Buddertons Tomfoolery

Getting my meat out.
Big Carl, AKA Carls Meat, AKA Carls Shoes x Meat Breath (non OGKB)

MYC Chem, AKA New York City Meat, AKA Meat Breath (OGKB) x NYC Chem

I haven’t got any nicknames for this one. Meat Breath (OGKB) x Sherb Breath (non OGKB)

And might as well post a little re-veg action



You’re making me want to pop some ogkb work earlier than i should, lol

What is the best in your opinion?


I haven’t grown the pure OGKB but if you grow cookies crosses enough, you’ll see the mutant pheno pop up. They can be hit or miss in quality but if you get a good one, it’s over the top in terpene production and effects. Unfortunately a majority of the best quality mutant phenos have been slow growing and low yielding.
I’d say any of Mendo Breath descendents are a good place to start. Perhaps some of the earlier Cookies crosses. Depending on who you talk to, the OGKB cut is the original Cookies (perhaps even the original “forum” cut) or is a parent to the original forum cut. Waters are murky on that one.


These people work heavily with that line. I have a cross of their swahili sweets (lava cake s1 x swahili sweets) which is supposed to carry a lot of mutants and be a real high washer.


Right on @CocoaCoir . I expect to find some good hashers. The Sherb Breath #3 female that I used to make the 2 different versions of f2s I’m hunting was a great washer with strong terps and effects. I think extracts are where the real value a good OGKB mutant shows.


So when stacking taking the bottom inch of the solo is where it is at! This male had been stacked about a week when I wrenched the shit out of the solo, but that extra inch really helped the roots hold!

See how crooked the solo is but the plant didn’t notice. I’m sure that if I had just cut out the bottom that would have been the end for this guy.


MM x NH x MG update. Beautiful plant and easy to deal with. It seems to grow like haze to me. I’m worrying the smoke will be too strong and incapacitating. I’m hoping just for some nice haze that doesn’t knock me out but gives me energy. It smells very sweet and is a little sticky Let’s see


That’s really impressive. Look at all those bud sites with the interesting leaves. Makes me want to buy a 4x4 or 5x5 and spend the next year tackling this. I fear my 2x4 would not cut it.


Yep. The ones I’ve got going are very hazy. I’m also hoping for a motivational buzz, like the mother I used. I guess we’ll both have to wait and see how the Malawi Gold influences the effects.


The MG should give the cross an uplifting cerebral experience. Get out do things socialize. Should be a nice journey with the MM and NH.


This is one of the Lemon Gooey I have in flower. It’s Northern Cali Gooey (1983) x Lemon Thai f4 and is from @santero . Thanks Sans, I’m stoked to sample these when they’re done.

They are stout, kinda broad leafed and look like a hybrid but the smells are closer to these,

and not this.

Oh yeah, the Michigan Mouth is pollinated by Affie pollen because I could. You can call me Chuckerton.

And I’m not a tea nerd except I am. At least one pot of homemade genmaicha a day keeps the moving parts clean. Mrs. Budders pops the rice. This time she did red rice as opposed to the traditional brown.



Had to search that…great stuff & great stuff :slightly_smiling_face:


Meat Breath S1 OGKB mutant, seed from @Wizdom .
Nevermind the thrips(they’ll get theirs soon enough), check out the little leaf growing from the main leaf base. Might be some leaf bud in the future.

I’ve seen these before on a cousin to this one, so it’s neat to see it pop up again and makes me ponder what relative in it’s past contributes the gene packets that makes it what to express like that.

The one in the link ended up male and was never flowered out. It’ll be cool to see what this S1 does.

Another relative, this runt is (Meat Breath OGKB dom x Sherb Breath normal grower) X Sherb Breath normal grower. So it’s a backcross to a normal growing Sherb Breath male. Slow to start, but beginning to catch up.



Bastard thrips!


You’re definitely growing thugpug meat breath! That’s one of it’s traits!


I really like the fall colors.


Right on @JoeCrowe , it’s cool to see confirmation of that trait in your Meat Breath. Have you heard of the “leaf bud” occurring on any Mendo Breath or the OGKB cut itself.
It’s too bad nobody really knows what Meatloaf is/was, other than it was another cookies hybrid.


I have no idea, and I poked around a bit. It’s hard to find photos just of mutations on plants!


2nd annual Willie Nelson Birthday Gift Box. As long as he’s here and I’m here, I’m gonna keep doing this!

It’s almost Willie’s 91th birthday and I’ll like to celebrate all the good things he’s done for us by giving away a Willie Nelson Birthday Gift Box. This giveaway is only open to Canadians because the Willie’s Birthday Gift Box can only be shipped within the boarders of our great, tolerant country.

So every Canadian, it’s your duty to sign up for a chance to win the Willie Nelson Gift Box! If you’re Canadian and don’t sign up, you don’t like Willie! If you don’t like Willie , we might not be able to be friends.:grin:
Seriously though, it’s gonna be a box of nice goodies, so don’t hesitate to crank(but not too loud) some Willie, smoke some Herb, and sign up.
I’ll use a random number generator to pick one winner at 4:20 pm on April 29th. Please be kind and back out, then try again, if you get a warning while adding your name and number…
Add the next number, as needed. …

Second annual Willie Nelson Birthday Gift Box sign up,
:canada:Canada Only​:canada:

  1. @Wizdom :canada:
  2. @TricycleOfDoom :canada:
  3. @Loggershands
  4. @CanuckistanPete
  5. @TopShelfTrees1
  6. @jessethestoner :canada:
  7. @Barefrog :canada:
  8. @sprinklememaynee
  9. @DougDawson
  10. @Tuned :canada:
  11. @Soilessmedium :canada:
  12. @leetdood :canada:
  13. @THCeed
  14. @LzBoy :canada:
  15. @204medismoke :canada:
  16. @Fortman420 :canada:
  17. @duo :canada:
  18. @Andrane
  19. @luxton :canada:
  20. @ShiskaberrySavior
  21. @MonasticDank
  22. @MissinBissin :canada:
  23. @CADMAN
  24. @TheSeedjinn
  25. @Nugslinger :canada:
  26. @neogitus :canada:

@Budderton 's smoke in Willie’s honor … I’m in

Good luck to all :v: