Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Dispensaries in MD at your disposal. (If your here, why would you need a dispensary?)

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Iā€™m just belly aching

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Saw another article this morning (on the main Boston news site) about readersā€™ favorite disposā€¦ prices keep going lower and lower in the Bay State.


And the beat goes onā€¦


Sure. I recommend doing a deep dive on Google scholar like I did. I attached a PDF compendium of some research I copied and pasted into a doc from multiple sources. Itā€™s old (compiled in 2018) but still relevant.

There are compounds called polysaccharides and beta glucans in every one of these medicinal mushrooms. You grind the mushrooms and then do hot water baths for long periods of time to get at these compounds.

However, each of the medicinal mushrooms also have their own unique medicinal compounds as well. For instance, Lionā€™s Mane has hericenones and erinacines, basically triterpenes that are mostly alcohol soluble. These are the compounds that may promote the unique nerve regrowth that Lionā€™s Mane is known for.

Chaga has a similar thing with the triterpenoids betulinic acid and its precursor betulin, which comes from the chaga fungus host - the birch tree.

Like I said before, to get these medically-active triterpenoid compounds out of the mushrooms, you have to use alcohol - you wonā€™t get them without it because theyā€™re mostly not very soluble in water. Thatā€™s why just eating the ground up mushrooms isnā€™t enough.

So, you do a long alcohol soak of ground dried mushrooms for about a month, then strain and do a hot water bath (not over 180F) for 8-12hrs, and then strain that and combine the two for a dual extraction. I use 80 proof organic vodka because it has more than enough alcohol to extract what we need, itā€™s cheap and easily available, and in the proportions itā€™s used it creates the right proof for the end-product to be shelf stable.

:mushroom: :rainbow:

Lionā€™s Mane for Neuropathy (2018).pdf (134.4 KB)


I live in Chaga country.
Thanks for that info.
I didnā€™t know about using alcohol to get at the betulinic acid and its precursor betulin.


Thanks very much for that! I will dive deep into this extract aspect as Iā€™ve been using lionā€™s mane medicinally. I stumbled upon much of the same content on the benefits of lionā€™s mane in my due diligence. Hopefuly the scholarly info regarding extracts vs whole matter was not subsidized by the extract purveyors ^^ I wonder if thatā€™s why many Aryuvedic medicine requires fermentation of particular herbs/elixirs to bring out their potential ??


Doesnā€™t look like home grows are in any of them.


Because not everyone can/wants to make every single derivative of cannabis on their own.

Things like true water soluble powders require heavy equipment.

Lots of this stuff takes massive amounts of biomass to produce.

Some of us just have a couple plants in a tent.


Welcome to the new normal. :grimacing:

I said it before and I will say it againā€¦
Legalization without home growing is nothing but Corporate Cannabis and you can keep that shit. :face_vomiting:


Itā€™s politicians (party affiliation not relevant) being bought and paid for as they have throughout history. Itā€™s always about the money and nothing else.


Do you think anybody will ever step forward to bring a crowd-funded PAC or lobbying group so that our interests can finally be represented AKA providing money in the right places(the politicianā€™s pockets)??

Cause it seems like NORML and other 7-figure organizations are too busy shmoozing with the big boys to be bothered with ideas like home grown, open competition or direct to consumer shipping.


Legalization is not what a lot of us hoped it would be.
Some say it was obvious from the start and we should have seen this comingā€¦some of us did. :face_with_monocle:

I agree 100% it would seem NORML is in the pocket of Big Cannabis. :anguished:


You should read the Fl bill. It literally says it allows other state licensed businesses.

And of course Norml doesnā€™t really want gully deregulated cannabis. They make literally all their money from donations for lobbying. If they fully deregulate thereā€™s no more lobbying to do. Who would be motivated to do their job all the way if that means putting themselves out of work? It became crystal clear their agenda is to continue the fight, not the end of prohibition when the only states who successfully passed legalization were those with strong grassroots initiatives.


They climbed in bed with big cannabiz the moment cannabiz started getting really big in Colorado over recreational. Recreational is where the money really came in, medical was just the door being opened.

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Itā€™s the big pharma model applied to the cannabis legalization movement. A lifetime of palliatives is worth far more money than a single cure.




If your hope solely to smoke a joint without getting hassled by the man, then we are on the right course. If you hope to grow your own or buy a seed or have access to all the strains that now exist, your future is bleak. A STRATEGY NEEDS TO BE FORMULATED NOW. If not, cannabis will be in the exact same situation as corn and soy beans. If they can do it to those crops they can do it to cannabis and are doing it.


That ElusiveQuark knew what was up. :wink:
Here is another quote from him.

Iā€™m sorry to keep posting but Iā€™m frustrated with this issue and how successful the big money machine has been in placating people w white noise. Re: statement that people will continue to grow illegally. The rules have changed when people were permitted to buy it legally. Do you understand the significance of this point? Its the crux of why there will be enforcement, not only criminally but also civilly. A several billion maybe hundreds if billion dollar market that had no recognized structure was opened to them. Suddenly Monsanto,DuPont, Pfizer, etc were given incentive to eliminate competition, especially personal and illegal growers. They also want as many potential consumers as possible. Their strategy to control supply has at least three components, all of which they used with devastating efficiency with corn, soy beans, sugar beets, etc. Between 90-100% of production of those crops worldwide is controlled by just a few companies. I think we can all agree that if such control can be placed on staple crops the world depends on to live they can likely do it to a nonstaple plant like cannabis. There are very few varieties of corn left and that number is shrinking. Here is how it happened

  1. They developed herbicide that killed all vegetation in an area.
  2. They genetically modified corn so that it would be only thing that would grow.
  3. They genetically modified corn so it could not reproduce sexually or through replication.
  4. They created demand for their product by consuming ting huge tracts of land so their corn was only one that would grow. They also enlisted help of IMF, who lends money to economically distressed countries under a variety of conditions. In this case one condition was that borrowing nation would force use of the the modified seeds only and that licensing agreements would be signed by farmers agreeing to purchase new seeds every year from same company. Surprisingly, Indiaā€™s farmers found themselves tied to this system after a long history of more sustained farming enters they planted seeds from previous years crop w no need to buy new beans. The economic and social consequences in India were tremendous, resulting on huge number of suicides by farmers that couldnā€™t break vicious debt cycle.

start it. it takes about 10 minutes to register a pac, iā€™ve done it. takes about 20 minutes once a year to file the paperwork if no money comes in. if any does, keep track of it with quickbooks and it can be integrated, or put it in manually as it comes in. then just go represent us.