Bubba Kush cuts …

Yeah hes said so many things. Ive seen him say his “bubba kush” multiple times as well.

My opinion is that theres bubba in there somewhere.


It makes for a good for some good marketing and ads a little mystery behind it all. He was good at that.


Who are yall referring to?

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BOG - and that sour bubble bx2 was most likely an f1 outcross


Didnt Bog also say he mixed up a bunch of cuts and had a mix up with with The Bubba in a tray of them?Tony Green said BOG was a shrewd Buisnessman and did that so noone would copy his gear


Right I remember all that. Sour bubble being a bubblegum…ya sure lol. I’ve tried every bubblegum out there from numerous banks, and they all suck… little smell, weak potency, just bland. Only good thing about bubblegum is the yield. Now bubblegum in hybrids is a whole diffrent story. Seems way better in a hybrid.

Unless bog found some freak 1 in 10,000 plants that was excellent, only he knew I guess.

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BOG did always maintain BOGBubble was Sensi Seeds Bubblegum direct from Ben Dronkers, and it took years to find the Sour Bubble pheno. Took more years to find the matching male.

Maybe it was a cross tho, who knows :man_shrugging:

The real question is, when did Sensi Seeds release Bubblegum? Because it definitely isn’t in the 91/96/97/99 catalogs :thinking:


Maybe BOG was high, and actually meant Serious Seeds Bubble Gum.
It was imo the Skunk dom. version. It was so up and happy in effect.
I liked it much better than the more indica, and less euphoric TH Seeds Bubblegum.

The TH Seeds BBG. came out around ‘93.


Go try Fluer De Mals Bubblegum closet best thing to an older Indiana Bubblegum thats left anymore.If you dont like it ill eat my hat. @Baudelaire has some amazing Seeds at that sight of his simply exquisite


That man had so many Boggles and Bubbles it would be easy to get confused if you think about it i mean he was the Bubblegum Guru


Old Bubblegum wasn’t the strongest smoke, but it was some of the tastiest I’d come across back then. We always assumed this dude, Marty, had found a killer Bubblegum pheno or crossed it back in the day and called it Cotton Candy. That was the first weed I ever came across that showed how candy like and different weed could smell. I was young back then and lucky to get a track/eighth of it after the older dudes got theirs. I’d bug the shit out of him for it constantly like a shitty little grom though. Haha


I’ve heard alot of praises about his. Every co says there’s is the old school Indiana bg though. None smelled or tasted bg…more pine sweet. All were exactly the same from co to co. Like clones basically with there being a tall and short pheno. I tried serious, th seeds, nirvana, and a couple more. I’m doubtful his is any diffrent.


I miss the one we had around Buffalo around 99 tasted like Bazooka Joe Bubble gum and had a energetic buzz that had you running around for a couple hours


That would be exactly the time I’m talking about too, but about as far south from Buffalo as you can get and still be in a state. It wouldn’t have made its way around back then if it wasn’t good. Haha


I was fortunate enough to have grown up in Indiana during that time frame. Bubble gum was abundant to the point where heads were on the look out for something different. We were always on the hunt for blueberry or other strains of the times. AK47 was still popular at the time.


Bog f2d a half pack of th bubblegum and found his “super bubble gum”. He was never known to hunt large numbers :upside_down_face:

Similar plants to what was first used to create sour bubble can still be found in th bb

The introduction of bubba kush happened at bx2, before that sb was a bb sport pheno


@Mithridate so if I got the a pack of some f3 bx2 that’s around the Bubba incident? So the pure line Bubba was 2003 and older ?


BOG said he used Doublegum, it was Sensi’s White Label brand.

I see no reason for BOG to intentionally mislead people. He said where all his genetics came from. I think it’s more likely that whatever the Dronkers team used to make their Doublegum regular seed with has shared relation or something with similar observable traits via Nevil’s Seed Bank work.

My theory is Bubba Kush either has some of Nevil’s Seed Bank work directly in it’s genetic make-up or it indirectly shares ancestry with Seed Bank work and subsequently Dronkers work.

That said, it’s possible that a cutting could get mixed up in a tray but if that’s the assumption the community is to go on do we assume any other rare types, throw backs, or recessives found are from similar mix ups?

I believe BOG. If he wanted to intentionally use Bubba Kush he would have, in my opinion, for sure marketed the heck out of the fact he was using such an exclusive elite because at the time Bubba Kush was one of the most popular, exclusive, and sought after.

He was upfront with using White Labels Bubblegum, SubCool’s Jacks Cleaner Blueberry, Sensi Star in Lifestar, and so on. It just doesn’t seem to fit BOG’s style to lie about this one thing so random. An accidental mixup in a tray possibly sure anything can happen but I don’t think it’s near as likely as a Nevil’s Seed Bank connection in some shape, form, or fashion. Many blessings and much love


Like i said his is the closest to the older stuff but its never going to be the old stuff.He has actually improved the line I think he just got done doing a nice lenghty backcross to itself a year or two ago check out and have a look https://fdmseeds.com/


At f3 it hugely depends on selection. You could probably turn ecsd into bubblegum in 3 gens lol

What I understand is bx1 is from pure bbgum stock… see the work of steel savage with it for exemple… at “bx2” or second generation… bubba is introduced (f1)

So the bx2 is somewhat stable but segregates upon recombination (f2)

It’s important to note that bog didn’t keep males around and various drops used different males, with varying degrees of success.

Around 2010 bog house caught fire and he lost all parent stock… then it was inbred from previous batches/years

He often only pollinated one cut of medium size so there are many version - of sb at least…

Some batches are legendary… such as the batch where buckaroo and I forget who (damn) got.
If he had kept those parents sb would be king

Ps: the lime throwback is from the pre98 bubba… there’s a chunky lime to be found in pre98 bubba s1s