Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

From the link…
corporate cannabis continues to lobby against home grow.

The war on home growing is real! :astonished:

It is good to see others getting the message out.

This is a smart move, why is it not catching on?
A few states have adopted this but every single state needs this.

The new normal will be 2 plants if we don’t stand up for ourselves.

I love the cartoons/comics this guy does, so I will give him a plug here.


BRIAN BOX BROWN is an Eisner and Ignatz Award–winning cartoonist, illustrator, comic publisher, and Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis patient from Philadelphia. His books include the New York Times–bestselling Andre the Giant: Life and Legend, Tetris: The Games People Play, Is This Guy For Real?: The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman, Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America, and Child Star. His book, Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America, explores the reasons why cannabis became illegal in the first place, and is often considered a must-read for anyone interested in understanding cannabis history.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
This one says it all.


No one says it better…Legalize it!


When Missouri smokes California <<<

They really need to reinstall most of prop 215. Prop 64 straight ruined a lot of things on the medical side.


The difference is that prop 215 was written in the 1990s with real people having input in the legislative process, Prop 64 was written in 2016 by Corporate interest after they fully took over America for the profit of corprate interest at the exspense of people.

Today in America the more money you have the louder your voice in politics, Enough money and one person can drown out the political voice of millions.


sure and the ‘people’ who are doing this will just be bringing the interests of the corporations to congress rather than the corporations themselves. they’ll end up with new ‘lobbyists’ or whatever they start calling them.

this is the problem and why we’ll never have anything the people want. you can thank those conservatives who ramrodded citizen’s united through for that. made it legal to buy anything you want in congress.

settle? like any of us have any choice. for the reasons quoted above. we haven’t had freedom in this country for a while, and that was only for a select group. hell, we don’t even have real ownership of anything any more. if i stop paying property tax they can take my home.

the best we can ever hope for is for corporations to just forget about home growing. out of sight, out of mind. after a few years it can quietly be taken back in, little by little. until then it’s back to the drug war attitude and underground growing. unless we can come up with enough money to get a federal bill through congress or an executive order signed. just like the old saying, ‘money talks, bullshit walks’, and i’ve heard a lot of bullshit about legalization. not from you, you’re spot on with your observations, just in general.

i know if i had a place to send a few extra bucks that i’ll be saving by not buying dispo weed that would help ensure legalization i’d send it. the only way to win this game is to play it, not bitch about it. so we can either take to the streets en masse or spend enough money to buy some favor in congress. there isn’t really any other option - unless you can come up with one. i don’t see either one of those happening soon.

Modern Education and Media(Tv, Music, Movies) has been meticulously crafted by the Ruling Elite through their complete control over the creation and distribution of currency. Everything you see and hear is designed to break your human spirit, your humanity, and make you a willing slave who defends its master with its life.

For the dummies everything you see, hear and are taught makes you willingly suck your masters dick, pay him for the privilage of sucking his dick, thanking him for the opportunity to suck his dick, and attacking anyone who points out you are paying to suck someones dick.


interesting way to put it but yes, something like that. big part of the reason my girl goes to private school now and why i’m ok with my son getting expelled, not suspended but expelled, from not one but two county public school systems a few years ago. he even got sent to a boarding facility for a while where he walked away, got kicked out, and told that he would never amount to anything. he went back to camp dawson in uniform with his unit last month, saw the guy that told him that leading a new class of kids, and shook his hand thanking him for helping straighten him out.

i actually started giving free classes to teach kids how to think creatively back in 2015. even tried to put up free wifi for the kids in a community center but that got quickly nixed because it was a freebie for the poor kids. i was doing the work for free and giving them the equipment and they said no. then i had to stop the class due to covid. yeah, folks hate it when you try to help poor folks in wv. unless you’ve got a camera over your shoulder or help the right class of kids. jokes on them though, i found a work around, like i usually do. the catholic church has welcomed me with open arms and they love that i help lead the youth group. imagine that, the catholic church as the voice of reason.

keep up the good fight, we’ll wear the bastards down eventually.


Never stay silent when you see people being abused, taken advantage of or lied to. I am not capable of staying silent and any type of coercion makes me angry. I am wired different I do not feel fear or embarrassment and that gets me in a lot of trouble and bans from forums. I will say what I feel to anyone and nothing can intimidate me into silence.

Did you know at the start of this Nation Corporations had no rights, had a clearly defined purpose and termination date. The founders were far far smarter than most people today as they were victims of Corporations(East India Trading Company, Fur Trading Corporations that started Indian wars to get more fur.

Just ask yourself who starts all the wars, Janitors, Homeless, Steel Workers, Farmers, Factory Workers or is it the Elite for their own purposes and the Corporations?

Corporations were never meant to be an every living entity with rights. The way the Elites have corrupted America, the corporation takes the blame for poisoning people, polluting the land, water and air and not the people who own the corporation.


the elites are who founded this nation. they were the ones who kept true freedom off the table. had they not bowed down to the slave states when they wrote the constitution maybe we would have had a shot, but the great compromise kept up the racism that we embedded in the fabric of the nation and ensured that it would never go away. other than that part what you say is commendable. it was never about you and i, or any of the little people, but the ones in charge - at the time rich white male landowners. if you were part of that group you did pretty well. or if you were a crook and didn’t steal from the wrong class of folks.


The Founders had a corporate and royalist fifth column inside their ranks. Not all the Royalist and Monied interests went back to England.


Now for the Cannabis Current Events in My Basement. My potato camera only takes close ups decently.


From AARP Bulletin:
“What We Know bout Medical Marijuana”
Medical allowed in 38 states, rec use in 33 states. 16 million 50 plus Americans tried cannabis in 2022 up from 12.8 million in 2021. Edibles surpassed smoking 49 to 47 percent. Samoon Ahmad M.D. prof of psychiatry at NYU “They appear to be most effective in treating neuropathic (nerve) and other types of chronic pain more prevalent in older adults…patients often say it’s like the volume has been turned down so the pain is less perceptible.” However cannabis doesn’t help with short term pain such as a headache, sprained ankle or after surgery.

I know I’m using my home made cookies far more than smoking. But the big deal is AARP writing it up without demonizing cannabis. They end the article with what they call the cannabis mantra " Start low and go slow" AARP has a lot of political pull. I have no doubt when a younger generation finally breaks into national government, it’s going to be legal nationally .


Currently, the tax rate for most weed businesses is ~80% of gross revenue, per Forbes .

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I hate the corporate aspect of all of this. The prices are ridiculous and I think they prevent ppl who really need weed as a medicine from affording it.


I agree there is nothing good about corporate cannabis. :face_vomiting:
But folks became happy with just buying store-bought weed and now this is what we have.

They said legal weed would be safer.
They have been at this for more than 10 years and weed is no safer than when it was illegal. :thinking:


I admire you! You, and ppl like you, are making big changes in ppl’s lives. I’m sick of the poor being treated like 3rd class citizens who are deemed unworthy of investment by our society.

Capitalism, by its very nature, will result in an underclass. This is not a political statement. Rather, it is based in economic theory.

The test of any society is how it treats its poor, weak, youth, and elderly. Your behavior towards these folks is an example of a citizen helping us attempt to pass that test.

Note that I am not anti-capitalist and I believe that free enterprise is important as it drives changes and addresses needs in the market. I just feel that our society should value the poor and infirm as much as the wealthy. These ppl have dreams and hopes just like everyone else.


I strongly suspect that most of the commercial grows are using PGR’s on the flowers. Once medical was available in my state I started smoking a lot of it. Then I noticed my lungs hurting more than usual and having a feeling of unease after smoking. It’s especially bad when I smoke their extracts. I’m very sensitive to chemicals in my weed but most people don’t have a clue something is wrong.


I think I could trust most street dealers from the 70s and 80s than any of the dispensaries.


i can tell a difference but never knew what it was. there is some from a couple of different companies that i cannot tolerate. most of it annoys my throat a little though, but so did the last home grown that a friend had. not sure now.something to look for anyway.

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