Bubba Kush cuts …

I currently have an “original” bubba kush and the “pre-98” bubba. I forget the stories though…the original is also known as “pre-pre-98”; they look and smell mostly similar but the original is a beast with thicker-- and slightly gassier smelling – stems that yields more than the pre-98


I’m confused I thought Obama Kush was and indica afghani strain crossed with OG kush and bred by someone in Michigan? Is the bubba x mendo purp an Archive version of Obama Kush?



The original bubba or 93’ bubba don’t fit anywhere in the story, being it alledgely starts in 1996-7. I won’t repeat what was said about the 93 as some use it and call it bubba, but in one word “stunt”. Myself, I don’t know. I only learned that cut existed this year hah

Edited to add: so while some contest the authenticity of a 93 cut, on the other side of the coin we have knowledgeable growers such as bodhi and nspecta holding it and breeding with it. I kinda assume these guys would make corrections if something was off.

It gets complicated the further back you go… some are saying there 98 and katsu, then 93, purple and green bubba possibly being different than 98 and katsu. :face_with_head_bandage:


It’s bred by CSI Tigard (Redbeard), there’s probably other strains named that but that’s the one you’re gonna find in clone form at least.

Correction: bred by CSI Humboldt and selected by Redbeard, so just like T-1000 was.


It didn’t happen until the late 90’s. Nobody will ever know the genetics until genetic mapping. These guys tell stories. They held it tight at first. But, who really cares? Grow it, smoke it, and decide if you like it or not. No clue why Bubba would ever be confused with Bubblegum and why anyone would call Bubblegum, Bubble. Bubble is hash.


Here are some Bubba that I grew about a year or so ago:

image image image image


Some big looking Bubba plants in here. Must’ve vegged for awhile. They always stayed pretty freaking squat with almost no stretch in my experience.


This is my experience with pre 98 S1s, all with almost no stretch at all and slow veg.

Pz :v:t2:


Ghs made its own bubba kush by crossing bubblegum and ogkush a while ago. They themselves copied what was thought to be the lineage from who knows where.

And guys like bog saying stuff like -I isolated the bubblegum side of bubba kush- etc

Dates back eh


Ohhhhh, wow. Haha That’s wild. Why would anyone think there’s Bubblegum in Bubba?? Odd. I’m sure those guys know more than me though. Thanks for the info!


When I got my cuts from Farmer Joe he discussed his cut as being the original, acquired from Xochi before he gave it to CSI, but I have forgotten all the intimate details. I had the Katsu bubba and felt it was the stinkiest and most stony of the three, but it had herm issues so was provided a one-way ticket over the rainbow bridge.


Very interesting. I know or at least have heard that farmer Joe has been holding a variety of cuts for the longest time, often before all the s1, name games etc

There can only be one original though. Which cut is Joe’s og ? Is it what we know as 98/not 93?

I saw cannavore write - all 93 is pre98 but not all pre98 is 93-


From my recollection, I have pics of the convo somewhere, FJ said he gave up the pre-98 and has the original Bubba Kush (which was also referred to as the pre-pre98) because the original Bubba yielded better :raised_hands:


Here’s the FarmerJoe cut of Bubba going now, when I got it, he was calling it Bubba Kush (Matt Berger’s cut from OrgnKid) …


Thats the one… the one Matt Berger refers to as “Original Bubba kush”


That looks great bro. :sunglasses: :metal:


Amazing, thank you for this great bit of information, I appreciate it very much.


Bubba Kush/Original Bubba Kush/pre93 (it was being called 93 for awhile even though its a stupid nickname) Bubba Kush is the oldest known cut which was obtained by 707Seedbank in the pre-2000’s and shared to dudes like CSI.

Orgnkid BK/Katsu Bubba Kush/Green pheno Bubba Kush was from the early 2000’s. Orgnkid sold it to GreenCrackMan and GCM sold it to Katsu.

Pre-98 Bubba Kush is from Swerve. Considered by dudes like CSI to be a selfed gen. Showed up years after the other cuts but named Pre98 by Swerve probably to capitalize on the name hype and also because he said it reminded him of the Bubba he smoked pre2000’s

Archive/Docta labeled the Original Bubba as Pre98. It is the “true” Pre98 but most people don’t call it that because Swerve years later used that handle for the cut he brought to the scene.


Josh D thinks it was the Bubba/NL that hermed so it’s not even all clear between Josh and Matt


Thanks… I would like to grow archives Obama Kush and T-1000. I have to many strains I want to grow this winter in a 3x3 with HLG gear. As quick as I get into it, outdoor season will be on us. I need to make a list of priority strains and cuts. I need 5 more lifetimes and much more space and time. :sunglasses: :metal: