Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


Limited drop home growing.

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Itā€™s a bunch of fear mongering poppy cock. Homegrow has been illegal for decadesā€¦

If you say soā€¦time will tellā€¦ I see things very differently.
The war on home growing is real.

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The war on home grow has been going on since Marijuana was made illegal, yet here we all areā€¦


So it would seem your cool with legalization where you need to go back underground to grow illegally.
Why vote for legaization in the first place if home grows are not allowed.
To me that make little sense.

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I already am underground and illegalā€¦



Iā€™m trying to make a ā€œpoliticianā€ ā€œwadā€ joke but itā€™s not materializing.


Sorry to hear that, but try think about the rest of us and how this sorta thing will effect our future.

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Again, youā€™re twisting things to be a victim. Iā€™m proud of you.

I, too, am underground and illegal, an outlaw grower in a ā€œlegalā€ state. Iā€™m a victim too! I wasted 5 minutes getting upset about the governor doing his news tour ahead of election year to try and explain to us all that heā€™s ā€œvery openā€ to home growing, even as he campaigns for everyone to buy from the MSOs, then I decided yet again to get over it and bake some cookies, since the cops donā€™t appear to be knocking down my door this morning either. :man_shrugging: It sucks, but itā€™s not like itā€™s worse than prohibition and itā€™s not like I have a choice. Other than the choice to give myself a cookie for being a victim, anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:


itā€™s honestly not all that bad either. iā€™d rather be underground and know it than think i could grow and have it taken away. not to mention that with a good lawyer and a decent jury you may be able to get off if you do get busted. for example,redacted. yeah, it sucks i gotta think like that and probably blew it all by putting it in writing, but damn. edited for clarity.


I think your edit for clarity might have made it less clear, but Iā€™m not sure I saw the first draft either; anyway, nope, not all that bad. We have at least one grower on here whoā€™s not only growing illegally, but in a literal war zoneā€¦ I just have to keep in mind the same old rules. No sell, no smell, no tell. Iā€™m still here, so I guess itā€™s worked so far. :crossed_fingers: Realistically, even if they legalize homegrowing Iā€™d be way above a legal plant count anyway, and in no mood to run 3 plants at a time with 3 clones taking up the rest of my count.


Speaking of cluelessā€¦
from the linkā€¦
ā€œThirty or 40 years ago, the levels of THC (the intoxicating component in cannabis) were far lower, maybe 3 or 4%,ā€ he said. ā€œTodayā€™s product is more like 70%,

ā€œSo right now, someone can come into our restaurant with a pocket full of gummies and we are responsible for that personā€™s public intoxication,ā€ he said.

A pocket full of prescription drugs is just fine but not cannabis gummiesā€¦LOL

So now they want to ban edibles in publicā€¦WTF???
I would imagine that would be hard to enforce.


i had it all typed out and caught myself before i posted it. iā€™m legal in wv now, just got my license today, no. 610. got 6 panama red popped ready to go on 1 jan. my buddy is gonna pop them, then raise them for about two weeks and flip them so i should be able to have some clones ready to go on or about that date. farming donā€™t follow calendars all the time. i plan on taking a trip out to an old army buddyā€™s house in co on a buying trip for some cbd, cbg, and thcv and other seeds to breed with. designer weed, like a weed pharmacist so to speak. if i time it right i should be able to have some seeds at least by the end of the year. i may have time to grow a batch out if it doesnā€™t flower too long. but iā€™m drifting off topic because iā€™m high and excited for the license.


Congratulations, that is wonderful news. :partying_face:


Congrats, itā€™s a nice feeling to be legal.


thanx all. it is nice. i wish it were medicinal instead of industrial thoughā€¦


The video below shows Ohio State Senator Mark Romanchuk talking about how legislation is going to be introduced to tomorrow to delete ALL OF THE LANGUAGE from #Issue2 and instead simply update the the medical marijuana bill to include recreational marijuana provisions.

ā€œI wouldnt be surprised if tomorrow we find out we completely delete the language that was passed at the ballot.ā€

ā€œNow I know youā€™re thinking omgosh thats not the will of the votersā€¦ā€


deleted or just hidden as flagged by the community? not that i donā€™t believe you i just find it hard to believe. i have trust issues with internet ā€œpeopleā€ā€¦