Can we talk spider mites?

These are Bodhi’s Peach Hp and should finish by about 9ish weeks.

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I’d order Doctor Zymes. Can be used up to harvest. Listed as safe for organic farmers.


I have some, but have been told to not spray anything this late in flower. Maybe diluted hydrogen peroxide?

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With conventional toxic insecticides it’s ofcourse a no-go.
But there appears to be nothing toxic about Zymes.
As the name suggests, it’s probably a solution with simply enzymes, they use it to clean machines in food factories. Our bodies are full of them.
It’s probably mainly citric acid, what they pass off as vitamin C. Chokes the insects.

I had a real fuck bad mite and whitefly infestation in 2 tents and didnt think id ever beat them but i managed to relatively easily. Even with my mite infested harvest hanging behind the main flower tent on pieces of twine. I was lucky this time that 2 tents harvested within a week of each other so i had a small window of downtime before i transplanted my vegged plants into them.

Here’s what I did:

Turned off all fans, pulled out all my DTW pots and bug-bombed the tent. We dont have the pyrethrum formula bombs available where I live, some shitty generic roach bomb so i fired off a few rounds in each tent

Bleached and sun-dried all the pots the sprayed down the surface with foliar mite spray (Dead Red)

Once the tents were cleared of fog I then sprayed down every single surface including my filter and (off) fans with the mite spray. Not the LEDs, though obviously

The vegging plants before transplant i did a moderate leaf strip and sprayed them with foliar mite spray checking very carefully every branch for bugs, i transplanted them into the flower tent and scrogged them I then gave them 2x applications of Azadirachtin drench about 4 days apart, both of which require a big flush after 24h.

Another week aftet transplant i gave the whole tent and foliage another dose of mite spray. I also hung a ridiculous amount of yellow bug strips under the scrog. Im now 5 weeks into flower and zero sign of mites or whiteflies, only some thrips stuck to the yellow stickies but looks like the mites are gone!

So youll need:

Bug bombs (i bought two 4packs)
Azadirachtin drench (came in a 20mL dropper bottle)
Dead Red or whatever Mite Spray you use
Yellow bug sticky traps

4 cups water
2 tablespoons of Tea Tree Castile Soap
2 tablespoons of Peppermint Castile soap
1/2 cup of 70% alcohol
1/2 tablespoon 1% Peroxide

Bye bye spider mites! :fire: :ant:


Is this recipe safe when I’m so late into flower?


It’s spider mites so you only have to spray the inner and lower parts and under leaves where spider mites hangout…but it should be fine to spray buds a little too, I do.

I haven’t had any problems. Jorge Cervantes straight washes his whole plant in a similar solution I’m pretty sure.


Every 2 days wash them thoroughly with the 360 spray setting with plain water, 3rd day use straight 3% hydrogen peroxide all over.

You don’t need Hydrogen peroxide, but just before the onset of flowering, make sure to put in 2 weeks of work of preparing all your plants, with a straight 3% hydrogen peroxide foliar spray twice a week. The rest use plain water. You can leave straight 3% on your plants for about 4 hours. Leaving it on there longer hours won’t hurt it with the pure 3% treatment.

I’m gonna start using a pressurized spray system to have a bette4 controlled spray for regular maintenance with plain water.

Plain water works great, and timing when to start washing everything is crucial, to prevent flowering pest from setting up breeding grounds.

When you spray right growing outdoors you’ll see lady bug eggs appearing to help you win the battle with pest.

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What’s up everyone! I was hoping to get a little advice to shake this problem indefinitely. I’ve had 2 spotted spider mites move in on my flower tent about 2 weeks ago, and at this point I’ve killed and decontaminated the flower + veg tent. Luckily the temperature is dropping here to slow down the life cycles. All of my solo cup clones have been sprayed down with Hydrogen Peroxide. I have a pyrethrum fogger bomb at the ready, but it’s hard to find a good time to do this with have 2 dogs, a cat, and a bearded dragon in the house. I’ve got hypoaspis miles on the top layer of my soil, so I don’t imaging the mites are hanging out in the soil.

At this point I’ve got only a few cuts and my Black Tiger seedlings I am set on keeping, is it worth sulfur dunking the small small plants? I have Bithenfrin I could use as a spray as well. I am at my wits end. I ordered some predatory mites on the way which arrive Friday.

I am starting my IPM schedule which I have here:

The main nutrients I am using are from the Rooted Leaf Agritech line. Previously it was just silica and EM1 as IPM.

Any advice on what I should do to not have to take a break or lose my cuts I’d appreciate!

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Lots of people have had success with this.

Or if you want to go extreme, try this.


I saw the one and done when scrolling yesterday, I figured that was going to end up being my go to in about 2 weeks. I’ll bookmark the Protocol 0 as well.

As far as IPM goes, would my routine be a decent preventative after I successfully knock everything down?


I’ve had pretty good luck with just the EM1 weekly during vegetative growth.


If everything fails the protocol 0 will nuke any spider mite that you can’t seem to kill off with conventional means.


A friendly OGer sent me mites, I just washed them off with water and dawn soap. No problem… gone.

Your neem or neem+pyrethrin alone should be sufficient to kill any strays that happen to wander or float in… but the pyrethrin may kill off your beneficials :sweat_smile:

There may be mites that have escaped your tent and could be running wild in or near your space. You may want to be sure you check all your houseplants and plants in the immediate vicinity outside your grow to ensure they don’t have a reservoir of activity nearby, pets can definitely spread them. If I were concerned about strays, I would consider spraying the very bottom 4-5inches of the inside of the tent (all the way around) with an acceptable toxin-- just in case some happen to crawl in from outside-- they will need to cross the toxic DBZ (DBugifiedZone :joy:) and die in the process… applying a semi-persistent toxin that will be effective for at least a week or two, I have been known to use dimethoate for this :sweat_smile: its just the floor, nowhere my plants, I, nor my pets would touch.


And beware, it is deadly for cats.


Pyrethrin bombs aren’t really useful. Lotta mess and hassle for minimal killing ability.

There’s far better options that more specifically target mites, like Avid.


If people are worried about soft-bodied insects spread Diatomaceous Earth around the floor of your tent and around the outside.


Unfortunately, pyrethrins have been around forever and many mite populations have developed immunity years ago…FWIW

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Just finishing up a red mite infestation with the MTA recipe @ReikoX posted above. It works :slight_smile: