Can we talk spider mites?

And how late in a grow can it be used?I’ve heard of it but never knew anyone that’s used it


my only warning is don’t inhale DE, because it’s silica shards.


Best $7 ever


Seriously lady bugs are the best thing I have had to work. Last year I was totally infested with 2 plants, I tried everything, I even sealed the greenhouse and threw 6lbs of dry ice inside to suffocate them, I was at wits end. After day after day I finally pulled them and harvested a little early (heard it would be a more energetic high anyways) I read up on how to harvest with mites and by drying them out, the mites would go to the top of the plant, I then killed the mites day after day until I didn’t see anymore. And then, came across something called bud washing and followed those instructions… on the rest of my plants that had little signs of it… DAMN, it worked good, bud was totally smokable, in fact tasted better than the bud that did not have mites and was not washed…
This year, same green house, I decided to release Lady bugs just as I started seeing signs, (again had sprayed neem oil everywhere) the lady bugs kick ass!!! They completely got rid of every trace, my plants look healthy, green solid leaves and in fact this year I have to raise the roof of the green house 5 feet cause they are already 6ft tall and hitting the roof… I will never spray crap on my plants again… I release 1 jar under every plant (8 plants) they were everywhere!!! But worked like a charm!!!


Here is a picture of what the mites do when you dry them upside… I used rubbing alcohol and cleaned the end of the stems everyday… until they stopped appearing… these were ones that did not get washed… I made Butter with all the infested plants that hadn’t been washed so they would not get wasted


About 10 years ago people told me to use it t treat fleas. Looked like it snowed in my place, oh boy what a mess. Laid down like 5 lbs. Fleas carried on like nothing happened. Fungus gnats wriggle right through the dry powder it and carry on like nothing happened.

The theory is that is either takes off the waxy coating on arthropod exoskeletons, or cuts their exoskeletons, so they dry out, but I have not found this to be the case. They push it for bedbugs too but it is completely ineffective on those as well.

Sounds good in theory, a cheap mechanical pesticide that doesn’t degrade or hurt anything with less than 6 legs, but it simply doesn’t work. If it worked so well, everyone everywhere would use it, since it’s harmless to humans, easy to apply, and almost so cheap it’s free.


I’ve used it right up until harvest…people talk about washing buds at harvest…lemon juice and baking soda mix…pretty sure this would wash away any remnants.

And that’s a great tip…but not necessarily true…its food grade…pet and people safe, organic, I’m not saying go huff a bag, but it’s not unsafe to have around…dog was looking like he was at a columbian coke party when he was done running around the planter.


Hit that shit with DE …tell me any of those bitches are walking around after.


These fucks are done-dizzle…at least 5 days to wait for the eggs to hatch and die…unfortunately , I have ivy’s (northern creeper) that house a whole crew of mites.


If rain doesnt hit, I’ll wash with the hose and take updated pics.


…and to anyone fighting this fight outdoor…remember to change clothes and wash up really well before going into your indoor grow.


very good advice :slight_smile:


Maybe these guys are working on a way to defeat the borg :laughing:


Anybody have any experience using avid?

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avid is abamectin an extract from soil bacterium. It’s a translaminar so it will stay in the plant. I’ve seen people swear by it, but those people are also massively infested with mites as we speak. I used it on my grapefruit tree once but it didn’t do the job. Instead… I put the grapefruit into 3C climate for a week and it killed the mites. The tree lost quite a few leaves but outlasted them.


I’ve used neem oil in the past with some success but i believe in a scorched earth policy when it comes to those wee bastards.
Total strip down, disinfect and preferably steam clean everything, twice!
You have to find and deal with the source or they will be back.
According to wiki there are about 1200 species so something which worked in one area might not work somewhere else.

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Avid is a great solution. It’s popular because it actually works, very well. Just follow the directions.

You can buy single oz’s on ebay so it’s cheaper than buying a big bottle you don’t need.

Spiromesifen and bifenazate are also excellent options. Typically, they’ll eliminate your problem overnight.

There’s an excellent chance of the “chemicals bad” growers appearing soon to tell you not to use it.

Hi vernal, I have a problem and was looking through this thread because my problem is complex but i will go to the end of it to cut it short. Basically i have this arachnicide named Diafenthurion that i ran out of options and is the only one i can use. My grow overgrew the size to be able to treat with insecticidal soap, and i tried a few other methods that don’t work and I am desperate. What i am worried about is that i have a hydro recirculating system which will hold this pesticide in the res for a long while because it says that it is very persistent in aquatic systems but not in dry outdoors and when it breaks down is urea that is useable for the plants. I am still in vegging and have to deal with this. Can you take a look at Diafenthurion maybe you can advise me as to why or why not i should worry about using it? Thanks in advance, this will save my crop

Gerring some space weed!!!

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Sorry its name is Diafenthiuron… So I found this example where it is used in potatoes and it leeches in the ground DIAFENTHIURON (A NOVEL INSECTICIDE) FOR MANAGEMENT OF WHITEFLY, Bemisia tabaci - Document - Gale Academic OneFile Does this pesticide actually get sucked through the roots and into the buds? It is systemic. if so i will have to go to great lengths preventing it from the medium.

here is a good research done on cardamon its conclusion is that it is below detectable levels after 7 days from spraying. Now i won’t be spraying the buds so i have a good 2 months, i am more worried about the system contamination.