Bubba Kush cuts …

Because a bunch of the SSDD f1s and f2s look very much exactly like that ‘pre98’ cut and not like the matt berger ‘original’ bubba kush.


SSDD F2 #1


Got it. You said it so definitively that it sounded like you had specific knowledge, rather than simply inferring a genetic relationship based on looks.

You may want to edit or delete the post I quoted, since it’s not accurate and may lead people astray.


Plants don’t lie. I’ve grown out over 100 ssdd f1/f2s.
Believe what you want.


Nor do the hips…

Sorry, I had to


Im not seeing the similarities between the pre 98 and that ssdd plant pictured. Thats a stretch to say thats proof that pre 98 is the mother to ssdd.

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Oh you think it looks closer to the matt Berger cut then?

If you can’t see anything, I got nothing for ya 🤷

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Well, tbh with you that ssdd plant in the picture looks unhealthy. I would rather compare a picture of the ssdd in a healthy state.

Lol. Whatever mate. Hope you guys have a good new year :+1:


You seem like a person that states your opinion as fact and then gets defensive when called out on it. Spreading misinformation is lame. Hope you have a good new year as well.


You attacked the plant after claiming you see zero similarities?

I stated my opinion as based on my own research and empirical evidence from growing the plants, not hearsay or thoughts. I merely offered an example. This also isn’t wikipedia.

By that logic no one should post anything.


You stated your opinion as fact. Without any context. Which is funny because you seem to be the only one who believes that. It seems the general consensus is the original bubba kush cut was used. You seem really defensive. I did not “attack a plant”. I simply pointed out the ssdd you posted was not in great health. I tend to not judge plants looks when they are not healthy.


Actually you know what. I apologize if i came off as attacking your opinion. I have no interest in arguing with anyone about a plant. Sorry. I dont want any bad blood. Just here to talk about cannabis.


Idk of anyone else growing 100+ ssdd’s besides maybe advancedbuffalo. Tho I bet horsebadorites is close lol.

Of those plants, I’ve not really seen any that look like this Matt Berger cut that is supposed to be the pre93 or original bubba kush. I have the matt Berger cut and have flowered it out and been smoking on it to compare.

The closest bubba cut I’ve seen to looking like a bunch of the plants in the ~100 ssdd’s I’ve ran, is that pre98 cut.

That’s why I say that’s the cut (I think) is the one bodhi actually used despite his forum post or (years later) pot cast interview. These bubba cuts get messed up and renamed as they get passed around, as has already been discussed in this thread.


Sounds like you have more experience then me with the ssdd for sure. I do keep the original bubba cut. Never heard it called the berger cut until about 3 years ago maybe. Anyways. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.


JBC has Katsu Pre98 Bubba on sale. I picked up a packet. I really like the Mendo2020 plant I am running but she continues to grow balls. I am pulling them off but this would not be something I would like to see in the rest of the pack. Hopefully the Katsu version will not do that and hopefully the rest of the Mendo2020 will not either. Prettiest darn plant I have seen in a while. Getting really frosty. Maybe she will settle down and behave in the last few weeks of flower.


Interestingly Katsu sells three Bubbas now, his eponymous one, Pre-98, and Original.

Original Bubba S1:
“This is the ORIGINAL Bubba Kush. The Pre98 is BELIEVED to be an S1 from this plant. The Katsu Bubba may also be an S1 of this. The Original Bubba is the largest yielding of the 3 Bubbas.”

Pre-98 Bubba:
“ Pre98 Bubba Kush x Pre98 Bubba Kush – 6 feminized seeds.

It’s Bubba time! These have been sold out for almost 3 years and have been delayed for well over a year – well, they’re here now.

Bubba Kush is probably my favorite strain, and the strain most people associate with Katsu. It is a delicious, narcotic Indica with smallish yields of golf-ball sized nuggets of chocolate, kushy goodness. They are caked with frost by 55 days but you’ll want to let them go a full 70 if you want to see what all of the fuss is about. Bubba is referenced in countless rap songs for a reason. This is the shit you won’t tell your friends you have so they don’t smoke it all. A 50 pound lead blanket, a stupid smile, and a 1000 yard stare – don’t expect to get shit done, especially since you’ll smoke more than you should because it tastes so damn good.

Pre-98 Bubba Kush – The legendary “clone-only” Pre-98 Bubba Kush is one of the early Kush strains that started Kushmania in the 2000’s. Famous for its strong Indica dominant high, Bubba Kush is a connoisseur favorite due to its distinct Kush taste and earthy, sweet, flavor with hints of coffee and chocolate. The various phenotypes of the reversed/feminized Bubba Kush S1’s will all have high TCH levels and flavor profiles that include coffee, chocolate, hash, “7-Up”, pine, lemon, and fruit.

The Bubba is a moderate yielder that typically produces golf ball sized dense nuggets covered in frost and flowers that look, smell, and taste as dank as anything you’ve ever tried.

While the amazing taste will have you reaching for more, be wary of the strength as it can leave novices fast asleep on the couch and veterans with a 1000-yard stare and a big, goofy smile.

The origins of Bubba Kush are difficult to trace with any degree of certainty but the story I was told by a reliable cannabis insider is that in the early 90’s an accidental pollination of a “Crippy” bagseed female (dubbed “OG”) with a select Northern Lights female (dubbed “Bubba”) that had a few hermie flowers blowing pollen and made some seeds on one of the lower branches of the “OG” female.

The Bubba takes 63-70 days of flowering for the full narcotic effect and the strongest terpene profile. Rosin and extracts from Bubba are divine.

All presale orders will ship around May 20th.

The S1’s grow very true to the original, with keepers in every pack. One of the classics that, along with OG Kush, completely changed the landscape of weed across the country in the 90’s and 2000’s. An instant classic that will transport you back in time.”

Also, a great thread by him on the Pre-98:



Couple quotes from Katsu in that thread:

“I’ve done a lot of work with both. They are VERY similar, although my personal preference still leans towards the Katsu for straight up nose and potency. The Pre98, however, tends to have better structure and yield and is usually the breeding choice for this reason. If the P98 isn’t your cup of tea for some reason, not to worry, there will be lots of Katsu Bubba genetics in my future, including Katsu Bubba x P98 Bubba…”

Apr 28, 2019

vertnugs said:

Lol…the katsu cut does seem to be harder to get a hold of than the 98 for some reason.
It’s funny. I got the clone in '01 and probably sent it out to 150 people over a couple of years with the condition that they sent it out to at least a few more people. It was the best weed I had ever had and I wanted to make sure that the cut would be around for years. It worked :-) She’s back…”

“I bought the Bubba that is now called “Katsu” from GreenCrackMan in '01 for $500. I sent it out to probably 150 people and asked that they spread it around. Probably the only reason I was able to source a cut all these years later…”

Jun 25, 2019

vertnugs said:

Ok so Matt feels that pre98 and katsu are the same?Or did i not hear that correctly.
He thinks they’re the same, but I have them both and I disagree - I don’t think genetic drift explains the differences. I suspect that Orgnkid did an S1 and that the “Katsu” cut is probably one of those”


Good read, very interesting @Dirt_Wizard i too think the katsu is unique, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen/had her so…. So many times I wanted to grab some beans from Doc Greenthumb as his are S1’s of the katsu cut but something (besides price) has kept me at bay for 4-5 years. I do enjoy katsus work very much!


This is not at all how the Matt Berger ‘original bubba kush’ cut hits for me, nor a coworker of mine. My wife says it relaxes her a little bit and reaches for it before bed, but it’ll keep me awake for a little while if I smoke it. :thinking: I also don’t find it that potent compared to plants I’ve found from seed, much less tk or the 91. It does have the chocolate kushy goodness though.

I need to get my hands on that pre98 sometime.


Mat Berger Bubba Kush Dec 23rd.

Bubba Kush 12 days later beside a Limed Orange.

I think it’s safe to say the clones took @DannyTerpintine , lol.