Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

You want to make a point outlaw Caffeine because it is a dangerous drug that can and does kill people who misuse it. LOL @ Tom Mansfield RIP Mar 6, 2022


California testing requirements. I am a resident BTW.,than%20those%20allowed%20for%20food%20products%20in%20California.


Maybe maybe not…


No mention of chlormequat chloride that I saw.
This is very commonly used on cannabis.


The list was created in 2018 so I’m sure it has evolved from then.


Yeah, it’s impossible to test every plant. But I don’t think it would be all that hard to go into one of these mega indoor things and test out 3 or 4 plants from different reas. They can’t afford to grow some poisoned and some not. Anyway, just another reason to grow your own


I have not seen this on anly list.
Can anyone tell me if their state tests for this?

"The EPA’s human health risk assessment indicated “no dietary, residential, or aggregate (i.e., combined dietary and residential exposures) risks of concern.” No risks were identified by EPA to aquatic species of invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants in addition to terrestrial plants.

This is probably why it isn’t tested for.


But one must ask…What is in the smoke stream?
I already posted what is produced when burned.
Something pretty nasty.
I will look for more info.

Remember not much research has gone into what is in the smoke stream, so that needs to be considered before we can say for certain something is safe.


It’s the stuff they aren’t testing for that I’m scared about. I’ve seen lists of approved chemicals and let’s just say you wouldn’t want most of that stuff anywhere near your body

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Chlormequat chloride is a systemic chemical PGR with extremely long withholding periods so when you use it is important.
You should know how long withholding periods are.
I don’t have that info handy but if I run across it I will post it.

EPA failed to require a developmental neurotoxicity study for chlormequat chloride ,

There appears to be evidence for developmental and reproductive toxicity

Essentially says that 84 days after application, there is still a significant amount of CCC residue present. ~50mg/kg on day 0 and still ~15mg/kg on day 84.

The bottom line is this product is NOT broken down quickly by plants.
You can find important info, page 16 (3.1 Nature and magnitudes of residue in plants) from Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance chlormequat | EFSA

One other thing to consider is that pesticides are being directly inhaled into the lungs with a combustible crop which means they pass into the blood and organs very effectively when compared to edible produce.

For example, a 1 packet a day cigarette smoker has 3 - 5 times the blood cadmium levels of a non smoker etc.

The Werc Shop ran research on pesticides in the smoke stream and showed that a high percentage of pesticide residue goes directly into the lungs.

Chlormequat chloride is a reproductive and developmental toxicant, and exhibits neurotoxicity , which are not accounted for by the EPA.

hydrogen chloride vs hydrochloric acid

HCl is the chemical formula for both hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid. The major difference is the state they’re in. Hydrogen chloride is a gas, and hydrochloric acid is an aqueous solution . Aqueous simply means it’s dissolved in water.

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@Chara Oregon CBD seeds has had triploids for years now, and more recently high THC triploids. Selling to homegrowers at GTR seeds.


Thats really interesting to know. I guess the methods for producing triploids has been around for awhile. And did you check out the prices? $25 a seed seems ridiculous to me.
The only reason I would ever pay that much for seeds is if I could make more to cover the initial cost to get the genetics.


Hmmm… ?


I believe it. My wife gets them from time to time and the black widow cut we have helps her with it every time. I’d love to get it tested one day.


This is definitely a case to follow and will likely be determined by the Minnesota Supreme Court.


To me that is how all legaization should be.
You should need to have your product tested but everyone should be able to sell.
If your weed sucks you probably will not sell much and you will not get any return customers.
If your weed is killer and organically grown you should sell a lot cause good stuff like that is hard to find in todays market.
You will probably increase your sales as time goes by.
Instead of a race to the bottom it would be a race to the top.
Now those that want cheap weed could buy that, everyone has that.
But those of us who prefer the best will happily pay more for a better cleaner product.
That is the only kind of legalization I support.
The bullshit we have now is nothing but Walmart weed.
With Monsanto/Bayer entering the game it will be 100% about profit not putting out a good product.

I met a guy from Minnesota and he said the law was written in a way where you could do a roadside stand like with vegetables.
He said it was probably not a good thing to try but there is definetly a grey area.
He is currently here at OG, so it came from a good source.

Good luck Minnesota


@Calyxander Some states like CT actually have provisions in legislation to investigate home-grown sales but the deadlines set for this were eclipsed and it is OBVIOUS that it was just a vote-buying virtue signaling exercise. When the Governor’s family is making money off of no-bid contracts, in an MSO dominated state where ex-politicians married to current politicians are the types of applicants awarded “social equity” licenses in the latest round, it is VERY revealing how far the regulatory capture/rent-seeking behavior pervades the highest levels of society.