Bubba Kush cuts …

Sorry lost track after loading the pic, but the two on the left of the pic. They are the Obama kush, they didn’t stretch for sheet. Do you guys think it still may have a good chance or is there something I can do to help make sure I can at least recover some from the lack of stretch. Like the mentioned low light at end of flower could I dial back early flower during the stretch and get a bit more?


Pre-98 does not tend to stretch like the Berger cut, in fact they barely stretch at all, that’s how I know it was the pre-98 we ran for years back in the 2000’s as we’d always Veg her an extra 30 day’s minimum to try and up the yield as much as possible.


Well dang, yeah they didn’t stretch for real at all just thickened up the branches and stems and started throwing pistols! Was like damn I may have made a decent mistake!


Oh you’ll still get nice nuggage! Trust me, not a lot you can do now imho if you’ve flipped already. Last year when I ran 14 pre-98 I was actually pleasantly surprised by the yield with LEDs as opposed to tables/hps. I’ve never grown Obama but I’ll bet you get a ton of nice thick chonky nuggage anyway


My pre 98 stretches at around .5 times original height at flip. The last run I flipped at 28" and it stopped at 42". I like to get it nice and big before flip so it produces decent.


my berger cut

nothing really slow about the cut i was given, she seems to be just getting on with it. once i get her into a one gallon she should really like her new home.

i STILL want that purple/black looking bubba though, could be a really interesting one to breed with.

peace …


That’s got some long internodal spacing for a Bubba


She’s slow like NL1, especially when they get topped/trimmed back.

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humm thats what is was sent to me as.


does this not look like your mother bubba ?.

humm …


Looks good to me brother @JAWS


That’s how the original cut looks like.



Yep that’s it :+1:


@Rocket this is the same cut orgnkid has or had as Matt’s , she does not always fade like this but when she does it’s rather pretty. Also same cut all star has available from time to time. Had her back for several years now and was at one point convinced she was gone.

This plant is in colder weather and almost starved for nutrients at the end, other wise she finishes with little to no color change but I recommend harvesting based of trichome inspection as the hairs can turn orange much sooner and trick some folks into a premature harvest.


The Triangle Kush is very much like this too. She can come out like rubbery mids if you don’t get her at least partially dialed in and let her finish.


I have the matt berger cut and it always finishes like this for me. My flower tent is always on the colder side though being its in a basement and im using leds without any heaters.


That’s why I haven’t grown it yet. I heard they were tack hammers.


the p98 bubba S1 (verdant green) I just ran in the greenhouse also appeared done by looking at the flowers/faded pistils but by trichomes to 10/15% amber took another 10 to 14 days.


Theres another Bubba Kush seedline from Vibes that uses an outcross then incross of the pre98 and Katsu Green bubba’s.
I think it was the same NL they used in the unpure Uzbekistan they passed out more of than their pure Uzbeki seeds.

So, one Bubba seedline using Purple Rhino, and one using NL

Funxta from SoCal also has a Bubba seedline hes been working with since he got BubaKush and OGK in the 90s. He released his late f-gen of that line as Firehouse Bubba. It has the chocolate, soil flavor of the purple/pre98 Bubba, but with a little floral background that compliments it nicely. Its really stellar. Funxta is also who supplied D&A with their Bubba and OG through bagseed they found in bags from Funxta

As far as what Ive seen from Bubba Kush, orgnkid had a purple and green clone. The green being called the Katsu, and the purple had several names but was also called pre98. It seems these two are sisters, coming from the original project.
The Katsu stays green like OG Kush and has a different bud structure than the purple bubba. The purple clone is more like Hindu/NL2 - if you compare the bud structures, the purple bubba and NL2/HinduKush are identical.
I believe the “Bubba” that hermed was NL2 brought back from his A’Dam visit.
I also notice the legit purple Bubba likes to throw balls. The crosses this herm pollen makes tend to be some.of the best stuff Ive smoked, namely Chocolate Trip(Montana cut) x Bubba. I passed it out in Seattle area but never got it back.


really? it’s STILL tossing balls? :worried: