see and smell it in what sticks in the new crosses as well.Other than the Cory ive grown out or are in the process of growing out the other cultivars and i know what they Bring to the table and what they look and smell and operate curious to see what he throws at the wall and what sticks hoping he shows some frost on his sacs like the BOG Sourbluetooth did This Cory Heime has become a bit of an obsession to me it ended up being a great learning tool trust me i might not be writing down but im taking a lot of notes in the back round and this place is like a living library of information literally its all here for data



Sounds and looks cool :sunglasses:

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@CapnCannabis dropping pollen yet?


Looksgreat Boss Hoss


@hoss8455 Sadly no i had a brown spidermite infestation that popped up that i had a gut feeling and just pulled the operation i sprayed and killed all with the safers endall but she got burned up a bit and was still doing ok but i want these at full health and with my outside grow and my two moms i had to make a decision my garden outside got huge i mean huge this year One is taller than my 10 foot tall shed now the other is as wide as a Christmas tree,The other two are just as bad See what im dealing with lol ? and i had to redirect my energy the ones outside got me busier that a one legged cat buring turds on a frozen pond with feeds, bamboo stakes and Bud hardener and builder waterings with ECW and Malted two row too dresses(40lbs ECW and 30 lbs of malted barley already) ill have to sift through the leftover beans and see what i can stir up in a bit.As for now i need to get this shit wired tight and narrow down.The outside stuff had me so busy i got caught slipping and this is what happens its my own damn fault and i should have looked closer .Must have had them awhile since i finished up one that got some outside time and brought in hitchhikers.I have resumes sterilization ozone and ozone water with Sulpher sprays for Mr Fuckhead to stay away. and keeping an eye on my two moms


Since that net doesn’t look like it’s for scrog is it to support your heavy bud laden branches? Looks amazing!


Very cool! Badd News just came on my radar. Sweet


Hugh (Badd News) is an amazing dude. I really like that artwork @hoss8455 posted earlier of the Saltwater Kush.


It’s you who put them on my radar brother @leetdood


Yes and no.Im trying a sideways Scrog to catch the branches and hold thier weight.So far it seems to be working.


I’ll DM you tom.


So it wasn’t just me that could not find it

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I have the same tables. Nice looking plants.