Cannabis Cocktails, sans Alcohol

I was about to come ask to verify for my own experiment, you let the gel melt over a strainer? I remember the gel before freezing was not wanting to fall with gravity. Im realizing how huge of a task this is, separating light, tiny seeds from a surfactant, lol. I find it interesting.

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You want to remove it while they’re frozen. Sorry I haven’t been able to do the experiment yet. By the end of the day after training I’m wiped, but I should be able to get a basil and chia seed comparison. Mustard too for shits and giggles.

I’ll add my side of the experiment contribution in detailed steps with pictures to learn from tutorial style for everyone in case the text format here gets overwhelming.

Basically after they’re frozen rub it against the mesh to remove the seeds from the frozen gel.
It may stick to the mesh, but don’t worry. After the seed removal the gel will be washed with the dilution liquid anyways.

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I’ll have to see your post, I couldn’t really get that to work (naturally I thought if it, lol). Then I added more water. Now, I have a quart instead of a pint, just sitting in the freezer. Waiting for me to figure out what to do with it, lol.
The damn seeds stuck to everything and anything, my strainer was covered in gel and seeds, and so was my frozen partly screened mass. I tried washing the seeds away and they stuck to the dish, my hands, the sink… holy fuck, do they ever lose their stick? Did I just not soak them long enough? The gel I got was nice, very thick and clear. Just couldn’t get the seeds out yet.

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No lie to make them stop sticking use acidic things like distilled white vinegar or a cleaning alcohol to stop gelling

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You can also make a cleaning dough to get things like seeds out. Very low hydration dough, but not so low its crumbly. You can stick seeds to it and cleaning a dough film is infinitely easier


You need fat soluble

Start thinking Homogenized milk…(those with higher fat contents)…Decarb your bud…then soak/ and or heat the bud with the milk…

Chocolate milk type drinks? How about using that Quick syrup… (strawberry) or even using vanilla extract in the milk to create a drink…lots of options.

Don’t overheat…
Might need to soak bud for 24-36 hours…



Tincture, Frozen yogurt, fresh fruit, juice, and ice. Mix in a blender and enjoy. The yogurt has both fat and lecithin to allow for emulsification. :yum:

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I don’t do well enough with dairy to tolerate it daily, sadly. I have tried Ovaltine in some warm milk and stirred to fuck. Works ok, but not ideal.

I have on hand some citric acid, some Everclear, various options for a solvent. Will have to try some. Although, the oil filled capsules are probably better… They take much less work to make and use. Plus the oil gives my diet some needed fat.

Honestly mu favorite is #3 empty gel caps filled with infused coconut oil. I put 1 oz sugar leaves and 10 oz coconut oil into my crock pot, let it run for 12 hours on medium heat, strain through cheesecloth (squeeze the oil out of the herb, careful, its fuxking hot) then put it back in the crock with 1 quart water for another hour (helps pull chlorophyll and other partially polar contams out) then filter through a coffee filter and chill. Any water goes to the bottom. I just warm it up and use a ptfe pipette to fill the caps in a board with holes in it I made for filling. It is time consuming, but put them in the fridge and a weeks work makes months of gel caps


I myself liked my results with oil, heated on a burner in a glass beaker, and ground flower mixed in. Filter off while still warm. Then capsules… that’s the part that sucks. Do you have a rack for them? I’ve looked around but can’t get anything in town, Amazon looks pretty over priced. About ready to just buy “plastic lumber” from the store, and drill cavities for the bottoms. Still have to cap them one at a time but at least I can fill faster.

Nah, after looking on amazon and ebay I just put a little tape on a drill bit for depth and drilled 20 holes in a board.

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I’ll say that in all my experiments I’ve still not found a method that hits harder than the 24 hours to 72 hours slow cooker method on low heat I have detailed in here somewhere. Only 3 ingredients too. Raw honey, avocado oil, and fresh ground weed that’s immediately thrown into the oil as it’s ground up to limit evaporation.