Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The real hard core criminals are taking over the cannabis industry.
Legalization could have been sooo much more if it was for the people and by the people.
But it is not.
It is only about the money and nothing more.
We have hande the cannabis industry over to the real criminals of the world.

10 years ago I said Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums
Well we now have the or else…LOL

The people across New York State areterrified to speak up out of fear of retaliation from the Office of Cannabis Management.

Fears of retaliation have merit, as I had one of the OCM regulators attempt to defame me recently.

First, instead of certain state regulators using Instagram during the work day, that energy would be better served guaranteeing the recent randomized lottery process was truly unbiased, as it is hard to believe a number of the applicants that applied in the final weeks of the application process are now in the top tier of applications to be reviewed.

concerns about the OCM/DASNY social equity fund preying on New Yorkers with alleged predatory loans.

Here is a good quote from 2016


ICMag Donor

Seriously…the legalization efforts have all come back to bite many growers.

Unless the legalization bill treats the plant no different than a tomato - it isn’t legalization, it’s just government regulation.

Any regulation effort that still leaves a platform in place on which to arrest and incarcerate is useless.



why do you think cannabis should be different than literally every other thing we have? nothing special about it, other than you can grow it yourself pretty easily. it’s capitalism, baby.


If you really look deep you will see that I kinda knew where things were going 10 years ago.
I thought that was a good time to to impliment something different.
That is why I said we should not accept the first deal offered.

There was a window where things could have been different if we all stood together.
Am I soo wrong for hoping we could have cannabis that is for the people and by the people?

I thought that was what this country was founded upon?
Seem the good citizens of the US have forgotten that and accept just about anything the govt. throws at em.

That is not how things were designed to work originally.
Today this country is closer to communism then ever before.
We have no one to blame but our complacent citizens.

We have allowed our country to degrade and it may no longer be a counrty that is for the people and by the people, it is all about the money these days.

I for one have a problem with that and I will continue to speak my mind until they silence me for good… :wink:

Today more than ever that threat is a real one.
I may have to pick my battles but I will never stop fighting for what is right for we the people.


The people don’t want this corporate control. I think we all know where it’s coming from .


a lot of misconceptions about what the country was founded on.

yeah, originally it was supposed to be good for the rich, white, landowners.

if you look closely, it always was. it was never about the people, you can read the constitution and see that. notice the only thing the people got in that was the addendum. had it not been for hamilton, we’d not have gotten the addendum.


Id love to build with Hemp-crete someday


I want to put up a metal building shop one day on our property. I’d love for the pad to be made out of hemp crete, that’d be sweet.


Have you seen the video where there’s a torch blowing on a hempcrete wall and it literally does nothing? I think it may not even have been hot on the other side. Ill see if I can find the link/video at some point. The sustainability of it and the super fire resistance are my major selling points.



I have not. I know my stalks light up when I put them in the wood stove though.

1 Like here’s a good example


Love seeing the articles here :metal:t2: thanks for the constant contributions @Calyxander and @Prince


This is extremely bad. We do not want seedless cannabis genetics going wild. It will be just like food grains where you have to buy them every year from a Corporate Store to be competitive against those who do buy the juiced seeds.


That’s the dystopian endgame.

All seeds are triploid fem autos, and you can only get them from liscenced distributors.


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Scutari’s laughing as he carts his bribe money off to the bank… apparently this is what a market that still needs to criminalize homegrowing “until it develops” looks like. Only a billion dollars… my heart bleeds for those poor things. :sob: