Burnt hair terps?

I was just wondering if anybody else notices certain terp combos that taste similar to how burnt hair smells, cause I certainly have. I first noticed it back in high school either in White Widow or White Rhino, I can’t recall they both started making their rounds about the same time in my area. I was just smoking on an OGKB x MAC from a previous grow and was noticing something in its profile that reminded me of this. As odd or gross as this sounds, I actually don’t mind it cause it reminds me of good smoke and my younger days. Anybody else feeling me or am I just the freak who really loves the fuckin funk?:joy:


My first thought was how much human/cat hair I have picked off my plants


:joy: so true. I can assure you this was not actually hair covered buds that I’m talking about. Just something about the combination of the terps or flavors that is very similar to burnt hair


@Eudaemon Told me his Azad Kashmir smelled like burnt hair.


When I first tried water curing, it removed all the terpenes and the remaining weed reminded me if burning hair. :nauseated_face:


:wave: I’ve only had it when curing & it wasn’t there at the start OR the finish. :man_shrugging:

The same with the garlic & onion smell. :thinking:


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The “chem complex” scents are often like this. Onion, skunk, body odor, bad breath, tires, burnt rubber, burnt hair, burnt plastic. They aren’t exactly like any one specific scent but they remind you of the scent, if that makes sense. Acrid is what I usually refer to them as.

Not only found in chemdog plants but present in a lot of old Afghani lines. You run into them occasionally. Not generally my cup of tea, but most people just love that sort of stuff.


What you said definitely makes sense. A couple of times I’ve experienced where the acrid smells are very pronounced and straight forward, but many times it’s just something hinting at a certain smell


:relaxed: :smoking: :herb:

On a terpy tangent…

I’m nicely medicated with some Gorilla Zkittles & really agree with the comments I’ve seen by Kevin Jodrey re: California-- absolutely love the fuel/glue terps because it’s narcotic & strong, and the citrus, fruit & candy/baked-goods flavors-- if it would sound good as a kids’ breakfast cereal (i.e. gorilla zkittles) then it will sell in CA. :rofl: :gorilla: :candy: :rainbow: :tongue:

:notes: mmmbow, bow, chkachkaaaaa…



I had decarbed some weed before that made my whole house smell like someone burned rubber. It was terrible.

Had the windows open mid January


I’ve had cat piss, but never burnt hair…


@Eudaemon smelled burnt hair in his Kashmir after harvesting, but the smell went away with the Cure. Strange how we can become fond of really unpleasant smell


That’s what I’m saying, but I love the funky terps that most “normal” people would consider offensive or unpleasant. They just remind me of really good herb back in the good ole days before a lot of stuff was bred towards fruity/food based terps. If they didn’t usher in such a sense of nostalgia I don’t know if I’d like those kinds of things as much. But then again I’ve loved the smell of skunk and gas since I was a little kid, well before I’d ever knowingly smelled ganja


Was it strong pot? Any of the pissy weed I’ve had has been excellent


Yes, it was a ssh pheno-

I seen Hawaiian cat piss seeds recently, but probably not related?

I’m thinking these are all just distant relatives of the skunk & afghanis from the 80s, as suggested by @vernal , including the chem/diesel ‘branches of the family tree’

the catpissy polyhybrid i’ve been smokin is too racy/up for me.

got to look up what it is


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Okay so not quite burnt hair but since the topic is hair, my burning love had this smell of perm hair solution. If you ever walked by a hair salon n women getting perms? Yeah that smell