Buddertons Tomfoolery

This one’s from a couple, few years ago.
Golden Papaya(Oni) x Sherb Breath (thug pug)
Old school structure and flavor.


@Budderton Awesome!! Morning!! A show of colors and beauties!!! Kudos!!
:pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Thanks my friend!:grin:


At which time, @Slick1 standing in the bed of the pickup, does an unexpected backflip out of the truck because he’s lost his balance with the driver “punching it” after @Slick1 “punches it”…

Newspaper headlines the following day read:

“Six Flaggs giraffe gets revenge on sucker punching idiot by trampling them”

And I was making 25 cents a click on a blind-linked images using a free site to repost pics sent to me. WHY aren’t people so dumb these days?!?!? I was making more a week in college than most of my friends made in 2 months. Then the game changed, and its 25 clicks for 0.01 cents now.

Get the puppy…

Man I really need to catch up on TOO many threads! You got some nice fall colors going on there @Budderton


Thanks man. I think it was a combo of an LED sunburn and natural fade.:peace_symbol:


I wonder about LED sunburn. I’ve definitely seen lighter, as in green, portions on leaves that are otherwise super dark purple, only because that portion had been shaded by another leaf laying directly on it. Made me wonder “are my lights too close / turned up to high”? (I just run em at 100% and adjust height instead of dialing down the dimmer)…

I’ve also gotten colors from lower temps in the winter here vs. the summer, 10 degrees overall drop will do it.

And finally, on my purple plants, like Black Creams and AC/BC, I find that P & K play a good role in development of purple during bud development. Lack of it = less impressive purples, more, but not overdosing, = nice dark purples. Might be a strain thing, but its repeatable and noticed here… Kinda figured that out dialing in nutes for both Photo and Auto plants here in bloom, seeing as my autos don’t like nearly the level that the photos always want…


Yah for sure. It took me a while but I started dimming to 50-60 % to start and turn it up to 80-90% as flowering progresses. Not as much sunburn when I started doing that. I keep my lights at near max height and rarely run my panels at 100% anymore. I agree about the P and K. :peace_symbol::grin:


Damn Bud, can you make a cross that is not :fire:? You are going to burn your own thread down at this rate!



Ya really don’t need that thing on the right…

Well most of the time…


But when you do, you really do.


Yo @Budderton , being that I’m fairly new here & assuming you may have answered this question a few times. . …but, being a self professed “terp whore” what is your favorite? Like, what’s your favorite single aroma from cannabis? And with breeding, do you have a specific goal for terps or are you just making educated guesses, tasting/smelling the recipe and saying “yep that’s about right” or “nope”. . …??


At this point I’m convinced that you could throw any seeds at budderton and it’ll turn up being fire :grin::grin:


I’m going to find out once mine land not sure what he’s sending me but got the fire extinguisher on stand by.


Thanks @bassman5420 . Their definately not all ziggers, I just show the perrrrty ones!:grin:


I like a variety. I am draw to “complex” terp profiles. Meaning they have a strong foreground (I like gas/menthol) with a lesser background (floral/fruit/pine ect) that reveals itself the longer you keep you nose in the bag. I’m also a fan of foul, garlic, body funk,poopy diaper.
I’m trying to make some “building blocks” to have and then be able to blend. For example a gas genotype, a chemical genotype, a fruit ect. Also always making exploratory f1s (aka chucks) looking for new, interesting things.
As far as selections, I go by my nose through flower and cured stages. If it is loud enough to smell up the whole subway car while double bagged in your backpack, that’s the one. The whole experience starts with how it smells and tastes in my opinion.
I don’t get too hung up on structure, if the terps and buzz are where I wanna be.
Once I find what I like, I perpetuate it by taking to f2 with a similar brother or crossing to a relative male whose sisters displayed the same terps as the one I liked in the first place. Both are a bit of a guessing game and take intuition and luck. I’m gonna focus more on selfing the ones I like, which is a faster way to get everything coming out the same. It’s also a good way to bring shitty traits out to the forefront.
Another pet peeve of mine is not perpetuating unprovoked inter sex traits. Especially selecting from a small population (1 pack) If the siblings of the one I like got weird for no go reason, I won’t use that one. Even if it grows good, you know that hermi tendancy is in there.
Good for growing, not for breeding.
Anyhow, I hope I answered your questions.:grin::peace_symbol:


Thanks for the kind words but it’s not true my friend! I have screwed up many seeds and pick many wrong males to use!:grin:


Look out for that Giraffe Puncher! :fist_left::fist_left::fist_left:


Lol! Ya sadly everything don’t go how we want sometimes.


Got my boxing gloves on and been working out waiting for that long necked sucker appear.

Two hits and it be clean up on isle 2 .