Bubba Kush cuts …

Yep… very subjective, but i’m confident that my prices are at the lower end of the scale… in fact the last distributor (they take 50%) who wanted to sell my seeds advised me to put my prices up!
TBH a one-off layout of 10% of your monthly wages for potentially a lifetime’s access to the rare genetics you are looking for sounds pretty reasonable to me, decent even… but like you say. very subjective.
I have bills to pay and kids to feed and my main job is as a part-time gardener… if it was just the money i was after i’d be selling weed, not seeds, but this is much more rewarding for me as long as i can make enough money back for it to be sustainable… making seeds takes up a lot of time.


I’m sure they’re a great value… but maybe you should pay for a sponsorship if you want to keep advertising. The site does charge advertisers for the exposure they get here; after all, they have bills to pay too. It’s also something of value that most people are asked to pay for. It’s much more rewarding for them to run a site if they can make enough money back for it to be sustainable, since running a site takes up a lot of time.

Fair point but i’m hardly ever here and just chimed in really because i was recommended a few times by growers in the thread… and i had some useful pics of how to recognize the pre-98 bubba cut… i would see that as spreading knowledge as much as it was advertising (the advertising was mostly done by other people who had grown my gear, which is the way it should be)
but no problem… see you all in a few months maybe
happy growing
VG x


Beautiful buds!

That’s crazy.

ahah fair point! As I said, you’re much more fair than most on prices, and that’s for very great seeds :smiley:

You’re on my todo and I’ll definitely save that money to support you. Worth it!

It is! You have great stuffs to show and no doubt lot to share. I think @cormoran was referring to the link you posted, only that.

I’m very glad to see you here and that’d be awesome if you spend more time! I get online presence in different places is hard to manage. I didn’t want to refrain you or make you feel unwelcomed anyway, hope I did not.

Let’s go on the shower of @VerdantGreen Bubba shots! :smiley:




I don’t see @VerdantGreen 's presence and comments here as him advertising or trying to skirt any site rules and I sure hope the mods and admins don’t see it that way.
His name got dropped several times here and he , being an OG member, commented. I don’t see how the maker of a certain seedline is breaking any rules by answering questions or replying to comments about the cost of seed packs these days. He hasn’t posted any contact info or menu of his seed selections so I think we all need to give the guy the benefit of the doubtand show a little bit of respect. Not saying anyone here has disrespected him but when the accusations or suggestions about site rules and being a sponsor start coming up… I just don’t think that was necessary here. Not trying to bump heads with anyone, just saying my piece.
Now with that outta the way… another sip of elderberry wine and it’s time to roll up some verdant green bubba S1 hehehe


Hey gang… .so I’ve got these little Pre98 Bubbas (Pre-98 Bubba x Pre-98 Bubba S1) and I was hoping someone could hit with some knowledge.
One has medium wide leafs and some branching coming in.


The other one has very wide leafs and very minimal side branching happening.


Are some of these traits specific to a certain cut of Bubba? Any info is appreciated! Thanks much!


hmm I think the first plant fits the Bubba Kush Matt Berger cut better than the second :thinking: here’s a bunch of okay pics :sweat_smile: from the Matt Berger cut

Can see here how she bushes out. The original Bubba cut is not a pole plant. She puts out branches regularly with good vigor. She is not a slow vegger imo. She also has some pretty fat stems, and a crinkle to her leaves.

She more than doubles in size at the flip:
Day 1

Day 5

No training or anything. I might’ve topped her one time :thinking: can’t remember lol


Some crinkle here…

Do you think it would do okay in a sea of green, 12/12 from seed scenario?


yeah shouldn’t have any issues with that. I’d think the more bubba leaners would need some more pruning compared to the rest since they’ll likely want to bush out.

That’s exactly the crinkle to be on the lookout for!


I’ll be starting up those shoreline sour d bx3’s in about a month or so…once my other closet is chopped. Will be a dedicated seed run just for those.

Thanks much for the info!!


Any idea which cut is like this? Only one of the 3 has minimal branching happening.
These seeds are cali connection…I remember reading that swerve used some name instead of the actual name of some cut or something.


The story goes that swerve had a bubba cut he dubbed pre-98 to differentiate it between the other cuts and to make it seem older. It is the true 98 but it’s since been found it’s not the original , what @HolyAngel has posted is, but pre-98 is still fire trust me, I just got the actual pre-98 cut and have the Berger cut as well, now that both are rooted I intend to flower both out side by side for a true comparison to see for myself


Very nice! Lots of folks here know the ins and outs of where these plants come from, I don’t…I try to learn, but it just doesn’t stick.
Will be fun to see the side-by-side…thanks for all the info everyone!


Out of likes atm , my pleasure bro :facepunch:t2:


Boom snackalacka @Bobgrows

Check out your babies in action


That looks soooo nice!!
Doing an amazing job with her!


They are all about ready to get topped and bushed out. I totally forgot that I’m going out of town this year for Thanksgiving. They are gonna be on their own for about a week. Fingers and toes will be crossed.


Hell, they took your stint in the hospital like a champ. I’m sure they’ll be fine! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: