Buddertons Tomfoolery

Right on @Floyd , good to have you!


Scrolling through your thread, couldn’t resist…


Did somebody mention “bat weed”?


@BigMike55 i can’t believe your just getting here! Good seeing you in the crowd


Thanks bruddah.
I tend to just stay in a few threads that I know I’m welcome. There are some folks around here that would rather I don’t come around, so I just go where I know I’m welcome, for the most part.


He’s got another thread on afghan that he’s running you might like.
I tend to stay in the same places also, unless something catches my interest.


Ice Cream Cake #5 S1 testing is underway.
As a result, I am very high. :grin:

I just had a half a joint of #3 and have an upbeat, wanna do everything at once but my brain is too scattered, kinda buzz. The potency is definitely there. The smoke was light and refreshing. Different from the heavy OGs I’ve been sampling. This one had a subtle soap thing going and left my lips and mouth numb. I’ll get into #4 later tonight…:grin::peace_symbol:


Looks like it’s dipped in honey or something :drooling_face:

Sampling is awesome kind of like Christmas lol will you make hash out of it?


Most definitely @mndlss . I gauge cultivars on how they hash out, primarily. I rely on a few flower smokers to help me pick the best ones based on pure flower.


The numbs lips thing sounds like it’d weird me out, but damned if those aren’t beautiful buds!


Giraffe Puncher starting to flower. Recent cold snap has got the lights out temps too cold. Time to fire up the heater I guess.:grin::peace_symbol:


I hope you plan on punching that pollen out of there when the time comes.


I’m foilin up in anticipation @Slick1 . :facepunch::grin:


Seems like every time I start a @Budderton thread I just can’t stop reading until I reach the end! Very enjoyable “Edu-tainment” from start to finish! Thanks, not only for all the eye-candy, but great tips as well. You’ve really got me wondering now…have you seen any/many examples of your work when grown ‘outdoor’, particularly in ‘tropical’ environments where there’s no rush-to-cut? If you, or anybody else, has done so, PLEASE post pics! Thanks again for these thorough threads!


@Tlander thanks for your words.
I’ve only see my selections grow outside in more temperate areas so far. I’ve got a greenhouse grower doing the Affie cross in my area but I haven’t seen them in 3 wks or so.
I have sent to Brazil, Australia, India, Thailand, California, and Florida but that was mostly this year so I’m hoping to see some next season because I would love to see them grown out in the tropics too. It would be my pleasure to send you anything that’s sparked your curiosity and/or some of my new selections when they’re done, if your interested in trying them out.:grin::peace_symbol:


Contrast in structures…
SFV BX clone.

Dirty Taxi F2 clone



Wow. You post up pictures like that and I think “ I need a huge warehouse “

I’m really looking forward to your smoke and hashing report!


Or an old motel, with 30 rooms to play in. :grin:
I’ve sampled the two phenos I got to the finish line and liked them bolth but I liked that one enough to keep it around. Actually, cuts of both are in the cooker room, about to get some Giraffe Puncher on them in a couple weeks. I’ll hash some out while smoking a joint and report the results in the next few days.:+1:
I’m more looking forward to how it mixes with the stuff I find after the Chem/Diesel hunt this winter. And the Cobra Lips as well. Equatorials are put off till next summer, when it’s hot out.:v:


That’s great. Looking forward to hearing more.

30 room motel sounds perfect!


I thought the same thing when I read that! What a missed opportunity, a tourist island, a pandemic, shitty economy and a ton of empty motel rooms w/owners desperate to keep the bankers away! On second thought…Nah, I’m too old fo’ that shit! Gotta be within walking distance from my living room or I’m not interested! :rofl:

Lookin’ good Mikey! Seen your indoor and all I can say is, “Don’t stress over your couple outdoor seeds”, you got plenty of fire seedless to cover your ass!

Neem oil - Seem to remember that there’s a warning NOT to use Neem oil and Diatomaceous Earth at the same time! There’s a reaction between the oil & DE that’s pretty detrimental to the plants. Hmmm, seem to remember there’s something else that also reacts adversely w/Neem oil. Check up! (If the discussion on Neem was in a previous thread I just read, just ignore me…early morning tester’s fault! :rofl:)



Even though it’s the only male in the flower room, I still can’t bring myself to letting it fling everywhere. Bagged up before flowers open. They’ll get down in the shower, as per usual. :grin::peace_symbol: