Can we talk spider mites?

That’s not a commonly used one here, but I see no reason why you shouldn’t use it.

If you are concerned, change the reservoir, but this says it has low aqueous solubility, and since you don’t need to worry about fish or insects in your reservoir, runoff isn’t a big concern.

Systemic pesticides are in the entire plant. By doing this, anything that feeds on the plant will die. The residual action also keeps working for some time, so a week later, insects are killed. After a few weeks, though, pesticide levels are negligible.

The system will not be contaminated. Pesticides break down rapidly in warmth and sunlight.

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Thanks, I have this issue that i cannot buy anything online from amazon ebay or such. i have to sort locally and this is the one that i have available for me, cannot find anything as specific for spider mites. i have used it before and it works great in eliminating the problem, but strangely back then i was not as worried about it. Now I have been trying for at least 2 months to avoid using it and i am now giving this up. I mean I actually brought a plant into my house, drowned it in 32 celcius water for more than one hour, and when i took it out, like half of the mites were still alive. This is after i burned a leaf so bad trying peroxide and the mites were laughing. These tough bastards can withstand a lot. A high dose of insecticidal soap does kill them on contact but when you scale it up with the number of treatments needed and cost plus it dries out the plants’ tissue, it actually ceases to be a viable solution. Used to work great for 6 plants lol I am now solving this issue. No more half measures. I will cover the res and plants one by one then flush them out as well as i can and not think about it much.

you should probably just break the cycle and make sure the infestation doesn’t happen again. Then you don’t need to worry.



Had broadmites once now I laugh at spider mites
One thing no one does that h should is run Ur rooms hot without plants for 2 weeks before U do anything else

Let all the eggs hatch and starve

No need for cleaning products

Just my way


Yep, Avid bad. Don’t use it. That’s why it’s banned in cannabis i9n spite of what ol Chemical Joe says.


Abamectin (Avid) is “organic”. Bacterial product, just like spiromesifen. But perhaps the litmus test is for organic is it has to come from “nature” but also not work very well. I understand you can’t spray nicotine sulfate on plants either cause it won’t be “organic” even though it’s a “natural” plant product like pyrethrin.
Who, exactly, is making these rules lol? Zero consistency. Sure, it’s “organic” chemically in that it’s a carbon compound, but it works too well…ban it so you can’t put that little organic sticker on it and charge 2x as much lol.

Abamectin’s sister chemical ivermectin was allowed in “organic” livestock until a few years ago…because it works too well?

It’s only banned for you legal-market on-paper boys. Use what gets rid of them, and Avid gets rid of them.

Literally everything is chemicals, shep. Some just work better than others.

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avid is a banned substance in my country. You can’t purchase it in stores.


Not true. Plenty of abamectin products in Canada.

Even at Wally World:

Tell me how in the hell do you wash a plant that is 4’ wide and 5’ tall? Gonna be a big bucket to dunk that

He thinks you should throw out any infested plants and restart indoors from little clone-nubs. It’s a whole thing lol…

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Hey Brother George
I see what you were talking about now, sorry I did not understand it at 1st
No Pun intended, I thought you were making fun of me.
My mind does not always see as clearly as other since my accident,
Sometimes I am clear as a bell and then something just snaps and I go off the deep end. No Steam Boats in my future anymore.

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I am starting to wonder , How big would a bud get in a weightless environment?


Hi brother Stiggy, I was joking as usual, no pun intended. I am not only learning how to grow but improving also my poor English and you were right and steam is more appropriate.

Hope you will recover fine, as long as we don’t discuss about politics everything will be good, stay safe … :mask: beer3|nullxnull


Cool, glad we are OK
I like you, I have to remember we are a Union of growers from all over the World and not just N. America.
Have a Great Day George


OK guys so you bomb your plants, and he decides not to. I doubt that laughing at someone else’s method is really gonna lead to constructive conversation. Let people decide which method they want to try, after getting both sides of the story. Personally, I rid 3 of my plants rotating spinosad, neem, and azamax every few days. I know yall say this stuff doesn’t work. Maybe it doesn’t for you, it did for me.

There is no need for making fun. We all have our methods.


Dusted tops and bottoms…and everything in between…diatomaceous earth



Stucco wire used for holding up the peas…it’s pretty rigid, but also flexible… @MBVapester maybe for rigging up something for your outdoor girls?


If the methods you use can’t hold up to criticism, then why bother using them?

It’s a thread about mites and how to deal with them. Not all opinions are sanctified by virtue of you having them.

People have zero problem telling me the methods I use/suggest are wrong.

Even you, in suggesting I “bomb” the plants, is already framing it negatively.

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Not trying to sound negative at all man. I’ve been around long enough to see that you are truly a good guy. You’re helpful, and always giving advice. I know you share with others, and have a great sense of humor.

I think some of that gets lost in translation when it appears you are making fun of someone else, that’s all.

He has a pretty good track record of mite prevention. You have a great track record of getting rid of them. Both ways save your plants.


Avid! bwahhahahahha
Prepare to be assimilated!


The thing I did not do was treat them until they were gone :frowning:

not getting them is the way to go but once you got them

you have to get rid of them :slight_smile: miss a few and they come back :frowning:

I knocked them down and made them stronger

so whatever you use, make sure they are gone

all the best
