Bubba Kush cuts …

berger cut = “original” bk = 93 bubba = shabud’s cut = the one csi reverses = the oldest sourced cut of bubba kush that is known. never saw it called berger cut til recent.

the pre98 that everyone is familiar with is the one swerve brought online. some people are of the mind this one is a s1 or bagseed from the “original” cut. matt berger has said in podcasts the original cut didn’t go so hard with the purple and dark colors.

muddy waters as usual. but then again the origin story of bubba kush is murky at best as well.


Because Katsu is probably an S1 of the pre-98:


So it’s an s2 then…


With all the lore on famous Legendary Cuts and how all the smoke came to be i have learned a couple things all these years on hear listening to everyones radio chatter from growers to even little spicy tidbits from real breeders about some of the hijinks some of the legends pulled Bogs mixed up tray of Bubba and Bubblegum is a good one wink wink :wink: to try and find the true origin of some of the smoke either were hunting,have hunted or have a deep love for cause it was some of the first times we had.The stories of how They bred all that stuff is such a rabbit hole of he said she said shit to try and put it all in perspective you would have had to be there when the seed was popped to believe anything.This was all formed from Blackmarket cottage industry shit so many people lied used the same cuts said they were one thing but were the same thing ,Sour diesel and Headband ring a bell?It makes one very weary.Want to lose your shit go see what Neville said about what Dave told him about how he found skunk #1 in a little patch of dope some guys were growing in a patch undetected for years that were sharecroping Columbian,afghan and maybe thai and Dave just up and found it one day all bred by itself some sort of immaculate jesus freak conception?.G13 is another one holy crap is that one a doozy.Go read about my favorite Northern lights and the whole Indian jim ,Seattle greg ,Neville and the northern lights crew the whole thing makes no sense it doesn’t add up for shit and it never will no matter how hard we all stare at it and try an make ourselves believe it.


I think back to 89 to 95 when I was growing under the close supervision of my mentor , in his gardens. I remember times when there were gatherings and parties with all the associated people and the names that floated around. I also remember going on rides with my uncle down the washington/oregon coast and to grow ops or farm properties with gatherings as well. I remember names like steve tuck, indian jim, NL greg, Boel and the dutch boys , dronkers and I forget the other guys name at the moment. All this sam skunkman and neville and others… don’t remember anyone ever dropping those names.
Not that this has anything to do with bubba but I think North american bud from BC down to California was blowing the doors off these dutch boys when they came to visit. Whatever they went home with , originated here. I don’t know if “seattle greg” is NL greg , a name I remember from those days , but the two sound eerily the same to me.
I never bought high times or cannabis culture and didn’t join the internet of weed until 2015 but I first became aware of neville and other dutch seed producers when marc emory opened his store in vancouver in the latter part of the 90’s. I paid money for seeds for the first time in 1998… mighty mite seed co, spice of life and dj short. There was no Bubba Kush in any circles I associated in until well into the 2000’s , probably showed up in bagged flower sometime around 2005? (lowermainland bc, canada)


Alot of places just had names to go off of too.Back in the late 90s early 2000s we only had like 3 types of weed.We had mexican brick that everyone could tell was from mexico because of the newspaper it was wrapped in from Mexico city that had some green batches that would come through we would always try to buy up as much of that one as we could it went fast and didnt come around for awhile was very good smoke nothing like it anymore .You had Commercial we all called Mersh peppered with seeds was alright but the brick was better.Then comes the good one we had “Kind” bud.That one could have been anything Bubba,Romulan who knows.Usually saved for strictly seedless bud one would wish they would find the random nanner seed so we could smoke on it at will.I didnt really hear about bubba until i want to say probably around 2003ish maybe?We had Christmas bud which was a Canadian skunk that came around once a year bright green bud covered in red hairs.Then the beasters came and Buffalo got blanketed in a wave of Mediocre beaster weed for a bit.Now every thing has a name and a backstory that just came out now so its all sounds pretty fishy to me.The whole cookies thing is a good one.All from some random bagseeds and a frontman who spun a legendary myth to sell it.I still chuckle when i watch that video of Jigga and that little bald fat guy that just blurts out Yo aint got no Gooookies the while time.Jigga was damn near having a rap battle trying to spin the lies and bullshit on what cookies was made from the F1 durb and Florida Kush from the fat guys mouth not jiggas it was wierd,Jigga just keeps going ya ya das what it is mang Then he just sits there and lies for another 3 min on cherry pie being a sister to it and not actually in it.Then in another video he swears by his mother cherry pie is in it.Pick what you want to believe i guess


An assortment of Bubba strains (and one Blueberry CBD).
Front center, a pre98 Bubba from Mendo2020. Beautiful plant, grew a few balls which I picked off. No more so far.
On each side of the Bubba from Mendo, Bubba Island Kush from Dutch Passion. Lovely plants, ordered some more seeds. I will likely make some fem pollen from them.
Back row, two old time bubba from mosca seeds. Old time moonshine x pre98 bubba. Not my favorite so far but these are only 4 weeks in.
Lastly, a blueberry cbd plant back right.


I started getting it from McKinleyville/Arcata area about 2007. BK was a solid player by then.


Trying to think of the others. Master Kush was one.

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Lots of bubba goodness! I love it


Mats cut reversed.

I just chucked some of AKBB Purple Hindu Kush BX4 pollen from 4 boys on a Bubba cut today.
Here is a female of PHK. Making some BX5 Nose on these girls are pretty amazing. Orange gelato like. One has some coffee. Should make an interesting cross.


oh ya… those sound like they are gonna be some fire beans man, nice :wink:


Sounds dope! Super unique! Very nice :drooling_face:


is it typical for the M2020 pre-98 bubba to hermie?
first time or have you grown it out before?


I could not speak to typicity. This is my first grow and only plant. Other than a few balls, a true beauty. Unless she makes a habit of it, I will keep her and try again, I still have 5 more seeds. Good question. I will try to remember to comment when I have further experience.


thanks for response. good luck with your (first) grow.

i was curious about the M2020 as i have been impressed with what i have grown of theirs (so far). bit surprised/bummed that their bubba hermied.

yes please. keep an eye on it. let us know if any of your cuttings hermie or if it was just a weird one time thing.


I have not grown any Mendo2020 seeds before. But this is an outstanding example of bubba kush. I have grown bubba’s gift, bubba island kush before from other seed vendors. None of them hermied. In my experience, a few balls or even a few stealth bananas happen sometimes. If caught early, and one is not in the middle of a major seed project, they are of little consequence. not something I would like to see continued, so I won’t use this plant for anything. I will watch the others carefully. I will report anything intersex or otherwise off.
I apologize if I was unclear. My first grow was in 1972. But it wasn’t bubba :wink:


I had good luck with 20TwentyMendocino gear. Their SFV OG f5 was stellar!


i have had great luck with m2020 seeds also. i grew out “the spice!” this summer and it’s excellent. really like it. flavor, high ease of growth was all there.
i have done a few of their autos as well. i really like their stuff.


Do you mind if I ask how you know? In the potcast, bodhi said he used his original Bubba cut that he thinks people are calling the pre-93 or whatever, specifically NOT the pre-98. It sounded to me like he’s talking about the Berger cut.

Oh, I see that other people said the same thing, including Cannavore.