Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I feel ya. I only grow for house and I am bldg up excess bud to attempt a try at home made dabs. I too access dispensaries for concentrate. But hopefully one day… my comments were meant to be lighthearted

Good growing ya’ll


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This quote is what I was referring to yesterday.
Big thanks to @nube for the info.
Click the up arrow on the right in the quote to see the full post.


Thank you!
Lots of information there. Appreciate the assist! :pray::v:


the exercise part only works if you process insulin normally, or glucose maybe. it was in one of the three links i put in my comment. and it’s actually more nuanced than you can imagine. i read a study once that showed how greenspaces didn’t work for stress relief unless there were bird sounds in the nature. the way that the variables work together are almost incomprehensible. for example, i doubt that heavy lifting has anything to do with it since we are just now finding out that it’s the amount of reps that do the job in exercise and not the amount of weight. if you want to boil it down to one thing though, use the one i said, mental stimulation. if you can only choose one thing this is hands down the best one. another study i didn’t link to talked about how having a mind-numbing job leads to cognitive decline.

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Here in Michigan, my friend does his best to fight corporate cannabis…


Thanks for this!

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Researchers have identified hemp compounds that show the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells.

known as cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA — bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, blocking a critical step in the process the virus uses to infect people.

Now remember THC negates these effects.

You think they would have had a clinical study done by now.
I know, I know who is gonna fund a cure/preventative that you can grow in you back yard? :wink:

What a world…what a world… :confounded:


So I want to give this a shot.
I’ve got a 3 year old 4oz bag of ground chaga that was still vacuum sealed.
I added it to a 5th of 151 everclear.

I may order up some Lions Mane and try that as well.
In 1 month will extract the chaga and then boil it down for a day


Thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Never heard of this, looks like good shit.
1 red flag though, it is probably not good for folks with kidney stone issues.

Chaga mushrooms are high in oxalates, which can increase the risk of kidney stones . Those who have kidney disease, a prior history of kidney stones, or who are at risk of kidney stones should not take chaga.

Ingesting high doses of Chaga mushroom can cause acute oxalate nephropathy, which can lead to acute kidney damage.

I wonder will an extraction leave the oxalates behind?


That question is beyond my pay grade. :grin:

I would be curious to see how it’s oxalic acid levels compare with other high sources like Kale and Spinach.


Safer weed may require new rules – here’s why



Unfortunately, I accomplished just as much by sleeping in that day. Cops didn’t even bother arresting anyone, just dug them up and said they should contact the politicians. The politicians said the same thing they’ve been saying for years - they know we want it legal, but they don’t care because they’re being paid very well not to. Oh well. Life goes on. :frowning:


the only way anything will ever change is if more people do things like this. getting out of the house and protesting does work, but only when large groups of folks do it. same thing with making phone calls, writing letters, and voting. it all works just like they say it does but only when enough people do it. that’s how they (corporations, politicians) get us: they keep us divided (takes the heat off of them as we apply it to ourselves) and frustrated (making damned sure we know that none of it works anyway so why bother - some of us unwittingly help them by doing it for them, some not so unwittingly) so that we don’t bother to try.

and when one of us does try, gets successful, and starts actually making a difference, they just off them (see malcolm x and dr king for examples of this, there are lots more). that’s why they say history repeats itself, and it’s like watching a train wreck seeing it play itself out. at least i’m not part of the problem any longer, and fortunately that was only for about a decade.

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Don’t sell yourself short, dude. Your sanctimonious attitude and holier-than-thou attempts to blame us, the victims, definitely have the potential to cause plenty of problems.


Protesting I agree is great in theory. Looking at Florida from the outside as a former resident I find it funny how many seem to be happy about this new trash they’re proposing. They have something better than nothing attitude… I was pissed when they changed amendment 2 and took the caregiver part out because that’s what I voted for. Floridians it appears just looking at average comments online are ready to roll over and take it dry with a smile.

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i’m not blaming anyone. i don’t know what any of you do offline, nor do i care to. none of my business. some folks i can tell are part of the problem by the things they post but that is also none of my business.

perhaps that is sanctimonious, but holier-than-thou is just another, more insulting, way of saying sanctimonious, so i will leave that one alone. if it is, then it is. i’m not much on protesting any longer and the things i am doing working quietly behind the scenes are making a huge difference in the only place one can without a lot of money or power, one’s own backyard.

that was what i meant by not being part of the problem, but of course anyone who is part of society shares a part in the blame for the damage done by said society, so i guess i am part of the problem still.

i hear a lot of folks complaining but not much on things being done in real life. @shag has a friend who has a pac helping out i think, but not much other than that. i just thought i’d mention it. didn’t mean to offend anyone, it’s the old “see something, say something” era i guess. have a great weekend.


Sounds good. These are the standards I use:

30 days soak of 2L 80proof alcohol + 1lb of ground, dried mushroom powder (fruiting bodies only, no myceliated brown rice) (fits in a 1/2gal jar)

8-12hr hot water bath of 2L water + strained & pressed alcohol soaked mushroom powder. 160F is the sweet spot - no hotter than 180F! Do not boil or you’ll damage the water-soluble medicinal compounds.

:sun_with_face: :mushroom:


Probably not, from what I have learned from oxalate toxicity over the last 6 months, and them destroying my kidney function, the only thing you can do is avoid high oxalate foods :frowning: it seems everything that is touted as a super food and very good for us is usually very high in oxalates as well, negating any real benifits by shredding your kidneys fine filtering system and stopping you absorbing nutrients in the blood stream. You can use dairy products high in calcium with high oxalate foods as it will bind to some of the oxalate and flush it through your gut and down the toilet.

Probably similar, but I have not seen any data on chaga to compare it.


I did look into it briefly and I did discover that Kale is actually not very high in oxilates when compared to that darned Goosefoot family.
Never having any medical issues related to the kidneys, I am now on the lookout for oxilates in my food.