Buddertons Tomfoolery

Right on @MissinBissin ! I must point out that those seed where collected by @iceman , over in India, and he sent them to me to share. I’m happy to see they are viable! Best of luck with them!


Thank You for making that connection @Budderton, I really appreciate the background story and meeting the actual contributor.

Makes for a tight ship.

I’m jacked that such legitimate tourist-seeds were the first ones to Pop Budd!

Thanks again, and the door is always Open @iceman. I am sure there is going to be a few questions as we move-on here. Proud to be growing your Project!

Congrats on the Moon Landing! :india:


Here’s another import, this time from @Cranio, down(or up depending on how you look at things) in Australia. Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze female.
About 2 wks under 12/12 and stretching.



Thank you @Budderton and @MissinBissin :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

Pls feel free to ask anything.
However, pls note that I only sourced the buds and made sure and confirmed its origin. I haven’t grown them myself. :pray:t3:
These were grown in the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary in the state of Karnataka. This state, the farmers have a sense of selective breeding, so I’m sure something great should grow out from them.

Buds were smelling of sandalwood and spice. Smoke was great. Not very sedative, but certainly comforting and relaxing.


Oh Man Thanks for that beautiful update @iceman

Had no idea this last Strain added to the Grow would be the Last Strain that was in the Field.

I’m loving the timeline and will be sure to keep you posted. Bhadra-Live

Wonderful making contact with you.
Thanks again @Budderton


Likewise buddy…:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:




I am in @santero. OG’s rock,
But I’m gonna hustle off, cuz the Bhadra tails R big this a.m. x3 !!!
morning og !


That looks like something I would have had in the seventies. It looks like good old school smoke. Thanks for sharing @iceman.:peace_symbol:


@Budderton Just picked it up in the mail today. Just want to thank you again brother for the LA Affie AND the Meatbreath x Sherbbreath! Going to have to pop these as soon as my currant run is over with.


Much :green_heart: brother.
I’m trying to source them again. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Awesome @Habitt ! I’m happy they survived the trip. If you get into those MB x SB, be prepared for around 70% of the seedlings to be OGKB dominant. Best of luck with them!


The mb x sb will be the first cookie strain I’ve ever grown so Im kind of interested how she turns out against the other cookies strains I’ve smoked. Im SUPER excited for the LA Affie as I LOVE me some afghani strains a lot. Like a lot a lot so this is going to be grown the MILLISECOND my current grow is done! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


quick stupid question :cowboy_hat_face:
what is meatbreath’s lineage?

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It’s a Thug Pug thing from around 2015-17ish. The male is an OGKB mutant Mendobreath F2 name Studley Spewright, selected from GGG seed. Thug Pug was a tester for them. The female is labeled as " Meatloaf". A mysterious cookie hybrid with no lineage given. This was my Meat Breath and I hated myself for loving it so much! You’d get thumb sized flowers on a three foot plant but the taste and effects where exactly where I wanted to be!

I hated having to grow it but I liked it that much.


yeah, i knew about the mendobreath in there.
was actually curious about the meatloaf, haha.

i didn’t know that it had to do with cookies, so i AM actually a little bit further.
(although, nowadays one is kinda safe to assume its something ‘cookies’, lol)

thank you, bro :slight_smile: the plant looks really nice. low yield is normal,
but i also love the taste/smell from many of the combos :yum:

did the sherbreath beef it up a bit?


The LA Affie that are in flower are very stinky.
Super hashy stem rubs, it makes my nose tingle from how strong the scent is.

Youll love these ladies.@Habitt


The Sherb Breath male I used was a normal grower(not OGKB) but the seed test of about 20 came back 70-5% OGKB mutants. I still had the SB male in clone so I took one of the 30% normal growers that had the terps and much better structure and Bxed back to the SB male. That pollination didn’t go so well and I only ended up with under 20 seeds but there should be what I’m looking for in those.(I hope!)


@Budderton so glad you got some nice ladies from the beans brother :raised_hands: I’m so pumped to see what direction you take your project in! I’d definitely take some cuttings off that mmxnh and reverse. Be amazing to have a few fem beans for future purposes!! :yum:
That Sudanese is looking sharp :ok_hand:
Glad I could help in a small way for your project brother as you’ve always gone out of your way to help me! Best of luck brother :pray:


We are 3 for 3 @Budderton @iceman on the Bhadra seeds being planted after floating. Last one swam overnight until the tail was right.
And one has already broken ground within 24 hours of finding Dirt.

Makes my day having 4 different strains above ground already!

Thanks for the hot beans Gentlemen