Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Likely PGRs and a ton of other synthetic inputs as well as “remediation tek” to hide the yeast/mold from the tests. I have had similar experiences, IME over the years I have noticed that as the market became “legal” that the flower became more and more noxious. The black market flower of yesteryear did not carry the same toxicity. Reminds me of Masinoba Fukuoka’s quote,

“Food and medicine are not two different things: they are the front and back of one body. Chemically grown vegetables may be eaten for food, but they cannot be used as medicine.”

Quick take on Canadian market:


Most dealers were smokin’ what they sold.
And they sold mostly to their friends.

This was a major selling point for legalization.
They promised a much safer product.
That has not been the case has it?


I think I finally figured it out.
It is those terp enhancer products.
They completly take over the taste and smell.
This is what Jasmonate does to a plant.
So I suspect it may play a role.
It could be as simple as the plant absorbing stuff like Koolaid to change the color.
More info here…


Cannabis will filter out anything in the soil and absorb it into it cell tissues, including buds. Whatever you put in the soil or water will go into your body from the cannabis.


On the topic of legal cannabis and safety, I saw today that Vermont’s control board issued a recall for harvest lots from a particular cultivator because of possible contamination with myclobutanil (a fungicide, and the active ingredient in Eagle 20).

The thing is… the same cultivator had a recall because of myclobutanil contamination last year too.


Like I have stated multiple times, I will never trust anyone to put concerns for my health over concerns for their profit.


The future is hermies apparently


They could have just used the MAC if they wanted a plant that won’t get pollinated. lol

I wonder how many lots would fail if they tested for the active ingredient of hot shot pest strips.

The terps they add to vape carts and flower are probably the cause of reactions to weed/ products


Lmao if I didn’t live through it, I would think it’s a conspiracy.

Shifty “breeders” push out hermy hype strains for years and then big cannabis comes in with “non seedable” cannabis to solve the woes of the “average” home grower.


I’m not sure what to think about this Monsanto type development. First off you have to keep buying seeds every year and that can get expensive if you’re growing a lot. Right now it’s just Humboldt seeds and Breeder Steve from spice of life doing this. But when it becomes more mainstream I can only imagine how it could change the industry


Googling “buy banana seeds” tells me it probably won’t be a big deal. Most people won’t want to grow them, but regular diploid seeds will likely still be available long into the future. In the meantime I expect we’re going to hear a lot about how triploids are just better in every sense, particularly focusing on yield so far it seems. Dunno about that, MAC1 would disagree about triploids just inherently being better-yielding. Offering more genetic combinations to search through, ok, but they’re clearly not just better in every way. Just the marketing that comes with commercialization. :man_shrugging: You can tell a whole lot of lies without getting sued for false advertising, as long as they’re only lies of omission.


This is his reasoning. You don’t have to worry about people making entire lines with your stuff. They can still steal the clone.


Better get used to it, this is our future now.
I warned of this for more than 10 years and now we are here.
Folks said it would never happen and insisted it was fearmongering.
But now it is our reality, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Welcome to the new normal. :grimacing:

More info here…


“Triploid technology has revolutionized fruit production worldwide, notably in seedless watermelons and grapes—now it’s coming to cannabis,” said Ed Rosenthal, cannabis horticulture expert. “I had a chance to compare the triploid and diploid plants at the Humboldt Seed Company 2023 phenotype hunt. The triploids appeared more vigorous, had larger buds and higher trichome density, increasing the value for both the consumer and farmer.”

“This seed release has been a long time coming,” said Benjamin Lind, co-founder and chief science officer of Humboldt Seed Company. “It’s been over five years since we discovered a naturally occurring triploid during a phenotype hunt in Grass Valley, California. After extensive, large-scale field trials with leading, licensed California farms and our collaboration with Richard Philbrook, a molecular biologist at Dark Heart Labs, we are excited to release stable, high-THC triploid seeds.”

“…we have harnessed a rare phenomenon by creating tetraploid plants using a natural chemical derived from the bulb of the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale).”


The good thing about the black market is that the genetics are out there. The genie won’t be put back in the bottle.

Let the dispos and interested growers have their tripods.

I’ve got a freezer full of freedom I’m confident I could do anything with in a hundred lifetimes.


Did you put the seeds in your will?
I wonder how many generations would it take for most the black market seeds to disappear?
Will there be a large penalty for black market seeds?
I think Canada has that issue now.

My seed stock value is increasing faster than the value of the $$$ in my Bank Account. So yeah if they are made illegal in a revised Farm Bill the penalty will be heavy. In Missouri nonviolent offenders have been and will continue to be put in jail for Life on the third offense.


if this is the new normal, i’m fine with it. i still have as many seeds as i want and i can still do anything with them i want. not one thing has changed for me, and it’s still illegal to grow the good shit in wv.

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