Bubba Kush cuts …

Ironically this is EXACTLY why I started this thread and it’s paid off tremendously


Matt’s cut is a great plant it just grows slow , I think a lot of people are chasing what ever they had back in the old days and sometimes find out it’s not what they thought. I’d have to grow Matt’s cut on a hydro table with the old modified Lucas formula to see if it comes out how it used to or if what my buddy had was actually a pre curser or s1 of the bubba kush, I’ll never know for sure because I lost contact with him and he moved away to a island to farm little birds.


It’s still a solid plant. Long as it doesn’t herm :eyes:
It’s not mids or trash or anything like that. Just wasn’t what I was personally looking for.


That was funny though lol. I chuckled while smoking a joint.


It’s cool. I was responding to Shoreline but for some reason it didn’t respond back to him.


K cool . Was just making sure as sometimes stuff gets taken the wrong way online and didn’t want this to be one of those cases


ya she will get at least one run here with me, i will just see how it comes out. i grew the bubba back in the early 2000’s along with the sfv–sr71 remember them all being decent but i was just starting out so ya did not know what i had at the time.

that purple/black bubba i have seen before for-sure.

lets go bubbas …


Definitely a solid plant. If you take into consideration the observation that different body chemistries might synergize differently with different strains, and also consider that a lot of people like myself hold it in high regard, you may need to grow her yourself just to see how she does or doesn’t align with your own personal body chemistry. I have found that, as Jinxproof mentioned about the 9lb hammer-- if you don’t have it dialed in you will only grow 2-, or 4lb hammers; I grow the heck out of bubba and can attest to that personally… when its dialed in it is a whole different beast than when it hasn’t been dialed in :raised_hands: I have grown batches that were midsy, and batches that are nearly psychedelic, and I definitely experience some face and body numbing action from her, yet everyone has different body chemistries which may synergize better with certain strains versus others. She doesn’t put me to sleep though… I can smoke Bubba all day and she will many times wake me up if smoking other strains have burnt me out.


ya i hear ya my friend, im seeing first hand right now that things can change from grow to grow even in the same grow hands. the GMO ROOTBEER has never really purpled on me but she is this time round very cool.

yup been wanting to pop those 9lb hammers for years and years but here they still sit, hahahaha.

thanks …


I’ve got the Berger cut too @JAWS waiting to go into flower here shortly, I’m in the same boat thinking that the pre98 is the money cut, but all I’m really looking for is that chocolate/coffee flavor and those painkilling effects so if I can pull those out of it then I’ll be happy, otherwise it’s back to the drawing board popping seeds or sourcing some other cuts. Terps and effects over everything else right?


The Bubba cuts besides the feed do they tend to take a bit more cal or mag?


I growi in hydro and feed jacks 321 in veg and maxibloom during flower, I don’t ever need to supplement with anything else.


I’ve never seen her need anything extra either, in RDWC in fact she liked a lower EC than most. In coco was similar to the other 8 strains running with it.


swerve has nothing to do with pre 98, the pre 98 is the cut that came from shabud the pre 98n name was given to that cut by archive. The only thing swerve has to do with pre 98 is he released a seed line with that name. pre98 is that nickname given to the cut shabud gave to csi and archive fletcher named it pre 98


Mine likes low ec and not much N in flower at all. My pre 98 also has thrown nanners from too much light in very late flower so I back the light down for weeks 8-11.


he stole the name pre98 for the cut he brought online that showed up after the Katsu and Shabud cut thats all. nobody calls the original Bubba cut the pre98 because of this fuckjob by swerve.

stolen valor lol


Contrary to what some others mentioned, I don’t think the Berger cut is slow at all. I’ve flowered it once and shared with friends. They all think it’s spot on the same Bubba Kush they remember from 10-20 years ago.

She’s not a viney stretcher, but she is pretty vigorous, lush and reasonably fast growing in my organic soil, has big hands, grows easy (not picky at all), and roots well. She doesn’t stretch much at flip like modern lanky production hype cuts that commercial growers are used to, but this Bubba still produces large, colorful buds that are a little leafy and loose by modern standards, and the flavor and smell are spot on as expected. Very loud dark chocolate, coffee kush in cure, but starts to lose that smell after about 6mo in jars. Effects are relaxed but not over the top potent for me. Can’t comment on pain relieving qualities because I’m not in pain…

Exactly my thought.

All in all, that Matt Berger Green Bubba Kush cut is mostly what I expected, except she’s quite a bit faster in veg than people claim, so much so that I’d say she grows like a weed.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


I also don’t find her to be a slow vegger or anything. She’s pretty vigorous if she’s happy. She’s only slow if you piss her off. I got decent stretch on her the first run. Like 2-2.5x, but the last two runs were maybe half that :thinking: she seems to want her root space too…

I think the flowers come out a lot like OG or Triangle, especially some of the lowers looked 100% spot on for that. I wouldn’t call them airy really :thinking: unless you consider either of those two airy :thinking: The tops especially, were really dense. Definitely leafier everywhere for sure though. I guess I did grow her out with supplemental co2 so that might’ve had something to do with the density I’m seeing :thinking:

I have mostly nerve and some muscle related pain and she doesn’t touch any of it.


Well it’s definitely not slow like the Mac or some more pure indica types I have grown but it grows at about half the rate of all the other varieties I keep , it is a rather happy plant that I agree grows with ease and clones very well , ironically I know somebody who didn’t keep here because he had issues cloning her but I have not heard that from to many other people.


Well since there’s informed people in here with good working knowledge, question this isn’t a pure Bubba but a cross. I may have flipped to early being a cross I thought it would stretch a bit more. Also one still hasn’t seemed to trigger flower response.