Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Deleted, completely gone.

I am just telling you what happened…
I posted a link for proof that what I said was true, you may believe what you wish.
You may have to look it up for yourself if you are still interested.


not interested at all in the link or the story, but having seen the post where you simply mentioned the one that got deleted which is now flagged and hidden, i am no longer having trouble believing you.

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Needed to remove several posts which were off topic, as well as too much bickering.
I want to keep this thread for quick scrolling by those interested in cannabis current events/news. I would like to minimize debate and enhance thoughtful discussion relevant to the various articles.

I really do not like to censor anyone here, but in the interest of maintaining a relatively harmonious forum, it is sometimes required.

We at OG are trying gently to prevent the flamboyant acrimony which blossomed over on RIU.
Although that erosion of benevolence on RIU is what brought me to find the then newly reconstituted OG back in 2016.


I am not sure this is the same exact thing but this was tried in Michigan.
I think the problem they had was to prove impairment.
There were errors in the testing too.


there are errors in the breathalyzer they use for dui testing yet they are admissible in court despite the ~15% error rate. if you have money, a good lawyer, and had the right model device used on you, you walk. the “gold standard” for reading the urinalysis tests (gcms) are prone to a 1% error rate yet are also almost challenge free despite it being an art and not a science reading the results. ask me how i know that one. that equates to 5000 potential false readings per 500,000 tests.

the old poppy seed bagel excuse doesn’t fly but there are many things that do show a positive test, especially if the lab is sketchy as most are. this is what you should be railing against and not the illegal growing aspect. get the public to become aware of how bad the govt is regarding that part and the rest becomes easy. you’re starting at the wrong end and getting surprised when you’re not getting results. don’t stop trying though. you may get somewhere eventually.


I wonder if there will be any negative consequence for the officers or agency for making an unlawful arrest using unnecessary violent force. Will there be a civil action with a large settlement for the victim?


Dropped the charges, uhh sorry about beating you guys up and arresting yous, carry on.


My opinion.
Think about what legal is. Lets use alcohol, for example. Legal, right. If you so desired, you could back an eighteen wheeler to the liquor store, load it out, pay up and its yours. As far as I know. Its legal.
I know of no state that would allow you to have a truck load of cannabis. Its not legal. Merely (highly) regulated. My suggestion is to do what you have always done. Keep your mouth shut and you will be gold. Loose lips sink ships, so they say.


Good call & predication. Depressing for sure.

  • eliminate the opportunity for adults to legally home cultivate marijuana
  • significantly increase cannabis-related taxes on the sale and manufacture of retail products
  • severely decrease how much cannabis adults may legally possess at any one time;
  • eliminate social equity support for marijuana-related businesses
  • impose arbitrarily low THC potency limits on cannabis flower and other products;
  • decrease the number of licensed retailers
  • keep marijuana possession criminalized until adult use dispensaries are operational (likely at least 12 months from now)

I KNEW they would go after home growing. I KNEW it. Michigan is now the only state on my list for my upcoming relocation for legal growing.


This right here gets me going.
We will have cops making money from a dispensary and throwing folks in jail for possession.


The ex cops, judges, prosecutor that are now making money off of legal weed annoys me to now end!


You mean like John Boehner?!

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Here is what I wrote about him* Jul 5, 2019

NPR’s John Boehner Was Once ‘Unalterably Opposed’ To Marijuana.…pposed-to-marijuana-he-now-wants-it-to-be-leg

But now he has retired and wants to make some cash so Cannabis is cool now.
He’s emerged as one of the most vocal advocates in the GOP for marijuana legalization.

In 1999, in his one and only vote on the issue, he voted to prohibit medicinal marijuana in Washington, D.C. In 2011, he wrote a constituent to say he was “unalterably opposed to the legalization of marijuana.”

But since his retirement in 2015, Boehner’s position has evolved. Last April, he joined the board of Acreage Holdings, a publicly-traded cannabis company based in New York. And on Friday, he appeared at the South by Southwest festival for a keynote on legalization.

last year, more than 400,000 people were arrested for marijuana sales or trafficking during his time as time as speaker from 2011 to 2015.

“I don’t have any regrets at all,” Boehner said. "I was opposed to the use of it.

But now it is time for him to make some cash so legalization is the way for him to do it.

These kind of people dont care who gets hurt, they just see the $$$$$$ signs!

This whole attitude of it is no good unless it serves me is utter BS!

Who would have thought that folks would be buying their weed from the cops judges and members of congress.

These Fat Cats can make big money, while others rot in jail for the same exact thing.

And they call us criminals…LOL


Yep, a real hypocrite piece of shit drunk.

No shit!


Yup especially people like him @mota