Got BOG seeds? Wanna OverGrow the world with Love?
The medical cannabis community has left the building for the most part, I have seen it happen over the years as more legalization as spread around the world. The small crop first time trichrome farmer, puts it all on the line… sharing the result’s with OG’s around the world. When a OG see’s trouble ahead for a fellow OG they step in and hope to meet a new person by helping out without being asked. Those who don’t grow and rely on dispensary’s were once welcome here, words typed like “I’m sick of all this medical weed being shown, plant a seed.” Chase’s away those who will likely become gardeners in the future. Gone are the days when OverGrow can rely on pictures of cannabis to promote seed sales inside and outside of the community. The next generation of cannabis lovers is already here, living and breathing life into being a part of what we can all participate in… offering a hand up, giving all that can be spared.
If you would like to be a Santa BOG, please consider giving another OG a present of BOG seeds. Maybe you have other seeds you would like to share, personal seeds, anything, give a OG you know an unexpected present from the heart. Share your seeds, there is no greater joy that can be had, seeing everyone growing together.
On: December 17, 2020 BOG stopped by OverGrow to talk to a OG growing bogglegum.
These were his last word’s to @Papalag and the OverGrow community, doing what he always did… letting OG’s know seeing you succeed brought a smile to his face, cultivating BOG seeds and OverGrowing the world with Love and kindness was his way.