Bubba Kush cuts …

Hell yeah dude! I hope you find what you’re looking for and if you do, take hella pictures so we can all drool over them lol.


Hell ya bud that’s way generous to kick down some seeds that’s just rad that bubba looks absolutely :fire::fire:


Hello, good morning!


Nowadays it is difficult to find both Peyote Purple and Bubba Delight from Cannabiogen.
They were the first “Bubbas” that I grew and tried. Their flavor and effects hooked me on the Bubba world.
It is true! Today I have found other Bubbas that I like as much or more!

If you liked Peyote Purple so much, I recommend that you try Counterfeit Kush F3 from Cannavore. I have only grown one pack. That is to say! Very few references, but I have grown many Peyote Purple and found many, many! similarities between both. This is my personal opinion, please take it as just that.:pray:t3:

I wish you a good day


Hello again everyone!

I have a question for you all.:thinking:

I hope you can help me.:pray:

Despite having grown a lot of Bubba genetics in seed form, from many different breeders.
I would like to grow and enjoy some of the clones that surround the history of Bubba. Due to my location I am very limited in finding these genetics in clone form, in fact I don’t have any.

I found this page a while ago:

If you filter for Bubba, three clones appear, the one from Matt Berger, the 98 and a Platinum that I really don’t know.

I would like to know if anyone gives legitimacy to this website or should I stay away and keep looking!?

Thanks in advance to everyone.:pray:


Katsu pre 98 bubba kush fem. Fingers crossed she comes out fire.


She looks superb :smiling_face:

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Twenty20 bubba starting to flower


PP is Bubba Kush crossed to that Counterfeit line I put out, then the breeder selected plant or plants was s1’d to make the PP… Huesos/Wesos from the Vibes Collective is the original breeder of PP you can probably dig up old posts and info from him some more. Mustafunk has lots of info too.


Are you sure? Never heard/read of counterfeit in the PP. To me that was straight from a batch of bubba kush S1, where they also found “males”. Their description said so at least: “Its been developed several generations from an isolated purple pheno segregated from Bubba Kush” and apart a dubious “breeder” :wink: , they usually were straight on the lineage.


Yup the “Bubba Kush S1” seeds originated from Orgnkid who admitted to pollen contamination with Purple Rhino S1 in those packs. The male that person found was an extreme hermaphrodite displaying with little to no female sex traits. That person either sent the male or pollen to Katsu, who then pollinated his namesake BK cut with the “male”. I came up with the name Counterfeit because it was obviously not a pure bubba Kush line as it was advertised to me.

Huesos/Wesos then took that Katsu Bubba Kush male/female line and crossed it back to “Bubba cuts he acquired from CSI Humboldt”. My knowledge is hazy after that but clearly someone worked it further lol.


Ah that’s interesting, I’ve always assumed they made the S1 themselves from the cut. I’m in EU so anything US is a bit more hazy to me, specially when the Orgnkid name gets dropped. Sounds difficult enough to follow for US people already. :smiley:

That extreme herm did make some noise

Thanks for the history bits :slight_smile:


It is absolutely difficult to follow.


Yeah no it wasn’t a direct selfing from one of the Bubba Kush clones it 100% originates from Orgnkid’s Bubba Kush S1’s which he admitted on Archive Seedbank’s podcast you can find on YouTube that those Bubba Kush S1 packs were contaminated with a old cali clone named Purple Rhino. Then that male that was found in the S1’s as I said was used to pollinate Katsu BK and the beans were given to me at F2. PP is this line back crossed further to Bubba Kush clone(s) and then possibly a specific pheno(s) that was selected and selfed which was what was sold by cannabiogen… hazy on the latter details though lol.

I acquired the seeds from someone in the Vibes Collective who traded with all those dudes… wesos, katsu, the cannabiogen dudes, ace dudes, & other members… and that was the story told to me plus stuff ive looked up on my own or checked with guys like mustafunk. @VerdantGreen made beans with that line too.

On a similar note I think those OGers F-gen lines people have from Orgnkids work too are the result of contamination. They don’t really look remotely OG to my eyes.


Thnx for sharing even though you didnt like it. Weird none the less that it came from bubba s1. Cannavore great information there makes perfect sense. So that katsu is bubba with a hint of purple rhino no?

Interesting now im betting some of these cuts going around are actually bubba rhinos from those original orgnkid seeds. Especially the reallly purple ones. Cannavore is this purple rhino looking? Im assuming now that blackberry bubba was actually a bubba rhino not a phenotype of bubba kush s1. Anything interesting in those ones you popped?


I would contact @farmerjoe420 on instagram instead. He is where most people got their matt berger cut of bubba kush.


the “Katsu” cut of Bubba Kush is legitmate. Katsu purchased it from someone in 2001ish who bought/acquired it from Orgnkid…

specifically in regards to Peyote Purple, the Katsu Bubba clone was pollinated by those Orgnkid Bubba Kush S1 seeds where some guy supposedly found a male, & Orgnkid had said there was something called Purple Rhino mixed into the release of his BK S1 seeds. the seedline that i have that i renamed to counterfeit kush has many “non” Bubba smells… blackberry, wine, dutch weed fruity tones, and so on with deep purple/black coloration on some. the potency ain’t there on the couple i’ve grown but some of the individuals are extremely loud smelling. i haven’t gotten too deep on them yet, main goal was to reproduce them as they were old seeds!

there were also some other “famous” clones that came from those Orgnkid BK S1’s like the “mint” Bubba, and the Blanco Bubba that strayfox sometimes uses/used in his breedings.

the blackberry bubba is indeed related and possibly a straight up Purple Rhino x Bubba Kush cross. i think the Purple Rhino is the blackberry component in blackberry kush imo.


i posted it in here before but here’s the podcast;

he says the stuff about the bubba kush s1 contamination fairly early on


Gotta watch that.

Its so hard for me to get sucked into these even with video and captions. Im just sitting there, watching some dudes talk, and reading the words on the screen. So sometimes i manage to, but its just… so hard to feel engaged when i can just only read the words.

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yeah i usually save them for shit to watch/listen to while gardening or trimming lol


thats my issue lol, I’m deaf