There are good sensible people on the control board, but the legislature in VT only works a few months a year and legislation takes years to pass. If Vermont had been the first state to legalize in the northeast instead of sitting on its hands till everyone but NH had retail (or was close) things might have been different.
Yea and now NH is trying to play catch up, but I feel that’s already passed. People know someone who grows stuff as good or better than the dispensaries or they just go to Maine, Mass, or VT depending on where they live.
Please let’s get back to original topic which is: Cannabis Current Events and links to media outlets. Thanks.
Another win for CannaBiz corporations who HATE homegrows.
Who knows what NH’s market will eventually look like, but I find the state liquor store as dispensary model… interesting. Could be wrong but having limited outlets seems like a bad model to me, I would think that would lend itself to higher prices due to lack of competition (OTOH the dispensaries would have less competition, so maybe they’d be happy to make less on each sale and pass the money on to the cultivators).
NH is such an oddball state. Freedom! But not that kind of freedom.
They are already moving away from that model, which I am glad to see to be honest. I wish they’d treat it like all the other small agricultural businesses and practices. There’s also talk of if it doesn’t pass this year then once Snusnu is out of office it’s the time. Going to be interesting to see who replaces him.
Facing the Dirty Truths of Cannabis Packaging
One thing Vermont has seemingly gotten right is packaging requirements. Almost no plastic is allowed in packaging, with exceptions granted where it’s totally necessary and even then, it can only be the smallest amount possible. I haven’t looked recently but in the first year they also said no to “compostable” mylar bags, because it sounds like they’ll compost in an industrial composting system, but won’t compost in a compost pile at people’s homes.
Also, they don’t require childproof packaging for flower.
Gotta regulate anybody having a good time.
Obviously a person could argue that people in states where adult use cannabis is still illegal would lose out, but the author linked to mostly seemed to me to be saying that pro-regulation people should go after hemp-derived THC cannabis products readily available to kids online (no idea whether that part is true) rather than trying to tighten regulation of high THC products in the legal markets.
Resistance is futile. The people know the truth. You will be assimilated. We are Borg(Klingon for bong)
Smoke or get smoked! Haa haa
“losing out on 250 million bucks a year in revenue"