Bubba Kush cuts …

Hard to gauge text online, your being sarcastic right? Bc if not you can send all that to me lol. That plant looks really nice from my point of view. One mans trash another mans treasure i guess. Garlic pizza sounds great to my nose. If you dont mind my asking what did you not like?

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The plant shown may be super lush and frosty and is good to make extracts with, but imo the flower yield is gonna be too low to be worth most folk’s time and patience.

Also the terps of garlic or pizza seems wrong for any Bubba. But that’s less an issue for me than that particular plant’s yield.

But the plant looks healthier than any Bubba i’ve grown.


Mostly just the long veg time and low yield.


Pheno two. Little more foxtaily on some tops, less “chunk”.


Yes, I did find that.

S1 seeds are not a copy of the parent. S1 seeds are a remix of genes from one plant. This practically means that you often find real shit plants in S1s, but you also find really amazing plants.

So this is why you need to pop as many seeds as possible when dealing with S1s.

Pz :v:t2:


Oh okay thanks for the response. As you know im sure being an s1 brings alot of variation from the clone only. Slow veg is the case with most old school indicas, their the kind of plants you stick in the corner and forget. Thats been my experience at least. Bubba kush or any pure indica isnt the best option for somebody looking for quick turn around.

Honestly id be shocked if you found a fast one in those s1, best stick to hybrids. With that said you have to account for it being a fast flowering strain so it makes up for slow vegging. Ive grown bubba kush hybrids with much faster growth, maybe check one of those out.


Hey my friend thanks for the kind words and for posting those pics and the report of my Pre-98 S1s,
your plant is really well grown and spot on to bubba type… as is the description of the smell. That berry back-end behind the coffee/mocha smell… that is so true! i could never quite place it tbh and that is the best description of it ive heard… Glad you found the vigor to be pretty good… People complain the lack of vigor of bubba… but bubba can grow quite strongly when it is kept happy ime.

i think you have also run some of the CSI Bubba S1s too which look good.
Would it be true to say you found a bit more variation in the CSI version? - IF the current origin stories are correct (they evolve over the years lol) then my Pre98 Bubba clone would already be an S1 and therefore my S1s would actually be S2’s… - which would explain why they seem to mostly come out very similar to the parent (afaik an S1 is some 27% more likely to breed true for a trait than its parent due to being more inbred).


Good point there verdant. Your right they would be s2. From what ive seen s1s never or rarely match the original in terms of terps, potency, etc. Hell just look at chem s1 grows most dont even smell, very strange indeed. They look the part but lack substance. Im sure theres exceptions here and there.

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Yes i didn’t go down the S1 route with Chems because i think there are some funky genes in there. i made C4DDD instead with backcrosses.
S1s and whether they come true or not depends on how true breeding the parent is so i think perhaps bubba S1s come out better than most… and yes if these are really S2s then that will certainly help!


Ill grow them for you lol.

No seriously though if youd like.


I have grown a lot of CSI Bubba S1’s and, one I threw out because it was really tiring (many seem to be) and dready was a HUGE yielder but the buds looked like this.

This one pheno had long dreads from tip to tail, and it wasn’t from too much light.
I didn’t even trim it well, because it looked so deadful :joy:, I just threw it in a bag where it sits today.
I still have a couple pounds of rejected S1 pheno’s from two years back that just sit there… I dont like sleepy weed so it’s basically useless to me – My love of Bubba comes from it’s ability to cut through tiring highs and wake me up, and that trait doesn’t seem to come through on many of the S1’s I have grown


Mediocre grow, shitty pics. Matt berger cut.

Wake up weed yes. Gotta be careful though its potent as you mentioned @herojuana.tom smoke too much and youll be on cloud nine, you know what i mean?

Easy to grow, dial in and she likes to go.

Irene slower but definitely related. Irene better but so hard to grow compared to most plants ive run.

Cross irene and chem d for stellar weed thats insanely hard to grow i imagine :joy:

Hashy spicy back end… same as irene back end. Crazy the stuff you can see in common.

I plan to get TK from farmer joe. After some back and forth on here hes the only one id easily link up with. Dude does an amazing community service. Not like i can just ask money mike for it right?


wow i haven’t seen anything that different to what straight bubba looks like in any of my S1s !
when do you take them? i think most who like bubba for its narcotic sleep inducing qualities flower it for much longer. I tend to take it at 56-60 days and then it is a balance between some cerebral and narcotic… very personal though.


It is an outlier but, I have considered that there is a possibility that it may represent some long-lost grandparent ancestor.
I ran 5 packs, 35 seeds, and this pic is from one of the only two that exhibited long natty dreads. I already smoked the other one.
These specific plants were pulled at day 72 from flip. I flip directly to 13 hours of darkness and, then I adjust my timer to add an extra 15 minutes of dark time once a week until (after four weeks) they are at 14 hours of darkness per night.


whats the DEATH BUBBA ?.

thanks …


@JAWS death Bubba was death star and Bubba crossed


I can’t wait I got a 3 pack from a OG Member and I had one pop already. Leaves are already pretty fat. I also have a male of bubba kush bx2 Cutthroat Genetics. I’m thinking of flowering out the Fem Katus Pre 98 bubba kush and crossing it with the male Bubba Kush Bx2 from Cutthroat Genetics. What do you guys think?


I had a SB that looked exactly like that seedling.

I had high hopes for it. Started out very vigorous and looked good. But it ended up being very different looking that what Im selecting for and tossed it.

Pretty sturdy, vigorous but extremely small leaves compared to the rest of my selections. Must be a recessive pheno somewhere in the lineage.


Yeah i have about 5x more of the Cutthroat Genetics Bubba Kush BX2. I think I’m going to pop the rest to find a fat leaf pheno. But I’ll let this one finish up and see how he turns out. I have a backup clone of him already and if all fails it will get tossed.


Pre-98 bubba from Twenty20