Bubba Kush cuts …

Thank you @VerdantGreen

I know some people here or on discord have the katsu bubba. So hopefully that can be isolated.

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Cool. I don’t hold that cut any more… i should have investigated it more but was kind of scared off by the male.

Presumably they found the Purple Pheno in some Katsu S1s and then made S1s of that Pheno.



Yeah, that’s what the last sentence of the description would suggest, no males involved in the making of the PP seeds.


That’s interesting. Good way to test how solid the mom is I guess.


Yes, S1s really unpack what you have in a plant and teach you a lot about it… sometimes it isn’t good news lol but at least you know.


PP is an S1 of pre98, crossed to Katsu cut, then bx’ed to pre98 cut a few times

Edit, they found a male in pre98 s1 to make this happen.


the “male” was found in orgnkid’s bubba kush s1’s which were pollen contaminated by purple rhino. then it was crossed with the Katsu Bubba Kush cut.

huesos from the vibes collective made peyote purple originally with those katsu x orgnkid seeds by crossing it to bubba kush cut(s) he got from csi n working it further.


And hopefully to not be completely shameless with the plug lol but…

I made fresh F3’s of that Katsu BK x Orgnkid BK line recently that you can find at GLG. Get yourself a cut of Bubba Kush and breed the F3’s back to the cut and you might be on the path to something similar to PP…




Hey mate,

As long as you bring the info I am glad for the plug.

Thank you so much.


@Cannavore what is your take on the Matt berger? Is the green bubba a s1 of the OBK csi and shabud use?

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That sounds pretty similar to the og’er kush story also. So I guess was it more common to find males in some s1 when people were using giberellic acid? I know I probably butchered that spelling. Sorry.


I have a pre 98 bubba going at the moment that has a strong grape smell, I’m almost certain it’s not contaminated because it’s identical to the other two next to it, as luck would have it, I also had a BOG sour grape male so I’ve crossed them. Can’t go wrong I figured. Are these grape smells from bubba very common?


Most old cuts and lines simply use a different (older) sex determination system hence the possibility of spontaneous seemingly male plants showing up when reversing old clones. Coincidently the old system also makes it easier to lock traits down thus explaining its commonness.

The war on intersex or unstable sex determination and the feeling that weed used to be better go hand in hand me thinks


Please explain? What is this differing sex determination system you speak of?


It used to be called x to autosome vs active y, or monoecious vs dioecious but purists will say it’s all wrong and go on a new speak tirade lol


That makes sense and I hate it


Interesting, I have read that hops use the autosome:sex genes ratio to determine sex, but that cannabis uses sex chromosome to determine sex, and then genes around ethylene biosynthesis and uptake to determine sex plasticity I.e. hermaphroditism.

As far as I have been able to find out from studies, there are only about 6 genes that govern the plants ethylene biosynthesis and uptake i.e. the so called Yang process. So I guess if we are selfing, and we select as our breeding plant one that is more likely to show hermie traits, then what is it 8 generations of selfing I think the math is and you end up with something like 97% homozygous for that trait? I.e. everything hermi, or to put it another way, if there is four segregating loci that determine mono vs dioecious, and then you self, if you have selected a plant that is already hermi prone, by f4, you will have 58.62% of your plants showing such traits using the standard formula of [(2m – 1)/2m]n: where m is the number of selfing generations.


This is my understanding, experience, and belief.


Holy shit Rad!!! Dude I love this community.


That’s a different story to the origin for Peyote Purple that i heard. (and posted above)

Also been selling S1s of my pre98 Bubba for 12+ years and never male reported. intersex traits only reported twice in many hundreds of seeds.

Whereas the First S1 of the Katsu cut i grew turned out to be ‘male’.