Master kush the hunt continues

I’ve been looking for the SoCal master kush cut for quite some time with no luck so it’s time to start popping seeds. I have a socal masterkush cross from Cali connection up and going and I have master kush from nirvana seeds in the fridge , I wish I had the the Dutch passion version but I’m thinking about picking up the white label version as I’ve been told that’s what the SoCal was hunted out from.
I found one person who claims to have the SoCal cut but they want more then I can afford so off to the hunt.
If anybody has the SoCal master kush clone please speak up otherwise I’ll be here hunting beans hoping to find something close


I understand the business. But damn man. I hate when people slap a hearty tag on clones. It better be mature, proven, safe, and I need to see the flower she makes. I don’t mind sharing the love. Pay 100-200 for a cut. Take cuts. Send em out to friends. That doesn’t bother me. But 1-10,000?. Kiss my ass dude. No way in hell you have a strain worth that much. the legend itself, Triangle kush is not even worth 10gs. (Which I have :wink: ) I have the same seeds as you I’m sure. Julius Cesar? I hope it’s the real deal. Because all you’ll need it a good leaner. Reverse then back cross. Keep trying to perfect the line you want.


Yeah it’s getting out of hand , if I saw the masterkush in flower in person I might pay more then normal for a clone but I’m not gambling on what somebody thinks is it.
And yes those are the same beans I have the J.Caesar from Cali connection , i put down six and they popped in less then 48 hours. People are really missing out by not grabbing swerves work. The prices are great and he has been rocking the kush genetics longer then most others. I’m hoping to find a masterkush leaner and then cross it to the master kush from nirvana and the one from sensi seeds.
I also have a lot of Afghan/Hindu / and Paki landraces I’m sure as I start to hunt threw those I’ll find something worth crossing to.


Ya that’s just being greedy imo. I will share anything I have for free, I want people to enjoy cannabis. Anyway good luck dude, sensi seeds prolly has a good one.


Love CaliConnection the strains are always super stable for me with little variation. If I was going to pull from seed I definitely would try that one. I used to work in Long Beach and the cut was readily available from dispos. There are mainstream clone companies now that I would feel comfortable trying. You’d have to find someone to ship it to you but much more reasonably priced I’m sure. Might be easier to find someone on the site to help with the shipping.

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Yep it used to be all over the club scene now it’s no where to be found. I’m in California if somebody has it I’ll grab it but besides some shady new clone companies I don’t see it out there.

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Boof thank God they legalized weed it’s had such a positive effect. :roll_eyes:

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I’ve been interested in master kush for a while as well. These might be promising 1990 Master Kush – Kwik Seeds


It would be nice to know what version they have
Master kush has was released by at least three places back then.
Nirvana - Hindu Kush x skunk
Dutch passion Hindu Kush x Hindu Kush
Sensi seeds white label - Hindu Kush x Hindu Kush but they specify one from India and one from Afghanistan.


As a compromise you might consider Hazeman Seeds LA Pure Kush aka Hollywood Kush. It’s an exquisite Hindu Kush and Hazeman is super legit. I have a pack but DCSE I think has more.


Yeah the info is frustratingly limited. Real seed company have a good reputation though, and I tend to trust the time accuracy. Its the most interesting seed option I’ve seen on my search so far.

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I have nirvanas version and will probably get the one from sensi seeds , I truly believe that the SoCal master was hunted from the white label sensi packs.

The lapl is not what I’m looking for but I do like hazeman , I have a few of his lines tucked away.

I’m definitely following along on your journey and I wish you much luck. When you get around to narrowing it down I’d love to get in on the hunt. Master Kush and Bubba Kush is both on my list as keepers. If I only knew back then. :expressionless:

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Very cool project and search! Excited to see what you discover.

Have some that are platinum master Kush, the flowers were very tight dense not sure from where I got them from maybe IHG


Bob Hemphill told me back in November that he should have some Master Kush Bc seeds ready in 5-6 months. Keep that between you and I though haha. Positive vibes…



I saw his post about that awhile back and will be watching to see what becomes of it. I like his work I had a pack of the puck bc3 in my hands before they were dropped at any of the bean banks that carry his gear :wink:

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I’ve asked about the puck bc3 since everyone got so excited about the drop. I grabbed a pack because of the frenzy but no one has replied to my question about why everyone loves this strain. Does it have the kush profile?

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The puck aka skelly hash plant is well known plant amongst breeders and old school heads, it’s not so much about the flavor profile as it is the thick growth structure and heavy trichome development the genetics produce.