Can we talk spider mites?

I’ve had two spider mite infestation. I know of only two ways to correct it. Dump everything, cleanse thoroughly and start all over again, or:


I haven’t had spider mites in over five years. My problem was that we were bringing some of our outdoor herbs and such into the house, and the mites found their way into the grow room. Now my outdoor and indoor grow areas are 100% kept apart.


I’m up for that! It would make moving heavy stuff around much easier too :thinking:


Yup you broke rule number 1 of indoor growing.
“Never bring anything in from an outside garden”
My Mrs had baby tomato plants in the house that came from a friends greenhouse. Few weeks later had a house full of sand flies, those wee shits love coco so guess what…


DE is great also for ants, slugs and :snail:, I saw my dog had some bugs and just brushed her with DE, she has now gray hair but no bugs … :sweat_smile:


Oh Cool Need to try this My dog is pure white of course
so it should work great


yah, the thing about the large plants is this… In accordance with the rules of science I have to be able to prove the mites don’t exist anymore. I took a large plant and put it in the shower, down on the floor and proceeded to scrub it down like I was prepping for surgery. Now, in order to prove they don’t exist I have to scan the entire surface of the plant. Leaves…stems…buds. In order to show all the mites are toast I have to show 100% of the plant is mite free. Except I don’t have a lifetime of scanning leaves and buds under the 'scope. So if I can’t prove that then I might as well not claim it or I’m a jackass.
Having said that - I harvested the plant after giving it three showers during the bloom phase - and my mite-free plants didn’t get the mites from it. Take from that observation, what you may - but never tell anyone I claimed it killed all the mites on a large plant - you simply can’t prove that. Now, if anyone wants to sponsor me in a lifetime of scanning plant leaves with the 'scope give me a call LOL!

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I think you’re smoking more than weed man. No way in hell are you moving a plant that big in veg let alone flower and not fuck it up. Hate to say it but pics or it didn’t happen

hah hah no, that’s not part of the study and was meaningless - thus the reason I never tell anyone to do that. I just brought it up as an example of something nuts. Of course I broke off two of the branch tips I was brutal to the thing, It was really hard to get through the doors. Scrubbing the thing? holy shit talk about time wasting - ever try to scrub mini buds or leaves? All examples of why it’s better to use a smaller plant, of course. I used a Waterpik on the buds it’s like an electric toothbrush that sprays an intense stream of water. All good fun!
The scrubbing of the large plant was all in good fun but an example that I don’t expect anyone to try and follow. Frankly you can’t prove it works, so I don’t think it does. As for scrubbing plants and smaller clones, of course it works! And you can prove it!

Paint sprayer works great for tending to your bigger plants . Spray for bugs ,wash them clean, fouler spray it’s like a hand held shower with pressure.

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you actually check the percentage on that? it’s listed as non-toxic. No, I mean, go to the store, and search around. The grow store, the hardware store. Tell me if you see it?

I mean, just 'cause you have hard time finding it in stores doesn’t mean it’s banned lol. They don’t sell abamectin at Home Depot either does that mean it’s banned in the USA?

It’s probably listed as nontoxic since it isn’t toxic to humans. You really don’t need a lot to kill bugs, though. The dilution rates are very high for the concentrate. A few mL will treat a whole room.

Yeah, you know, those 3,000 plants I have growing and no spider mites. Obviously organics doesn’t work for pest control. How can you possibly keep saying that organics won’t get rid of mites? :roll_eyes:

I love how you always think you know more than everyone else. I mean obviously you think it’s safe, so why is everyone else so stupid?

News flash, just because it has a carbon molecule doesn’t mean it’s ok to light on fire and and inhale.

So according to you they just ban ‘organic’ stuff that works too well? Yeah sure, that makes sense. :joy: Or, like nutrisweet, aspertame, etc after they put the stuff in production, they learn that it really isn’t good for people.

I love how you constantly act like being legal is a bad thing.

And some are banned for cannabis use because they were deemed not safe. Some were banned for tobacco use. It doesn’t matter to you. Ol Chemical Joe knows better than everyone else. I think you should change your handle to Duke Nukem. :+1:


I have an infinite number of plants in 11 dimensions and somehow I actually have a negative number of spider mites lol no need for a pissing contest.

Duke Nukem is rad. Guess I don’t understand “chemical joe” reference, since you use chemicals, since all matter is chemicals.

IDK man, what is “allowed” and “not allowed” in organics seems arbitrary at best. There are tons of “inorganic” inputs allowed, tons of actually organic molecules not allowed, no one really seems to know who is making these decisions on what is “OK”.

Use abamectin, or don’t. If anyone has questions about pesticides, from someone who has actually used them and doesn’t have a dogmatic opposition to them, I’m around for questions. You aren’t allowed to use them in the first place; perhaps you aren’t the best guy to ask how to use them.

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I wish folk wouldn’t use “news flash” at the start of a sentence, it’s probably a cultural thing but it gives me a mental image of an uptight nerd.

I’d marginally prefer to discuss spider mites btw it’s not that I’ve got anything against the guy but this thread ain’t called Can we talk vernal :joy:



You keep talking about how organic methods don’t work - but I have a bunch of mite free organic plants. No pissing match necessary.

National Organic Program (NOP) regulates organics for food. Since cannabis isn’t federally legal yet, I’m not sure who regulates it for each state. The NOP is continually lobbied to add non organic compounds to the allowed list. If abamectin was so great, it would be allowed. Eagle 20, same deal.

I would highly suggest anyone who has questions about pesticides to consult with someone more knowledgeable. Vern can’t tell the difference between a springtail and a root aphid.


yah thanks for telling me all about my experiences with it at the stores and stuff. You really went there and talked to them about it at the grow store. Funny thing is some of the owners “know a guy” and they never call it abamectin or avid, always a made up name. Their guy will sell you some in an unmarked bottle off premises.


I have some good news everyone.

So I took a picture with a small loop and guess I dont have the borg…

Really thripped me up for a while


have used SB plant invigorator with good success over the years, eradicated spider mites and it has a long shelf life.

I’ve washed them off in straight water under the shower several times when mites were present. The biggest problem is when the buds get large and heavy the stems want to sag with the added weight from the water until they dry out. Easy to break the stems.

I have sprayed them with water and h2o2 as well it seems to work a little better. I have used horticultural oil and it works; just can’t use it after about the 2nd or 3rd week in flower.

I have used DE not real effective. Can’t say it did much for mites one way or the other.

I have micro sized sulfur powder next up.

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OK Back on track
Has anyone ever used a Sulfur Burner to control their mites?
I have the sulfur but no burner, was gonna build my own but decided against it because GR is close to living area of my home.
Great if you have unattached Grow Room .

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