Can we talk spider mites?

we used to use sulfur sticks to search for ammonia leaks. You light one end and it emits a noxious odor. If this is an area you are inhabiting or if you cannot clear the air in there without breathing it or entering there…do not burn sulfur there.


What type of work, tankers?
Just wondering never heard sulfur being used this way
Would love to hear more

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R717 is perhaps the best refrigerant in the chemical universe


Sulfur sticks are used in industrial ammonia refrigeration systems to detect minor ammonia leaks. A sulfur stick is made from a wick which contains particles of sulfur.

The sulfur stick is lit and smolders, something like the taper that is used to light fireworks. The color of the sulfur smoke is used to find the leak. When there is no ammonia the smoke is colorless but when ammonia is present the combined sulfur and ammonia vapors produce a white smoke.


Got It Thank You, Never knew this before
I love to learn , sometimes relearn new things with my brain
Nice to meet you


So basically you’re saying you’re full of shit and have never done this to anything other than a clone nub

naw, I did it, but I won’t recommend it to anyone, not for a large plant. I mean, if you want to use your imagination, I have a photo of me holding one of my blooming plants up in the air by one hand. Then just imagine me carrying it to the shower. Within reason you could definitely do it to a plant that was larger say 30cm tall. Easy to handle.
ok so you can see what I recommend, eh? small plant, roots yes or no. The reason it’s like that, is because most plants coming in from outside are clones or cuttings. They are easy to clean up and it works great.
The secret is this: If you have failed to notice a spider mite infestation until your plant is really large, then you should really be examining the plants more often. I would say if you come into your room and it’s dripping with mites on 4 foot plants… you should be questioning how it got to that stage?

There’s a photo of me holding a plant in the air. The rest is up to your imagination.

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The only time I ever got mites a friend brought them in my space on his clothes. I always quarantine and spray any gifted plants before they come in. I was already week 3 flower and by the time I noticed there was nothing I could do with them.
After that I always shower and change before going in my space and don’t allow anyone in there unless they put on a tyvek jumpsuit lol


they got me the same way :frowning:


I’ll share one from the past: I had used vx gas on the plants and swore I had killed all the little buggers, but since there was no way I could know…a month or so later, they re-surged in bloom.


the best one for most things were the black leaf 40

nicotine bombs, light them up and dead bugs

be safe and be well


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Stiggy, what I can tell you is I use sulfur burners to control powdery mildew. In my experience it doesn’t seem to do much for spider mites. :v:


The nuts part that people don’t understand is this…
I’ve investigated lots of grow rooms for contamination, often it’s the spider mite. They open with “well I sprayed with Avid, I want to know if the mites are gone” So I scan a few leaves to humor them and then I say they probably still have them because you can’t prove a negative. But…they don’t understand that? So I have to tell them I didn’t see anything, but the mites will likely be back in a few weeks.
“well I added neem oil to the roots, I don’t see any mites, are they gone?” Same concept right?
The reason I bring this up is because I’ve seen it happen so many times when they kill enough mites to make it seem like they died but they show back up. Hopefully it’s the end of grow room contamination scans…brrr scary shit.


hah hah I just remembered I did a scan last week on wonder woman’s plants. I’ll call them by dc comic names. She had 4 legal plants there growing in pots. I said “yo those plants got a bad case of the mites.” Wonder woman said that fucking batman had brought her those clones. Ugh and the Justice League is using hardcore poison on the plants, except when they stop spraying the mites re-surge. So… I gave my advice use a garden sprayer and really blast the plants. So look… here are the mistakes wonder woman made with the plants:

  1. Got them from the Justice League who claim you can never run a grow without mites.
  2. Never checked for contamination
  3. Never decontaminated the clones.

She should have just contacted the Riddler, at least he’s mite free. This scenario with wonder woman and the justice league is a true story, names changed to protect the… lackadaisical. I have so many case studies on tap it’s insane. The fun part is tracking the origin of the outbreak!


Hey Y’all,
I just determined that what I thought was thrips are spider mites. Fuck! Any recommendations? I’m at 6 weeks of flower.


Photos? Topside and bottom-sides of affected leaves.


Hey @Northern_Loki ,
Thanks for moving my question to a more suitable thread. I should know better. Here are a couple pics.



Yeah, those are mites. Can’t tell which type but likely the two-spotted variety. I do see some webbing.

These don’t look too far from harvest, how long do you have to go approximately?

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I get my predators from natures good guys.

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