Bubba Kush cuts …

Not sure…. I’d give em a few days @DougDawson just to be sure you know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Very nice


LOL, I am like the rabbit at the tea party at this point. I am just out of time, lol. I will have to chance it :wink:


Haha got my fingers crossed for you brother :crossed_fingers:t3:


Ah that must be the origin of this copy paste I keep seeing:

Bubba Kush Info

Katsu Bubba - orgnkid was the first to bring buba online that I ever saw. that was around 2000/2001 at cw. he was touting it, showing fat stacks of cash, his grows, etc. As far as I had been told, He sold a cut of bubba to GCM and GCM sold it to katsu. that is the katsu cut, aka, orgnkid’s green pheno. Orgnkid first obtained this bubba around 2000/2001 and got the OG slightly thereafter. Thats as much as I remember being told by him.

Mint Bubba S1- ECK06’s s1 phenotype from the first batch of bubba kush s1’s orgnkid posted to the bay.

Purple Bubba S1 - This is a cut orgnkid scored from a sfv club owner that was an s1 of the original bubba cut the owner of the club sourced (whicever that is). The club owner was scared of the dudes he got it from and knew not to break their rules. But there was a way around it so he could make cuts and buds available to his club. So he makes some s1 seeds from the bubba, pulls out the yielding, club nugget purple bubba pheno. Now he has a “unheld” cut of the bubba.

THE REAL PRE-98/PRE2K1 - in 2004/5 or so I obtained the above purple and green bubbas from orgnkid through a mutual friend. I also got a cutting from my good friend in norcal (the true pre98). So for the sake of everyone online that had different cuts back then, I put some info in a Bubba thread much like this one where I grew all three of em side by side and compared. I labeled the orgnkid/katsu the GREEN PHENO/2k1. I labeled the ClubS1 the PURPLE PHENO/2k1. And I labeled the Norcal one, pre2k1, cuz at that time, I hadn’t asked my buddy ALL the info on the norcal cut… And i was told orgnkid’s were obtained in 2k1.

so anyways, after a few more pages in that thread at CW, people started getting the pre98 moniker from the kalimist mixed up with my pre2k1 bubba designation. So after probing my friend, he told me he got it from a glassblower in socal around 1998. after posting that, the pre2k1 pretty much started getting called the pre98. the pre-98 is shabud’s cut.

Swerve’s Pre-98 - I don’t know where swerve obtained this cut, you would have to ask him. But he has told me, that he termed his “pre98” (which was at least a few years after the thread at CW and I had designated the norcal as pre98) because the cut he obtained, reminded him of the the bubba he was smoking in 1998-2000 in SFV. I don’t think there is any firsthand evidence of the age of his cut.”


Hot shit dudes I found the 93 origin story!


I’ve got a pack labeled Matt Berger Pre 98 Bubba x Cherry Mist. 2018. I hadn’t paid much attention to the pack til I saw this thread. @TopShelfTrees1 you familiar with is this cross? The CM is a sat dom strain. If I’m reading strain description and info right, CBD is double THC. Is that right?


wowzers :eyes: … they both look amazing, but limed orange is looking like a tree! :raised_hands: :open_mouth:


Yeah, it’s gone crazy. That Bubba has grown over 2 feet in 12 days and the Limed Orange has been a stand out since I planted it. It’s the only one keeping up with the PPP. I think I may have the Jacks dialed in. Well, at least for veg. We shall see how flower goes as this is the day. I am out of vertical space.


Can’t wait to watch you grow it and do some justice! (I just beat her up the last couple times I ran her lol :joy:.) Although I think I’m going to keep a 3gal sensi this run too. She’s fire smoke, and tasty! :pray:


Good video to watch featuring OrgnKid that’ll shed some light on a few mysteries, including that “Purple Bubba”.



I’m not, in fact never heard of cherry mist . Might be killer though :thinking:


Found a few more bits to share, this post from Nspecta that survived the ICMag server crash/purge in a 2006 quote response:

And a good Verdant Green breeding thread:

Nice find @Vagabond_Windy ! I copied the auto-generated transcript from that to paste here and be readable for people who can’t watch a podcast at the moment, it was too large to be posting in here so I PDF’d it:

ORGNKID interview.pdf (186.9 KB)


That male/female Bubba Kush line Verdant is talking about has been revealed in the Orgnkid interview to not be pure Bubba Kush. I have the same line and have grown and made hybrids with it. It’s a contaminated line with Purple Rhino.


This what’s used in the counterfeit @Cannavore ?


Oh yeah you were just saying this!


Yep the "Orgnkid Bubba Kush S1 “male” is likely either Purple Rhino S1 or (Bubba Kush x Purple Rhino “male”)… Then that pollen was sent to Katsu and pollinated the Katsu BK (which for all intents and purposes, IS the same Bubba Kush orgnkid was reversing).

Where the male part comes in during this feminized seed making excursion is probably a localized herm that produced a non-fem seed or two.


Yeah, they’re cool and all but just not gonna pass for one of the 3 Bubba cuts that everyone knows IMHO. They’re like if Blackberry Kush had a baby with Peyote Purple… soapy, blackberry, loud fruit aroma and then that dank Bubba back end is how i’d describe the ones i’ve grown. i’m sure there are more bubba leaners in the group though. gonna explore em further over the summer.


I gotta get a pack before they are all gone. Very cool, finding stuff like that is becoming harder and harder. Nice


Hmmm, that’s unique for sure.


A friend of mine passed hundreds of cuts around the north bay area around 2007 of a bright green bubba kush pheno that smelled more like 7up with a hint of the coffee and chocolate in the background. He must have been growing them from seed because he had two or three mothers he was keeping notes on and one put of purple plants , he called it purple bubba and the club in Santa Rosa relabeled the bright green bubba as 7up kush. I have not seen that cut sense then but often wonder if it’s still around under one of the many names attached to bubba cuts.