Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Experts reveal marijuana rescheduling predictions, worries, and woes


I’m actually all for this, as a Missourian. The whole delta line of cannibanoids available are mostly derived from subjecting CBD to some pretty wild chemicals to get different cannibanoids. I trust a few distributors who test their batches for heavy metals and toxins, and share those documents, but the vast majority is bullshit mixed with fake terps.

It’s all bullshit, but the delta pushers by in large aren’t the good guys.


Here is a pharmacist telling you the same thing I have been telling you.
No one knows for sure but the risk is real.

Anthony V. Minniti, RPh FACA

Owner/Pharmacist In Charge at Bell Pharmacy,Camden NJ


To all my colleagues in the cannabis industry who are elated about yesterday’s announcement about cannabis’ pending Class III rescheduling; I strongly advise you to read the posted link so you can see EXACTLY what a Schedule III classification means for you, your business, and the industry! Then tell me how happy you are when obtaining cannabis becomes as “easy” as obtaining drugs like Suboxone and Anabolic Steroids, also Schedule III drugs! THIS IS WHAT YOU’RE CELEBRATING! It is the total takeover of the Cannabis industry in one action! I’m posting just ONE page that discusses registration requirements for Schedule III drugs. It gets worse, much worse. Don’t take my word for it, use the link and understand that the recreational cannabis industry was just handed its death sentence! New Jersey Cannabis Trade Association (NJCTA) MJBiz New Jersey CannaBusiness Association

From the link above.

Do you feel Cannabis should be categorized as the same or similar to these other drugs?

Examples of schedule III narcotics include morphine combination products containing not more than 50 milligrams (mg) of morphine per 100 milliliters (ml) or per 100 grams, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts, and codeine combination products containing not more than 90 mg of codeine per dosage unit with an equal or greater quantity of an isoquinoline alkaloid of opium (e.g., Tylenol with codeine). 21 CFR 1308.14(e)(1)(vi) and (i), respectively. Also included are buprenorphine products used to treat opioid addiction.
Examples of schedule III non-narcotics include benzphetamine (Didrex), phendimetrazine, ketamine, and anabolic steroids such as oxandrolone (Oxandrin). 21 U.S.C. 812(c), schedule III and 21 CFR

every practitioner who dispenses,which includes by definition administering and prescribing, controlled substances in schedules II through V, must be registered with DEA.

Qualified practitioners will attest to the following:
1. Do you hold a board certification in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry?
2. Have you graduated in good standing from an accredited medical (allopathic or
osteopathic)/dental/nursing school within the United States in the past 5 years and successfully completed curriculum that included not less than 8 hours of training on managing patients with opioid or other SUDs, including use of medications to treat SUDs?
3. Have you completed at least 8 hours of training (inclusive or incremental) with respect to the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other SUD by a certified association?


From the link above.
It certainly injects a concern that now we have real big pharmaceutical interests involved in the cannabis market. And they’re the only ones who can lawfully operate. :thinking:

Ed Rosenthal, author and activist:

“I must be the only advocate frustrated and angry about the government’s plan to slip marijuana from no medical use to restrictions as harsh as for codeine. Thanks a lot, but you can shove it.


I only consume flower. I do not consume Vapes, oils, concentrates, edibles or any other substance from cannabis as I do not trust a for profit business to let worries about my health interfer with their money.


I only smoke flower as well, but “ethical” buissness do exist.

I only put quotes there because at some point everything becomes unethical depending on one’s predisposition.


Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Federally Legalize Cannabis

The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act aims to deschedule marijuana by removing it from the Controlled Substances Act.


Now this is some good news. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

While the legislation would grant states the power to keep or administer their own oversight programs, it would transfer federal jurisdiction over cannabis from the DEA to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) within the Treasury Department, implementing a regulatory regime similar to alcohol and tobacco.


Lets hope rescheduling was just the final crack to break the dam and real change will follow swiftly


Anyone that believes corporate interests want to share any market share is not looking at how they operate.
The regulations are only going to get worse under schedule 3.
Have to keep the children safe!


That’s why I fully support the Senate effort to deschedule it.


That would be great. :crossed_fingers: it happens.


All you can do is contact your Senators. One of mine might but I’m sure the other won’t as he is ancient and is leaving at the end of this term.


Josh Hawley Senator MO is 100% fake and a Banking/Corporate Class Shill that is 100% against anything Cannabis. Missouri has Beer dominating St Louis and generating a lot of funds to bribe with, I mean Lobby with. I have had conversations with Hawley and he has stated he is against Cannabis. Never gives a reason as to why he oppose other than the same old polemic.

Mike Schmitt Senator MO is another shill for the defense industry and boeing. He will not show up to vote for bills Americans need, he votes to always support violence and war as the answer(Doing the bidding of the Banking/Corporate run Defense Industry they gotta have their $$$ flowing along with human blood) He will not support freeing Cannabis. He only supports CBD which Missouri is going after.

Lobbbying, the buying and selling of political influence must end if you all want to be free to grow without restrictions.


Missouri was a bunch of farmland between two big mob cities for most of the 1900s.

When the mob got gutted, the politicians just took their place.

Lobbying doesn’t need to end, buissinesses having the right to lobby needs to end. I think it was Washington state that was talking about testing a system locally where $100 in tax money for every citizen would be split into two vouchers, and citizens could choose which politicians got said money, and that was their allowance for campaigning. I think with further consideration, this is a potential solution. Of course Missouri will never do it, because we have a huge population of home grown conservatives, and the people imigrating here are predominantly conservative. Not knocking the immigrants, just stating an observation.


Buying and Selling influence with money has to end. People petitioning their grievences needs to take its place. Words and People need to be Heard not Money.


It would be a good start anyhow. :wink:

Well said brother man!


I would imagine the bigger problem would be the House of Representatives.


Legalization Nation: the corporate cannabis campaign against home grow


Have a State Constitutional Amendment Legalizing and Protecting Home Grow in any State Legalization/Medical Bills authorizing legal sales at dispensaries. If the Corprates want to sell weed in Your State Make Them Recognizance and Guarantee Your Right to Grow Your Own. Do not settle for a token grow either, at a minimum copy Missouri’s Home Cultivation Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing 18 plants.