Buddertons Tomfoolery

Meat Breath S1 OGKB mutant, seed from @Wizdom .
Nevermind the thrips(they’ll get theirs soon enough), check out the little leaf growing from the main leaf base. Might be some leaf bud in the future.

I’ve seen these before on a cousin to this one, so it’s neat to see it pop up again and makes me ponder what relative in it’s past contributes the gene packets that makes it what to express like that.

The one in the link ended up male and was never flowered out. It’ll be cool to see what this S1 does.

Another relative, this runt is (Meat Breath OGKB dom x Sherb Breath normal grower) X Sherb Breath normal grower. So it’s a backcross to a normal growing Sherb Breath male. Slow to start, but beginning to catch up.
