Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


If it didn’t meaningfully contribute to the horrors of organized crime in Mexico and South America, and less so the US and Canada, it would be funny thinking about how America can’t wrap its head around the concept of prohibition creating a market with inflated pricing and no tax revenue.

Now they want to get all that illegal money for themselves through tax, but the prices are plummeting because the artificial demand is entirely their doing.


Oh fer fuck sake! As they say around here.


Older article from last year but needs to be repeated with the growing hysteria being stoked by the control freak elites.


I’ve stood at the edge of the 640 acre hemp field down the road from us with the breeze blowing across it into my face and it doesn’t smell much at all. Not like the same field planted with cannabis plants would smell like in full flower I’m sure.



Sounds like either the mods are biased and have eliminated everyone who disagrees publicly… or like they have the one, singular politics forum in the world where people only discuss facts and numbers, without bringing interpretations or ideas about solutions into it. Otherwise it’s impossible, by definition, to have a political discussion without disagreement. Maybe the people there are just remarkably well-behaved, in a complete 180° from how they behaved in the past, so they’re all disagreeing very politely with each other all day? I’m gonna go with @shag though - if it looks better, it’s because of more effective censorship.


you’re gonna be surprised to learn that some small percentage of people on this planet own/control everything. soros is one of them. i forgot how many there were but not a lot.


Meh, a private equity fund funding acquisitions? Shocking!!!

Don’t trust the Washington Examiner on the topic of George Soros. That said, the actual story is that Scooter Braun, the manager Swift has a major beef with over buying her catalog, had funding in part through the Carlysle Group, “the Soros family”, and other private equity funds. Does that mean something nefarious? Likely no, it’s not even clear to me that the family would have had a direct hand in the deal to fund Braun’s acquisitions.

All this Soros talk is getting mighty close to politics.


Riu has search engine optimization, which is why its so popular. Most first timers asking questions on google are going to end up on RIU. The wave of legalization has brought in a ton of new users, which in combination with select users getting banned, has allowed the culture to change.

More recently, they’re big on advocating threads to stay on topic. Sometimes it’s out of the blue and very strange by RIU standards, other times it keeps things from going back to how they were, and it’s usually for the better.

The politics section is fucking cancer, but they allow people to speak their mind if they’re not being assholes, unless it’s shitting on Trump or Russia, and to be fair it would cause more problems if they had truely equal moderation, but reguardless, I admire their efforts. I tell every new user I can to just stay out of there for their own sanity.

I love RIU and OG.

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lol constrict competition…that always works out well

Uncle Buck got the boot well over a year ago and so does anyone that doesn’t follow their updated TOS. Most of the guys that got booted in the last year were anti tRump types that resorted to abusive behaviour when dealing with maga types.

Not at all. It’s the members posting good info to show the trolls who never have anything other than Fox, RebelNews etc for sources if they have any at all. As long as the trollish don’t get abusive they can argue their points as often as they want and not get banned but tend to wander away. Many only joined to stir up shit and when the trolls don’t get fed what they want they don’t hang around any forums and just never post again.

The fact that you and @Cormoran can claim censorship without actually knowing anything about it shows a total bias I thought a good OG member was above perpetrating.

I find that hard to believe. About a year after I joined up there I ripped Uncle Buck a new one in somebody’s grow thread that he was being an asshole in and told him to keep his crap in politics. And he did. If he was the owner I for sure would have been banned the next time I tried to log in.

They run a much tighter ship there these days. They even allow seed trades and sales of them and other stuff in a new Classified forum.

I’ve sent a few peeps over here too.


some people tend to label anything that stops someone from saying something censorship. happens a lot in political discussions since it’s one of the talking points of the maga movement. lol. those last two words together caused a very funny picture, but i digress. just like some people call anything they don’t agree with ‘fake news’.

it’s also no secret why democrats tend to get more emotional and confrontational in internet discussions. the other side is gregarious in their claims and have the kind of lock step party agreement you can only get with those kind of people while they have to make do with a party that, while occupying the moral high ground in a lot of disagreements, is apparently hell bent on self sabotage and rife with internal division. that kind of frustration tends to get folks on edge and keep them there.


I don’t think they realized the number of people that grow in northern New England when they made some of these laws. Everyone knows multiple people who grow.

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There’s not much room for competition if the distributors/dispensaries aren’t buying. Vermont has an extremely small market, at a certain point the state’s just taking people’s money (people who have very little chance of success).


Hey but the cannabis control board or whatever they are has a cool Instagram.!

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Oh, for sure, lots of people recognized that from the get-go. In my area tons of people grow. My wife and I have long said it’s like zucchini, pretty quickly you get to the point where you can’t even give it away (I’ve run into that problem with both zucchini and flower, “no thanks, my other friend dropped some off last week”).