Ol’mans indoor shoot at the hip grow show. 🤣 Truth!

I fell in love with cannabis 30 years ago smoking some northern lights a friends dad grew, he was the main hub in town and man could he grow!!! Due to jobs and their drug testing in my 30’s and part of my 40’s I couldn’t grow or smoke. Almost 50 now and kids are older, job doesn’t care, state doesn’t care, family doesn’t care :tada::tada::tada::tada:.

Last year I went down the make my own soil rabbit hole and it’s been working out really good. I had back surgery a month ago so leading up to that and after; our kids made almost 100 gallons of soil for me building onto what I had already made!!

I have a 3x3 tent with a green sunshine es180 and also a 2x4 with a spider farmer sf2000. Eventually after the house is finished (2 ish years :star_struck::heart_eyes: I will build my grow room.)

I grow outdoors, and this year has been the most challenging. Due to my back injury, the original grow show could not happen. I gave a good friend of mine some sour d, white widow and Durban poison plants to have and grow, and I kept 3 female sour D’s to grow. That was a challenge in itself at times :rofl:. I think I will make a journal of mine and his plants in the outdoor section also.

Any ways, I will post the couple plants I have separately so I don’t confuse anyone; my brain is a Rolodex kicked across a football field and scattered throughout the stadium. :raised_hands:


Dutch passion blueberry. August 1st is day 1 on the calendar so she is 48 days old. I am building a cloner this weekend and taking 4 cuttings, I really like the smell a lot, very floral.


Ethos Original Mandarin Cookie. August 28 was day 1 so she is 20 days old.


NugLife Drunken Watermelon. Not sure of age I posted some pics of the sprouts on the NugLife thread: EDIT they are 20 days old


These are from Omega genetics. UK Cheese

They sell the STS spray on amazon and give you seeds and gummies for buying their product. I searched all over for some info and can’t find any so here they are three of them tossed in the same container and they are growing along real well. I may separate them, may not, going to see after presex occurs.


That’s it for now!! Have a great day!


Happy to hear you’re able to get after something you seem to be passionate about after all these years boss, that’s awesome to see. You definitely came up in a completely different time than someone like me ( born in 90).

Most of your plants seem real happy and healthy and don’t hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have about basically any part of the cycle, sprouting to post harvest, there’s more knowledge concentrated round here than maybe anywhere else.

If you need some seeds that you don’t have to pay for (prices these days are so crazy, right?) shoot me a DM, I’ve got a small selection of feminized stuff and all kinds of regular, be happy to get some stuff out to ya at no cost if you chose.

Best of luck in your grows! :green_heart:


Rolodex. Nice Ol’man reference. Kids doing grunt work seems ancient and good :wink:. Plants look good. I’ma hang out here in the front row, eyes ain’t what they was. Can’t see what kinda light that is or your amendments. Lemme scooch up.


Thank you for your kindness and generosity! I remember one trip to the patch years ago that I wish back then I had a camera phone. I had I think 75 out, maybe 100 I can’t remember; they were from Mandala seeds. Plant 100 harvest 30 with all the critters, rippers….:rofl::rofl:
Anyways, I took the 4wheeler up the hill to check the patches and while I was in one a chopper was coming right at me but far enough away to run like hell. I made it to the woods, laid down next to the 4 wheeler, and thankfully they kept going. They couldn’t have been more than a few hundred feet off the tree tops. That was the last grow actually before I took a job that put a pause on it for a long time.

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Hey there LivingBlackSoil. So the base is ocean forest and happy frog (2 bags each) and the rest is forest compost, worm castings, some coco, perlite, bio char. As far as amendments go, I have been using green sunshine companies base and boost in the mix with alfalfa meal, kelp meal, diatomaceous earth, seabird guano, and garden lime, and lots of great white.

I use advanced nutrients a few times here and there when they seem to be hungrier than I am giving them.

A couple times in veg and flower I topdress with a mixture of worm castings and amendments and mix in small pieces of bio char and dried rabbit blend hay (alfalfa, chamomile, Timothy, clover and something else. I don’t do it to conserve water I had read that doing this creates a vast playground and home for microbial life. Makes sense and smells good :rofl::rofl:

I ph to 6.2-6.4 when I water and that’s about it. Thank you much for your kind words!!

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Any and all comments and pointers are much appreciated and welcomed!! I love learning and sharing anything I may know!!


This morning I cleaned up the 2x4 and have her up and running. @LivingBlackSoil in this tent I have a spider farmer sf2000, and in my 3x3 I have an ES180v3 (fancy :rofl:) from Green sunshine company. I really like this light a lot. The blueberry is by herself in it now.


@TestOfOath I really appreciate it, yes seed prices are crazy, years ago $35 for a 10 pack was a little steep :rofl::rofl: I would be more than happy to pay postage and/or donation to help you as well, and I will be passing on the generosity!


One of these Omega “cheese” is already showing his good to the ladies, and another I’m pretty sure is too. Sorry fellas your compost!


Today I made a dwc cloner and took 6 cuttings off the blueberry lady. I hope this works :call_me_hand:t2::pray:t2::raised_hands:


Nice plants OL’

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you @G-paS I appreciate it. The drunken watermelons are looking better, I was trying them in amended coco at first and I couldn’t get the ph right :man_facepalming::man_shrugging::rofl:. Anyways they were transplanted into soil before the pics.

Not much going on, transplanted the ethos cookie into 3 gal fabric bag and the little blueberry seedling into a larger pot today.

First time trying cloning, I’m really hoping for success. So far they are looking ok!


Blueberry and clones are doing well. Clones are day 3 so far, going to change out the water tomorrow. Watermelons are still moving along, Ethos mandarin cookie is enjoying her fabric pot. Hope everyone has a great day!


Rolling along through day 5, changed water today. I am using clonex nutrients and great white. Stems are swelling, turning a tan color, but no roots yet.


Changed the water in the cloner, really bad pic, however, roots! Going to transplant them in a few more days.

Last cheese male; don’t really have a desire to keep him around but may watch him grow for a little while.